Marvel: I can summon heroes from League of Legends

Chapter 35. An Uninvited Guest at the Manor’s Gates

"A whole day of training," thought Noah as he stood up, reabsorbing the Resolve Rune back into his body, then stretched.

Feeling the powerful magical energy coursing through his veins, he was pleased. The World Rune had indeed proven to be a valuable artifact: in just one night, he felt a noticeable increase in both his physical and magical capabilities.

Exiting the training room, Noah encountered Lissandra floating by. He greeted her, stroking his chin, and decided it was time to start creating her body, a plan they had already devised.

Noah and Lissandra entered the lab and headed to the control panel. He activated the holographic interface, where the nearly completed plan for creating a body for Lissandra was displayed.

He began making the final adjustments. Most of the plan was designed by Lissandra herself, as he had recently acquired Heimerdinger's knowledge and skills but hadn't yet fully mastered Earth's science. He merely assisted and offered his suggestions.

Noah planned to use a method similar to Ultron's from Avengers: Age of Ultron, using Lissandra's nanotechnology and vibranium to create a human-like body. Additionally, he integrated PROJECT and Hextech technology to ensure the body could better adapt to magic.

While making adjustments, Lissandra suddenly alerted him to an intrusion attempt at the estate. A red alert flashed on the screen before him.

"Who's come to visit us now?" Noah wondered and activated the surveillance cameras around the estate. Multiple live images appeared on the screen, showing the area surrounding the manor.

A black SUV had stopped by the fence. A man got out of the vehicle. Noah zoomed in and recognized the figure: bald, with one eye, dark-skinned—Nick Fury.

"What does he want here?" Noah pondered.

"Isn't this guy supposed to be sitting in his organization and hunting down traitors? What's he doing here?"

Noah tried to analyze Fury's intentions. Either Fury was seeking more information about the future, or it was related to the attack involving Ivan Vanko the previous night. Perhaps he had figured out that Noah was the one wearing the combat suit.

As Noah mused, Fury began to act. Instead of ringing the doorbell, as Noah expected, Fury looked around and started scaling the fence, moving carefully and skillfully.

"What's he doing? Why didn't he take the normal route? Does he want to relive his youth and play spy games?" Noah was puzzled. He remembered how, in Marvel movies, Fury often liked to unexpectedly show up in people's homes, scaring them and creating an air of mystery.

Watching Fury as he skillfully avoided the cameras, Noah couldn't help but smile. The cameras Fury dodged were old, decorative models. The real cameras were hidden, equipped with optical camouflage, making them undetectable.

As Fury neared the mansion, Noah decided not to activate the estate's defense systems. If Fury actually entered the house, there would be a big surprise waiting for him.

"Let's go, Lissandra, time to greet the director of S.H.I.E.L.D."

After several agile maneuvers and evading many cameras, Nick Fury finally reached the mansion. Instead of entering through the front door, he found a side window and deftly climbed through, ending up inside.

He liked to operate this way. Every time he sneaked into someone's house, it left a strong impression on the owners, which he used in subsequent negotiations to gain a psychological edge and control the conversation.

As he stepped inside, Fury cautiously looked around, ensuring Noah wasn't in the living room. He was about to sit down on the couch when he heard heavy footsteps.

Just as he turned to look, a giant mechanical claw appeared out of nowhere and grabbed him, trapping half of his body. Fury struggled to break free, but his arms and torso were firmly gripped, leaving him immobilized.

Nick tried to see what had grabbed him, but before he could turn his head, the claw yanked him back to where it had emerged. The force of the movement caused some discomfort.

When the claw finally stopped, Fury, slightly dazed, caught sight of what had grabbed him: a three-meter-tall white robot with a glowing blue orb in its chest. He was clutched in its hand, and the robot stared down at him with glowing blue eyes.

"What the hell is this thing!" Fury shouted, desperately trying to free himself. He hadn't expected such a monstrous creation in Noah's home and immediately began fighting against the robot's iron grip.

The robot holding Fury was the first Blitzcrank prototype, created by Noah and Lissandra, equipped with activated artificial intelligence. Blitzcrank observed the struggling Fury, scratching its head with its free hand, and emitted a series of unintelligible mechanical sounds. A message appeared on its chest: "The master is on his way, please wait."

"Your master? Is that Noah?" Fury realized he wouldn't be able to escape the robot's grip and stopped struggling. He read the message on the robot's chest carefully, deep in thought.

Blitzcrank didn't respond, but at that moment, Noah and Lissandra entered the room. Fury turned his head to see them.

"Blitzcrank, release our guest, Director Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D.," Noah instructed.

As Noah entered the room, he immediately noticed the massive robot standing in the corner. He knew this was Blitzcrank's combat form. In this mode, its body size increased thanks to nanotechnology. Normally, it wasn't this large.

"Understood, master," a strange mechanical voice replied. Blitzcrank placed Fury down gently. Fury's eyes were filled with surprise as the robot began shrinking from three meters to its usual two-meter height.

Nick adjusted his slightly crumpled clothing, then turned his attention to Noah. This was their first meeting in real life, and Fury's initial impression of Noah was that he looked like a bright and charismatic young man—tall, with an attractive appearance, far from your average high schooler.

"Director Fury, hello. This is our first time meeting, isn't it? Please, have a seat," Noah said with a smile, gesturing for Fury to sit in the lounge.

Fury, still silent, took a seat on the couch, while Noah sat across from him. The director of S.H.I.E.L.D. cast a fleeting glance at the floating Lissandra nearby, deep in thought.

"Director Fury, what would you like to drink?" Noah asked.

"Coffee will do," Fury responded, his tone serious.

Blitzcrank approached, carrying a tray with two cups of coffee. Just seconds after Fury had asked for it, the robot had already prepared and served the drink. This was thanks to the advanced service system Lissandra had integrated into him.


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