Marvel: I’m Spider-Man 2.0

Chapter 2: Past Life

Yo! Sweaty nerds! Daddy Pool's back! With a much more shocking chapter! But before getting shocked, I wanted to ask all of you, nerds...

Did you get hard reading a 1- 18 year old...

"Did you just cut me off, Coochie Cooch?"

"Professor Coochie!! And. Yes, I did. You can't just blurt out nonsense. She is of legal age."

"Oh, come on! Everybody and their mothers know what age she is! This is the MCU after all. And I am pointing out the other shit that you wrote."

"What shit? He has an adult's mind and body. So... why do you sound so vulgar?"

"Huh? Adult mind? Don't tell me the OG Parker didn't explain the birds and the bees to his clone? Oh shit, the horror! Don't tell me that he's gonna come out a little 'off' in future chapters."


"Ha-ha-ha-ha! Yeah, I intentionally spoilered the chapters. But come on! Readers and you, Professor Puss-face (She always corrects me)... can you guys not see how I took advantage of the words birds and bees? C'mon! Somebody laugh!! Laugh already!!"




*A cricket chirp is heard*

"Oh come on, you fucking nerds! You all laughed the most in a Deadpool movie where we are just standing and passing stupid one-liners."

"Wade! Can you please get back to the intro?"

"Uh... yeah. Sure, Daddypool's gonna get back to the introduction. Geez!!"

So.... where was I? Oh, yeah! So, I bet all of you got a hard-on reading--

"Wade? Please?"

... Fine!

Our Benny boy is going through some thoughts right now. Why don't we go back to him?



Parker Residence, Peter's room,

'How am I going to tell her?', Ben thought while he petted MJ's hair as she slept on his chest. Looking back at how it all began, he sighed heavily and closed his eyes while thinking, 'I have to find a way to tell her the truth without breaking her heart. I love her. I love MJ. I don't want to break things apart. Maybe... I would find something if I went all the way back. Back into my past life.'




Queens, New York,

In a shoddy apartment, a man was reading the latest issue of Ben Reilly: The Scarlet Spider comic while lying on his bed. Around it, hundreds of comic books were lying in heaps in his messy bedroom. The curtains were tattered with age and paint was peeling off the walls. 

It was clear from the filth present around the room, that the man was living alone. There were only 4 pieces of furniture in the entire house. It was the bed, two wardrobes, and a small table in the corner of the room.

"What the fuck? That's Benjy's story! You fuckers! Those writers did a terrible job with this! This is my favorite comic hero and his story is ruined!", The man screamed in anger as he threw the comic book on the floor.

Ignoring the dust kicking up from the floor, he muttered, "He was supposed to go on adventures. Experience the true beauty of being an amnesiac and free person!"

He scoffed while he said, "Instead, they tortured him with terrible power sets. Just made him a bloody martyr! Bleh!"

Sighing, he opened a bottle of Whiskey and began to drink.

"What has the franchise become? They ruined so many Marvel comic heroes! Cap was killed. Died saving everybody. Fuckin' loser! Spidey's dead too. Poor kid."

He glanced at his computer and he instantly remembered, 'Oh no! My readers must be eagerly waiting for my review of the latest issue. Hah! I will make sure to give them my own comments. To show my hatred and spite for these loser writers.'

Turning on the computer, he began to type on his keyboard. An hour later, he wiped the sweat off his forehead and leaned back on his chair.

"Phew! It's done! I'll bet my ass I'm gonna receive an email tomorrow saying that they will sue the site owner. Hahaha! How can I not? After the venom I just spewed in my review, they would surely do it. I will think of a witty retort if they really do sue me. I'm the Editor in Chief after all. So that should be easy."

Licking his dry lips, he turned off his computer and opened a can of energy drink.

* TISS *

"Aah! That's the spot! I've had 10 energy drinks since last night.", He muttered after he gulped down the drink. He glossed over the cans lying around his bed and thought, 'I was so excited that I bought them, hoping to read a phenomenal comeback issue, but...'

His right eye twitched slightly as he stared at the cans, lost in thought for a moment before he snapped himself out of it and began searching for some good comics to read from the ones in his room.

Suddenly, he felt light-headed and stumbled onto the ground, clutching his head. He took a few deep breaths and got back up while muttering, "Damn! Is this the consequence of having too much caffeine?"

"Aaah!", He groaned in pain and almost stumbled again but he caught on to the edge of his bed. Feeling that his nose was bleeding, he took his mobile from the table and opened the front camera, where he could see the blood flowing from his nose.

"What's happening?", He asked while panic flowed through his body. Remembering the advice his online doctor friend had given him, he immediately pinched his nose and raised his head toward the ceiling. 

After that, he tried to get up but he couldn't feel his legs.

"AH! DAMN IT! WHAT'S GOING ON?!", He screamed angrily and climbed on top of his bed.

''I'm... starting.. to... get dizzy again.. uuuurghh!", He mumbled in a nauseating voice and placed his hands on his head.

"Mom.. Dad.. I...I'm..ssorry... I should've... listened to you... I should've...", He began mumbling continuously as the dizziness increased, "I should've... I should've... I should've.. been a Marvel comics... writer... I should've been... That was my dream... My dream... was to make Ben Reilly... the most amazing superhero... that ever existed... I should've been.."

His heartbeat grew faster and faster. The headache became stronger and stronger.

"I-I can't- anymore-," The man in the world of red could no longer speak or do anything with ease. He could hardly take a breath. 'If.. there is a God... if... there is an afterlife... I wish to be the best writer... I wish to give Ben Reilly the justice... he deserves...'

He drew his last breath and thought, 'I wish to be Benjamin Reilly!'



[M.C. POV]


I drew a long breath as I opened my eyes.


My breaths were sharp and rough. It took a few seconds to get used to the dim-lit atmosphere. When I could focus clearly, I studied my surroundings.

I was.. in a tank? A fucking tank?! What the hell? And what is up with the weird green liquid? What am I doing here? What are these things connected to my body? Why do I have a breathing tube on my face? Did I die? Was I kidnapped? What is this place?

I began to slowly panic as the questions came to my mind one after another. Being completely scared of the situation, I began struggling and moving around.

I have to escape, I have to find out what the fuck is happening.


C'mon! C'mon!

As I struggled to move around, I noticed a person wearing a lab coat on the other side of the tank. I narrowed my eyes and I saw the guy scribbling something on his desk while having his back turned toward me. Suddenly, he turned around and looked at the ceiling. I couldn't make out his face clearly due to the darkness and also, because I still, couldn't understand why I felt like I had been hit by a thousand trucks.

I was trying to read the name on the badge, but I suddenly heard him saying something.

"The formula of perfect cloning lies in the DNA.", he paused for a moment and continued, "Then, Jackal will release new life into the world by eating up all of it of New York! Muahaha!"

Bald man. White coat. Snooty voice. The name tag. I didn't need Sherlock Holmes' hat to figure out who it was.


What's he doing here? Shouldn't he be 2D rather than 3D?

Geez! So many questions popped into my mind. This...this doesn't seem real. But the pain doesn't tell me any lies. It really is Miles Warren! 

I don't know what to think. I..

Finally, my eyes went back to normal and I could see things clearly. However, the first thing my eyes landed on was my reflection in the glass, and I saw the person who I least expected to be.

Peter Parker? No! He doesn't look like this. He's different. This is... This is... Benjamin Reilly?


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