Marvel King of Glory

Chapter 58

Chapter 58 Transformation after upgrade!

But fortunately, because Yi Han not only has a hundred times more physical fitness than ordinary people, but also has the bonus brought by Bodhidharma’s Mantra. Heart Sutra, so he didn’t suffer much damage.

The bullet from the sniper rifle hit Yi Han just to break through the epidermis and was trapped in the strong muscles. If it weren’t for the power of the sniper rifle to be much greater than that of ordinary bullets, it is estimated that a wound would be left on Yi Han’s body. Can’t do it.

However, although it did not pose a fatal threat to myself, the pain that came from it was real!

At this moment, Yi Han also knows that if he still doesn’t change his body, he would really have to explain it here. After all, his body can’t bear the gunfire, definitely if the mantra. Heart Sutra is cultivated to the second level, maybe.

However, the most urgent task is to solve these troops first. Yi Han looked at General Ross on the tank with a cold expression. The most important thing is that Yi Han is also very interested in his transformation. You must know that he has been upgraded. Kind of blood, if you transform, it should be even more terrifying!

Thinking this way, Yi Han directly let out a terrifying roar! After the transformation, Yi Han realized that his transformation had undergone terrible changes!

At the moment his body is close to fifteen meters! What is the concept of fifteen meters? The Hulk is only six or seven meters! At the moment it is equivalent to three times the size of the Hulk.

Although the volume can’t determine much, but the volume will affect the strength! With a light effort, Yi Han found that his arm was full of infinite power, as if he could break the earth into pieces as long as he wanted to.

Moreover, the strength of his body has reached a very terrifying situation at the moment. At this moment, he even has the confidence to survive under the nuclear bomb!

The great power brought Yi Han’s confidence as a fan, and because of this fan’s self-confidence, there was a terrible desire for destruction! Desire to destroy everything you see!

Yi Han still abruptly suppressed the impulse in his heart! This should be the side effect brought by the blood of the demon seed after the upgrade, that is, at this moment, it is more and more difficult for him to control his desire for destruction and anger in his heart!

But one thing is fortunate that I still retain my sanity.

And General Rose looked at the 15-meter-high behemoth, and felt a horror in his heart. After all, just a few weeks ago, the opponent was just a six-meter-high monster, but he did not expect to see it in a few weeks before it was 15 meters. This terrifying height.

But it is precisely because of this that the greed in his heart is even greater! At this moment, there is only one thought in his heart, get him! Study it! Then become the overlord of the world. !

Looking at the monster in front of him, he seemed to see his own research results in the future, and the world dominance!

General Ross, who was dreaming of his bright future, ordered with a red neck to the correspondent next to him: “Call someone to implement the plan immediately! I want his genes! It doesn’t matter whether it is alive or dead!”

After receiving the order, the correspondent next to him immediately sent people to besiege Yi Han. After the order was given, more than a dozen tanks and expected ultrasonic tanks immediately surrounded Yi Han, and the helicopters and fighter jets in the sky were also circling.

Yi Han suddenly felt so speechless when he watched such a big battle. You must know that such a big scene can be used to fight a war, and it is also a war between a big country and a big country!

However, Yi Han is not so worried, because after the upgrade of the Demon Bloodline, the intercontinental missile can’t help him! At most, you can be slightly injured, and the most powerful weapon on the planet, nuclear weapons, can’t kill yourself! Because he is immune to nuclear radiation, taking a nuclear bomb can only make him seriously injured at best!

The most important point is that if the United States uses nuclear weapons, he can also run! He has a portal anyway, so he can go wherever he wants…

Yi Han looked at the hideous face of the tank that immediately surrounded him with a trace of humane jokes, then raised his huge arm and raised his big palm and raised a middle finger! The American soldiers still know about such an international gesture.

So even if their general did not give an order, they attacked.

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

One cannonball fell on Yi Han, but hit Yi Han on him like a table tennis ball. It’s really useless except for sourness!

And General Ross on the battlefield observed through the telescope saw this situation, and couldn’t help but smoke!

“The Hulk will be slightly injured under the gunfire of the tank, but this guy actually has a sour expression on his face…” General Ross felt that his script should be opened incorrectly, but since the ordinary shells It was no use General Ross also decisively issued a new order.

“Put on anti-tank missiles! And let the soldiers put on armor-piercing bombs too! I don’t believe that he can’t be killed!” General Ross ordered again fiercely.

And Yi Han, who suffered a wave of artillery fire, also found that they actually stopped again, “Since you don’t do it, let me do it!” With this idea, Yi Han jumped directly over several tens of meters. The distance jumped to a tank!

………………………………(Because of your brothers! Tianji is also very fortunate to be on the new book recommendation list, so Yi Han decided to go to the shelves three times a day in order to express his gratitude. By the way, if I say it will be on the shelf the day after tomorrow, will you send me the blade?)

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