Marvel King of Glory

Chapter 493

Chapter 493 The army retreats

Thinking of this, Yi Han also waited more patiently. Tianyan would not be as incompetent as he thought, so don’t worry that he won’t even have a chance to appear on the stage.

These small military speedboats have always been ignored by the US military, but at this time they played a peculiar role.

Facing the threat of Atlantis, the powerful U.S. Navy did not dare to leave the offshore waters and enter the ocean. And they are so big that it is impossible to hide from each other’s eyes. These small boats can achieve the effect of a surprise attack better than that.

However, just because it is a boat, its defense is also the weakest. Seeing that his “Iron Wall” sea monsters were hit hard, Aum immediately responded. The ocean magic formed huge amounts of rush current. These small boats could hardly resist being overturned directly, and the invading army did not stop. pace.

Even if human beings can hide some speedboats with little cleverness, it is absolutely impossible to hide a large fleet! Before the heroes of the Justice League appeared, the weapons of any enemy could not compete with the power of magic, and they could all be destroyed by a tsunami!

However, the Sky Eye Club and the U.S. military didn’t mean to back down, and they launched the subsequent attacks without hesitation. A large number of fighters joined the battle group, and at the same time ground-based weapons in the distance were also shooting here.

The strongest army of human civilization has started a head-on collision with the submarine civilization. It has to be said that in terms of lethality, human progress is not small, relying on various armored machinery to block the army of Atlantis and establish a line of defense.

The Sky Eye and the senior White House officials sitting in the back immediately cheered Roar, including the people watching the live broadcast of the battle. No one knows the hope of counterattacking Atlantis, but at least they can guarantee that they will not be successfully invaded by them.

However, Aum soon proved to the world that the so-called line of defense is simply paper, and it melts when it meets water!

The black manta rays and other elite fighters of Atlantis appeared. Facing their speed, the precision strike weapon almost lost its effect, and the long-range coverage strike was also blocked by magical power.

Using Aum’s magic, the black manta ray led them directly to the fighter plane keeping a distance from them.

“Think your so-called over-the-horizon also applies to us? You have been under observation all the time! Fool!” The two fast blades intertwined in the air with countless patterns of slashing afterimages, and one fighter after another was directly attacked. Blast.

Although their speed has an advantage over ordinary marine fighters, they have no chance to escape in the face of elite fighters.

“The seventh squadron suffered serious losses! Please save and exit the battlefield!”

“Why let our bombers face the enemy directly and cover the fleet! Don’t let them come close!”

“Don’t panic, don’t panic, we are rushing to support, continue…ah!”

The entire communication channel became a mess in an instant. Although the military speedboats below were impacted by the current, they were not so flustered, because even if they fell off the speedboat or capsized the ship, they could climb along the taller buildings partially submerged by the sea to a place of temporary safety.

But the fighter plane in the air is even more vulnerable. The ones who are directly destroyed are luckier, and they don’t experience the process of fear at all, and the targets that are being besieged and pursued are the worst.

Marine elite fighters are not easy to get rid of, especially the murderous red-eyed monster, as long as he gets close, no one can escape the double-sword attack.

The black manta rays and the sea lord’s ambitions for the human world are long gone. They are actually very clear about the way people fight in the army, but these professional soldiers do not understand the power of magic and the sea.

“On the whole line! The soldiers of the Sky Eye will be in front!”

However, even if they were not ready to retreat, facing the elite fighters under Aum, they began to fall behind.

Yi Han shook his head. He thought that Skyeye and the U.S. military could give him some surprises, but in the end he was disappointed. It was not because they could not defeat the army of Atlantis, but the elite force that Skyeye would show. insufficient.

Logically speaking, this shouldn’t happen, and the Sky Eye and the US military have only this foundation? Where did their previous research go?

If they can’t create more difficulties for Atlantis’s army, they are now squeezing the opponent’s army more densely because of the delay, and then the price of Yi Han and other actions will be even greater.

At this time, a violent explosion occurred among the Atlantis warriors surging forward suddenly, and the powerful and powerful almost set off a reverse ocean wave to recoil a large number of marine warriors back. Even the “fish wall” that has hitherto been unstoppable.

“What’s going on? Why is there such a violent explosion among our soldiers!” Even Aum didn’t realize what was happening in time.

Later, in other directions, there was a sudden strong explosion. It seemed that someone deliberately arranged the detonation and the sequence also caused a very big threat to Atlantis’ advancement, severely disrupting their formation and advancing speed. .

Yi Han suddenly became interested, and it seems that there are experts behind Tianyanhui and the US military. But why didn’t he act with Steve and the military? What is their background?

Aum obviously wanted to know the answer too. At the same time, he didn’t dare to let his army all be out of touch, so he had to let the black manta ray lead the people back a little bit to maintain the integrity of the formation. But Yi Han shook his head. Since the layout people can grasp such a good opportunity, they will definitely calculate their current defense methods.

“Ah Roar!” An ear-shaking Roar yelled in the air. Everyone looked up, and a large figure fell from the sky and slammed directly into the densest area of ​​marine warriors.

No one knows where he jumped into the sky, and there is no way to guard against it in advance. It is meaningless to pursue this now. It can only be scattered at the fastest speed, otherwise the impact of it falling from the sky will not be. Ordinary fighters can resist 0.5.

It is a pity that everyone is squeezed together because of the dense contraction. Even if it is not a flat surface in the ocean, it is possible to dive below the sea surface urgently, but it is impossible to disperse in a short time.

Panic and chaos made them even less powerful to resist. In this case, the “big guy” fell straight down.


Facts have proved that even those who dived under the sea did not escape the disaster. The big guys should have strong physical fitness and strength. When they fall, they not only have huge amounts of impact, but also their own strength. Intensified his destruction. The whole body smashed directly below the sea surface, and even damaged a part of the building that was submerged by the sea water and flew out of the sea.


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