Marvel: I am The Gamer

56: Planning

Austin Grabbed Proxima Midnight before teleporting back to his Palace on Planet Sakaar.

He informed the alien fleets under The Grandmaster and the other generals to subdue the army of Chitauri and try not to kill them all, Austin wanted to incorporate some of them into his army as the Chitauri were very strong. 

He threw Midnight into a cage before looking at her condescendingly with a sneer.

"I'll give you one chance, if you work for me and help me take down Thanos, you can live, otherwise you will be tortured till you accept your fate," Austin said as he raised his arm and prepared to attack Proxima Midnight.

Midnight grunted as she looked at Austin in fear, she was so fearful of this strange being's powers that she couldn't even be angry.

Everything he did, from stopping time to teleporting throughout the fabric of space was enough to shatter her views on everything in this universe.

He did things that even Thanos himself couldn't do, at least not yet.

Seeing Austin's arm which was outstretched and prepared to attack Proxima midnight didn't even dare resist.

She immediately raised her bloodied arms in defeat, she had now betrayed Thanos, if she was found out and didn't have the support of this mysterious figure, she would be killed.

but at the same time, if she resisted right now, she would probably be tortured and traumatized to the point where her current situation felt a lot worse than death. 

"that easy?" Austin raised an eyebrow as he saw midnight surrender.

The system acknowledged Proxima Midnight's surrender and a holographic screen appeared in front of Austin.


Proxima Midnight has surrendered, she is now a member of your faction] The system said mechanically.

Austin noticed that a smile was slowly put on his face, Although he had now Alerted Thanos, Austin wasn't the least bit scared of Thanos with his newfound powers after he regained his energy.

With the help of Proxima Midnight, he would be able to have access to Thanos's secrets, hideouts, and many other things which midnight knew, this would allow Austin to come up with a plan to intercept Thanos at many locations where he would be trying to conquer and gain Infinity Stones.

"Alright, you are now under me, drink this and follow me," Austin said before he tossed a vial of Healing medicine to Proxima midnight and expressionlessly walked back to his throne. 

Now that he had the power of Hundreds of Thousands of alien soldiers, as well as many powerful generals under him, he could now start the next phase of his plan.

Austin informed The grandmaster to have all the Generals under his command return to planet Sakaar for a meeting, with the appearance of Proxima at midnight, things would change.

Proxima Midnight looked at the vial of medicine in confusion but she couldn't resist and still drank it.

She watched as the bloodied wounds on her arms slowly healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. 


A few hours later, Austin sat in a large room that was filled with 5 other figures.

The grandmaster, The Kulu General, 2 other kings of different planets which he had taken over, and Proxima Midnight.

"So, I informed you all the other day that we had a huge enemy we had to take care of, am I correct?" Austin asked as his eyes scanned across all of his generals.

They all nodded with serious expressions on their faces.

"Good, our new general, Proxima Midnight here was once a general under our great enemy, but you can all trust her as she is under me now," Austin said as he pointed at Proxima Midnight who sat there with her arms crossed.

The generals in the room exclaimed in realization, they had wondered who this new figure was but they didn't dare to say anything at first.

"So it's like that," The Grandmaster said before he nodded.

"My Lord, if this lady here was under your enemy, then won't we have a great asset on our hands," The Kulu General said as he put a hand on his chin in thought.

"Exactly, I ordered this meeting to formulate a plan, With Proxima Midnight here we can think of ways to Intercept Thanos while he searched for infinity stones, isn't that right, Midnight," Austin said with a serious expression as he looked at Proxima midnight.

"yes, I have a basic idea of where some of the stones which Thanos is looking for are," Midnight said as she began to speak after seeing Austin nod.

" for example, Planet Earth which is in the solar system is very important to Thanos, Although he hasn't made a move yet, he definitely will in a matter of time," Proxima midnight said while in deep thought, it seemed she already knew about Thanos's plans for earth. 

"I already know about earth, I'm talking about the other stones, or perhaps, do you know what Thanos could be planning on doing right now?" Austin rolled his eyes and asked again after he already knew that Thanos would come to earth, so he decided to rephrase his question.

"yes I do, Now that Thanos already has the space stone, he might be going for the Reality stone which is in the hands of the collector," Proxima midnight said after thinking for a short while.

"My brother?" The grandmaster exclaimed in shock after hearing this.

"Grandmaster, do you know this "collector" person?" one of the generals asked after seeing the grandmaster's reaction to Proxima Midnight's words.

"yes, in fact, we are very close, we aren't true brothers but we can be said to see each other as brothers, I even know where he is," The grandmaster said after some thought.

"is that so, then I guess we should go meet this brother of yours before Thanos destroys him and takes the reality stone," Austin said with a grin, he planned to rob all of the infinity stones from Thanos's grasp.


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Been dealing with family issues for the past two weeks now, but I'm finally in a good shape to continue writing, my other novel is paused for now, but this one is still being continued ofc 

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