Marvel: I, the strongest artificial intelligence

Chapter 077

Stark, who walked into the portal, was looking at the furnishings in the office with curiosity on his face.

Chairs made of bamboo, and wooden tables.

There were also a few small tea cups on the table, and if it weren’t for the appearance of the black devil, he really thought that he had arrived in some office in the East.

Keane also walked in through the gradually retracted portal at this time, and the nanorobots on his body were repairing the damage to his body in time.

In just a split second, Keane and the Kree Empire advance reconnaissance robot fought, and the minor damage caused by it was repaired.

“Sir, a special fluctuation detected on the other party’s body should be nanotechnology.” In Stark’s armor, Jarvis’s voice sounded.

After hearing Jarvis’s voice, Stark looked at Keane’s armor with envy, he was now also working on nanotechnology.

But the difficulty of the research is too great, so I have to use the self-assembled armor to survive now.

“So what’s going on, I seem to be a fool here.” Stark asked self-deprecatingly.

“Mr. Black Devil, you can call my name, naturally you know how terrifying the accuser Ronan is, and now Ronan is on his way to Earth.”

“You can see it from that advance reconnaissance robot.”

Miles said with a worried face.

“Wait, what is that Ronan in your mouth, and the Kree Empire?”

Stark interjected.

“The Kree Empire is a huge interstellar empire, and the parent star is Hala in the Large Magellanic System, which is…”

Mewell began to give Stark Kopp, the Kree Empire, and the origin of the name Accuser.

“So you say that this huge alien empire wants to invade Earth?”

Stark’s eyes were about to pop out, and when he learned that the advance reconnaissance robot was really just a soldier of the Kree Empire, the uneasiness in his heart instantly climbed to a peak.

Keane, on the other hand, ignored the conversation between the two, sat straight in his chair, and began to query his neural network for the signals detected by the Heavenly Sword Deep Space satellite.

“Seventeen light-years away, have you found a rapidly approaching UFO?”

Keane looked at the data and couldn’t help but whisper: “This should be Ronan’s dark asterisk.” ”

Now he has initially formulated his own battle plan, capturing the thief and capturing the king first.

As long as Ronan’s Dark Star mothership dares to approach Earth, he will go up and personally meet this violent and ruthless accuser who claims to be the god of war of the Kree Empire.

See if you have the strength to compete with the top powerhouses in the universe now.

Keane’s fingers tapped on the table, and Miles, who was lecturing, immediately stopped his “lecture”.

“Mr. Black Devil, allow me to teach you this, I believe you know the power of Ronan the accuser, so do you have any plans to stop the coming disaster.”

Miles asked with a sincere look.

Keane snapped his fingers, and the holographic screen immediately appeared in front of Miles and Stark.

Handsome is very handsome, but Stark seems to have seen this finger-snapping motion from somewhere.

But immediately, he was attracted by what was on the holographic screen, attracting all his attention.

In the middle of the circle, the icon of a sharp arrow immediately attracted his attention.

“Full name Intellectual World Observation and Response Bureau,…… Heavenly Sword Bureau? ”

Stark couldn’t help but whisper the full name of the Heavenly Sword Bureau.

In his opinion, the name of the Heavenly Sword Bureau is much stronger than S.H.I.E.L.D., and he likes to take the initiative and does not like passive defense.

Then, the picture on the holographic screen flashed, and various anomalies that were happening in all corners of the world appeared.

“This is?”

Stark widened his eyes and looked at what was on the holographic screen.

“Yes, this is the motto of the Heavenly Sword Bureau, we monitor, we protect.”

Stark saw the Sharp Sword team in action, he saw the mutants clearing the hidden danger, and he also saw the Sky Sword team in action…

All this has destroyed his three views.

He did not expect that on Earth, in addition to S.H.I.E.L.D., an institution that can handle supernatural affairs, there is such a behemoth.

Like a hunter who has been lurking in the dark, it is terrifying.

In the dark, he monitors the world’s actions and corrects wrong behaviors when he sees fit.

“Who do you think you are, able to control the direction of the world behind the scenes?” Stark couldn’t help but question.

“If it weren’t for me, with you, and the so-called Avengers, would they be able to withstand Ronan’s attack?”

Keane’s words left Stark speechless.

Indeed, the so-called Avengers formed by S.H.I.E.L.D. is indeed not enough to see in the eyes of this black devil in front of him.

“Although what you said is very reasonable, I don’t agree with me, your idea is too dangerous.”

Stark shook his head, then spoke.

“I don’t need you to agree with me.” Keane shrugged his shoulders, then continued, “I’ll use my methods to let you know who is right and who is wrong. ”

After speaking, Stark and Mewell felt the space next to them distort, and before the two of them could react, they saw a black bald head sitting opposite them.

“So two, welcome to my office, coffee or tea?”

Nick Fury looked at Mewell and Stark and asked.

There was no expression on his face, except that the sharp one-eyed eye stayed on Mewell’s face for a few seconds.

“Let’s go, we have very important things to report here.”

Mewell said with a bitter look.

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