Marvel King of Glory

Chapter 60

Chapter 60 Yi Han can only be offered by the uncle!

General Yi Han Ross, who was struggling under the ultrasound machine, also smiled triumphantly. It seemed that his billions of investment was not wasted.

Although he doesn’t know much about Yi Han’s Ability, he still knows the ability after Yi Han’s transformation is very thorough. Through the research of scientists, they speculate that Yi Han’s transformation cannot last too long, so the ultrasonic chariot The purpose is to hold Yi Han to fight a protracted battle with Yi Han.

I finally breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that my plan worked. After all, he was still very afraid that his billions of military expenditures would be lost, but fortunately his plan was successful.

At the same time, at the trigeminal building of the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D, Fury has received news that General Ross has troubled Yi Han, so they have been observing the situation on the battlefield through surveillance satellites.

It also did not stop General Ross from targeting Yi Han, because for Fury, Yi Han is a virus on the earth, and I am very happy to see if someone finds Yi Han in trouble.

Looking at the screen on the dark face of Fury, who has basically delayed Yi Han’s army, a smile appeared.

The reason why he didn’t trouble Yi Han was because he had too many scruples, otherwise he would not let Yi Han stay in the United States, but it would be better if someone solves the trouble for him at the moment.

“You said, can General Rose’s plan succeed?” Fury looked at the screen and asked the person next to him.

On the other hand, Natasha Romanoff looked at Yi Han on the screen worriedly, and did not answer Fury’s question. Hill also said that he didn’t understand much, but Phil Coulson frowned and replied after thinking for a while.

“General Ross should be able to do it if he holds the opponent. After all, the situation is already clear at a glance, but I don’t know if there is something wrong with the boss?”

Fury looked at the screen seriously and asked casually: “What’s the matter, can you tell me?”

Phil Coulson looked at Yi Han on the screen and expressed his concerns. “Professor x once said that the other person’s transformation can only last for a while, if for some reason it doesn’t change back into a human again within a certain period of time. if……”

“Going to die! Right?” Fury asked indifferently. Yi Han’s threat to the earth is too great. Fury, who can’t tolerate any sand in his eyes, obviously hopes that Yi Han will die today.

To Fury Phil Coulson who interrupted his speech suddenly, he did not show any displeased expression or said a very cheating thing “No! Professor x said that if he does not change back into a person within a certain period of time, then he will always It will become what it is now, and it will become stronger and stronger without end! The most important thing is that at that time he will lose his mind and become a real beast!”

Fury: “…”

Fury was obviously choked by Phil Coulson’s words. He was very anxious and asked and apologized: “Are you sure Professor X said that?”

Phil Coulson nodded affirmatively, “Professor X did say so, otherwise the Destroyer at the time would not have Thor’s turn to solve it.”

After Fury determined that the cheating news was true, he immediately anxiously said to Hill next to him: “Hurry up and connect with the old man General Rose! Let him immediately stop this stupid plan.” I don’t know who said this just now. The plan is pretty good…

Fury was really frightened at this moment. The good mood has disappeared. He can’t imagine what kind of disaster a monster that has tens of thousands of tons of unreasonable power and is immortal will bring to the earth!

For Yi Han, he already feels not only a headache but also a heartache. He can only say that he has never seen such a cheating person!

Now he thinks that Yi Han can only be used as an uncle for offering! The trouble to find him is purely to find death! “Damn! There is such a silly setting?” Fury thought helplessly.

Can’t beat and beat, and if you drag it, you can’t afford it! And can’t annoy each other, how to play this? This is what Fury has to sum up to Yi Han at this moment!

And Hill also connected to General Rose’s communicator. After seeing the communicator connected by him, Fury snatched the microphone anxiously and roared: “Now stop your stupid plan immediately! Otherwise, you will be the entire planet. Sinner!”

General Ross, who was secretly smug, was also wiped out by Fury’s sudden anger. He replied with a cold face: “You and I are not in the same department and are not qualified to order me, and my The plan is about to succeed, even if the president comes, I won’t give up!” After speaking, he directly cut off the communicator.

Fury, who was planning to talk about the serious consequences of this incident, heard the busy tone in the communicator and threw the phone in his hand on the table angrily.

Try to calm down the anger in the heart and then calmly give the command: “Hill, now go to the Fantastic Four to help them stop General Ross as soon as possible, and Phil Coulson, you have to inform Iron Man, Natasha Romanoff, you go to the scene and wait for support. !”

After the order was given, the three of them quickly began to act.

Fury looked at the situation on the scene, constantly praying that Yi Han would give him some strength and his willpower would be stronger! Otherwise, there will be some play…

……………… “Three shifts are here! Guile for support!” For flowers! Seeking collection! Seeking recommendation!

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