Marvel: Infinity

Chapter 19: Steve Rogers

Over the next one or two months, Jack does his job. Initially, he is just standing there, waiting for the doctor to finish his experiment, then going home.

In fact, Jack could spot the Hydra agents and assassins sent to kill him from three blocks away and could handle them easily.

The main problem was boredom.

Dr. Erskine's research was too discreet, and Jack didn't have the skills to help him. So he was tagging along with him, who would spend all day in the lab.

Jack had called Colonel Phillips several times to request a transfer, but he was always hung up on before he could even speak. This had made Jack so angry that he had smashed several phones.

What else could he do but bear it?

However, something was different today. Dr. Erskine didn't seem to plan on staying in the lab all day but was instead preparing to go out.

"You should know, Doctor, that it's not safe outside right now." Jack said

Erskine put on his coat and replied "But I'm safe with you, aren't I?"

"Although that's true, you must tell me where you're going, right?" Jack replied

"I've been working all this time and want to go out and relax." Dr. Erskine said

"I've been working all this time, and I want to go out and have some fun," Dr. Erskine said with a glint in his eye. "I haven't had the chance to explore New York since I got here, and now that you're with me, I want to see Stark's Expo. He invited me a few days ago, and I really want to go."

Jack suddenly remembered something. If he remembered correctly, in the movie, Captain America and Erskine's first meeting was at the enlistment station of Stark's exposition. If it weren't for Erskine's help, Captain America wouldn't have been able to enlist.

"Before that, let's go watch a movie and relax."

"Watch a movie?"

"Just the two of us?"

Jack's face became weird at the thought of watching a movie with an old, cranky guy. It would be an unusual experience.


Inside a movie theater, Jack looks down while sitting next to Erskine, who looks excited. Most people around them are well-dressed couples or pairs, and there are many children.

If they were showing "Roman Holiday" or "The Lord of the Rings," it would be understandable. However, the movie they are about to watch is the legendary "Tom and Jerry."

Can you believe it?

When Jack discovered what they would watch, he wanted to turn around and leave. However, Erskine had already walked in, so he had no choice but to follow.

Finally, the movie began. But before the main feature, there was a recruiting advertisement encouraging people to join the army, fight the enemy, and save the world. Additionally, they also promoted bonds.

There were also some people in the theater who did not enjoy the film, such as a man who loudly complained about it, demanding that they play cartoons instead. This annoyed the other patriot, who looked at him with dissatisfied expressions.

Jack glanced around and made sure there were no dangerous people before relaxing a little. At least they were only dealing with one angry person.

Just as he was about to shut up the other person, a small man sitting behind him suddenly spoke up.

"Hey, can you please be quiet?"

Hearing this voice, Jack raised an eyebrow and suddenly realized that this scene was familiar as he looked at the person speaking.

Hmm, a skinny man wearing the smallest size suit that still seemed a bit loose, but despite being small, his eyes were spirited and courageous enough to challenge brawny men.

Upon seeing the other person, Jack immediately knew who he was.

Captain America

No, it was Steve Rogers, the Captain America without the serum.

This scene is likely from the beginning of the story when Steve failed to enlist in the army again and decided to watch a movie to take his mind off things. There he encounters a guy who is causing a disturbance in the cinema and is enraged by his behavior. He says a few words to him. which leads to this confrontation.

As expected, the burly man stood up and confronted Steve, but before he could do anything, Steve was grabbed by the collar and dragged out of the theater by the man. The scene ends with the two of them leaving the theater.

The next moment was quiet since no one was paying attention, so they continued watching the movie. As for whether Steve would get beaten to death, no one seemed to care.

"We're leaving!" Erskin said in exclaim.

Jack didn't care about Steve's fate, but Erskin was curious and left to follow the commotion beside him. He had no choice but to follow as a bodyguard.

They found themselves in a small alley next to the cinema. Suddenly, Steve was knocked down by a strong punch, and his mouth was bleeding. Despite his messy appearance, he struggled to stand up, panting heavily and looking at the strong man before him with a determined gaze.

"You're not willing to give up, are you?" the strong man said, a little annoyed.

"I can do this all day!" Steve said, and instead of backing off, he attacked the muscular man.

However, his attacks were clearly futile.

The muscular man easily blocked Steve's punch and punched back. Steve was smashed into a trash pile covered in garbage.

Steve's willpower was indeed strong, and he stubbornly stood up from the garbage pile and grabbed a nearby trash can lid without even looking, throwing it toward the burly's face, causing him to bleed.

Suddenly, someone kicked the burly man in the face, knocking him into the pile of trash.

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