Marvel: I am The Gamer

54: Ruling

A whole day went by After Austin took over the planet of Sakaar.

After resting, he was able to replenish a large amount of his drained mental energy, even so, he still needed a lot more rest, but he could still use large amounts of his power.

Austin sat on a large throne and was approached by the grandmaster who walked in with a few soldiers.

"My lord, The fleets of spaceships have all been prepared, we can head to the enemy planet right now," The grandmaster said.

Yesterday night, Austin had the grandmaster give him a list of all their enemy planets around their system, since they already had skirmishes with each other, Austin felt like it would be ok if he took over these planets as well.

"Good, tell the fleet leaders to stay in touch with me, if anything happens I'll be there to help them" Austin replied expressionlessly as he looked at the grandmaster.

"I will let them know," The grandmaster said before walking out with the soldiers while holding his heat stick.


Meanwhile somewhere around the palace.

Hundreds of Interstellar spaceships were lined up as they began to lift off the ground and shoot toward a large star gate that Austin had created.



Dozens of Spaceships passed through the Stargate at once before almost all of them were gone.

Austin had sent out at least 30,000 soldiers onto the planet of Kulu, The planet was native to many alien races that lived in harmony under the rule of the kulu king, a tyrannical leader who usually clashed with the grandmaster's fleets.

Austin slowly followed behind the fleet of Spaceships as he leisurely flew around in space, due to his constitution as an Astral Sorcerer he could easily survive in space and move around freely.

it would be pretty stupid if he couldn't even do something like this. 

The hundreds of spaceships passed through the Stargate and appeared near the main planet of Kulu, this was the planet where the Kulu king lived.

The reason Austin had decided to use a spaceship to help his soldiers get here was that it would catch the Kulu king off guard before he could have enough time to prepare.

"Everyone, attack, the Lord said don't hold back and attack, even if they noticed our signals it's too late," A Sakaar soldier who was piloting a large spaceship said through a communication device.

After his words were heard, all the hundreds of spaceships shot down toward the Kulu planet and began to destroy everything in their way.

While this was going on.

Austin appeared in the palace of the Kulu planet, he watched silently as the chaos in the royal palace went down.

An alien soldier holding a spear ran into the hall before he fell on his knees, breathing heavily.

This caused all the lords in the room as well as the king to look at him in confusion.

"you, how dare you disturb our meeting, someone have him killed," King Kulu who was on the most luxurious throne said as he pointed at the soldier.

"Wait, your highness, we are being attacked by interstellar fleets" The alien soldier screamed as his eyes were overcome with fear and urgency.

"WHAT?" King Kulu said as he slammed his hand on the table, he was being attacked. and he wasn't even informed of any approaching fleets?

"you know the consequences of lying right?" King Kulu asked after seeing the faces of the lords who were sitting around the table.

"My Lord I wouldn't dare lie, the city is currently under attack," The soldier said hastily.

Seeing the soldier's face, King Kulu had no choice but to take action.

"My lords, it seems like we are being attacked, inform all the soldiers to prepare for an all-out battle," King Kulu said as he held a large spear-like weapon in his hands before slamming it down onto the ground, causing the whole room to shake. 

But before he could move, time seemed to stop and everyone in the room was frozen.

"why leave when I am standing right here?" Austin said as he walked towards the Kulu King slowly, he kept everyone else in the Void Dome and released the Kulu King.

"You, who are you?" The Kulu King said as he stammered back in fear, his eyes wandered the room as he noticed that all his generals and lords had been frozen.

Only he and this mysterious figure could move. 

Austin didn't say much, he didn't even bother giving King Kulu the position of a general and immediately killed him with a slap.

According to The grandmaster's information on this guy, he was an arrogant guy who would rather die than submit no matter what, so trying to talk business with him would lead nowhere even if he was tortured. 

Although Austin appreciated such willpower, he didn't have time to waste on torturing someone right now. 

Austin released the other people in the room.

immediately, sounds of Gasps and shock could be heard throughout the room.

The many lords looked at the bloodied body of King Kulu in shock before they all looked at Austin with dreaded eyes.

"As you can see your king is dead, I'm taking over now, anyone wants to resist?" Austin said while pointing to the group of lords at the table.

A few lords wanted to speak but held back their words after seeing how King Kulu had randomly died. 

"W-What did you do to the king?... y-you," one of the more loyal lords said as he pointed at Austin, and then at the dead body of King Kulu.

But before he could finish his words a sword appeared in the void before puncturing through his body and staining the ground of the luxurious room red.

"Who else wants to resist?" Austin yawned as he instilled fear into this group of lords.

Austin then had them all surrender before he randomly chose one of them as a general to lead the Kulu army. 


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