Marvel King of Glory

Chapter 496

Chapter 496 sacrifice

Arthur also didn’t know what Aum was going to do, but his sense of the ocean gave him a general understanding of the huge magic that Aum could use now. It was countless times greater than the power that caused the huge tsunami before, and it even surpassed that of human beings. Nuclear power in ordinary cognition!

“Finally can’t help it? Such a huge fleet and fleet… But, I will tell you that God’s majesty is inviolable!” Aum finally started to fight back. Although the power of the ocean tide is great, its instantaneous destructive power is inferior to the power of fire, lightning, etc. But at this moment, under his magic use, there is no such weakness. The rotation of the water column and the impact of the force can instantly possess The giant battleship with powerful armor also shredded.

Those huge fleets regarded by the US military as a killer are not as good as the warplanes in the sky. In the face of Aum’s magical power, none of them have any ability to resist, but at least the fighters are faster and more flexible, and have the opportunity to avoid the impact of water waves.

These large warships are very cumbersome in the ocean, and can only exist as live targets, at best, as a live target for dumping all firepower.

713   The successive battleships were directly torn apart, and the battleships affected by the Aum attack center only need to break a large opening, and the sea water will rush into it violently, completely exceeding the speed of their drainage, even if the Aum and the loyal His Atlantis fighters made up for the attack, and the sinking was also a matter of time.

The “big guy” who just raided him and got a good record and the cold maker face the strengthening of Aum and his wand are not strong enough.

Even Yi Han is very surprised. Aum used to mobilize the violent flow of seawater to prevent freezing when he obviously consumes a lot of mana. Why does his magic power increase after using this wand?

This magic wand is definitely not a pure storage of magic, otherwise it would have been used a long time ago. Moreover, even if it is really just calling the stored magic power, the amount stored by this magic wand is too amazing, for this it can be called an artifact.

Seeing that there was no room for their own play, they also retreated extremely shrewdly, letting the military’s fleet take the lead, testing out Aum’s follow-up methods. If they can handle it, they will continue to rush (cabe) to take the lead in the limelight. If they can’t handle it, there will be no loss themselves, and no one will blame them for the responsibility of being unable to stop the enemy.

Yi Han tightened the energy double guns in his hands. The loss of the US military’s battleships and fighters had nothing to do with him. He never needed to be responsible for other people’s troops, but he saw that Aum was losing the support of Atlantis. After such a wonderful performance, his threat rose in Yi Han’s heart.

After breaking the formation of the entire US fleet, although some warships are still fighting back sporadically, it is no longer a threat to Aum.

——As for the threat to ordinary Atlantis fighters, since their hearts have been shaken now, they deserve to be attacked!

Aum’s heart is completely black now. Before he wanted to mix his ambition with the so-called glory of Atlantis, but now, anyone who doesn’t support him, whether it’s humans or the seabed clan, should die. !

Because of this, his magical attacks did not evade anything at all, and even the Atlanteans would cause the greatest damage to the human army.

It’s a pity that the superhero of the Justice League are much more “cunning”. After seeing their changes, they ran to the back and avoided their first wave of attacks.

But it doesn’t matter, with the current magic, who else is his opponent in the world! It’s just their turn sooner or later!

Aum’s heart is full of pride. At this moment, his most dependent wand integrates with himself like never before. He feels the true power of God, and any enemy standing in front of him will be destroyed!

“Will continue the storm? Are the people of the Sky Eyes crazy?”

Their large fleet is facing the risk of annihilation, and instead of waking them up, they are forced to fight even harder.

What Yi Han doesn’t know is that there is nothing more valuable than that fleet. That is the wealth of the US military. If it is completely destroyed, it will definitely exceed the bottom line that they and the White House can withstand.

But their attacks would only cost themselves a greater price. A large number of fighters that had had the opportunity to escape in time rushed to the place with the densest water waves and were directly destroyed.

“Steve is really crazy. He has dealt with people with super powers before, and he has seen Om’s current power with his own eyes, why send them to death!”

Although Batman doesn’t have a lot of favor with Skyeye, these American soldiers who are driving fighters are very brave, and their sacrifices in vain are regrettable.

Now the battlefield is really in chaos, Aum has ignored the distinction between humans and Atlantis, and the US military desperately wants to rescue their large fleet.

“Even if he is crazy, I’m afraid this matter can still be distinguished, maybe there are some reasons we don’t know, besides, there will be us in the end!”

Yi Han didn’t bother to care about the Tianyanhui. He had already acquiesced that the US military could not defeat Aum, and in the end he had to rely on the Justice League to save the world. The work they are waiting for is never easy.

Unexpectedly, the strange Ability who had just been resolved by Aum came out again.

Because Aum now has to face the pressure of multiple small battlefields and his men no longer help, they want to concentrate on defeating him in one go.

That also represents the victory of the human world, and the limelight will not be snatched by the Justice League. Seeing their reaction, Yi Han had a strange feeling. It seemed that the plan of fighting just now was not made by Steve, but the commander of these abnormal abilities.

On the surface, their attack was intended to give their bulky fleet a chance to survive, but is that really the case? Will they all be victims, just want to give these people a chance?

Yi Han’s eyes became colder. He doesn’t know if other people see this, but the opportunity that he has really won is the posture of the strong, using ordinary soldiers as cannon fodder, not caring about their life and death only to provide an “opportunity” for himself.

——They should notice that Aum’s current state is much stronger than before! None of their raids were completely successful just now, but they controlled Atlantis’ offense. Now why can they defeat Aum.

Sure enough, the “big guy” who had just performed amazingly just rushed up and met the black manta ray who saw Yi Han turn around and return! .

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