Marvel: So I’m a Supreme Being, So What? [Under Edit]

18. Library

Third Person PoV:

The sound of pages flipping was audible in the grand library of Nazarick located on the 10th floor, known as Ashurbanipal. This was obviously due to Albedo, Demiurge and Pandora's Actor reading the books known as 'comics' by the supreme beings.

The undead skeleton mage, Titus, who was the chief librarian could be seen carrying more such comics towards the other NPC's. After placing them, he went back to dedicate his time for research. Nonetheless, he had talked extensively with the three NPC's who had arrived in the library on the supreme one's order a few days prior. He also knew about the situation and periodically brought them a set of comics when he felt they had finished their previous stash.

Most of the books or scrolls in the library were related to summoning while some had the purpose of hiding artifacts and items. A few of them were from the personal collections of the supreme beings. The comics were one such collection which would normally not be accessible to others if not for receiving permission from the supreme beings themselves.

Titus had extensive knowledge of pretty much everything in the library and thus also provided them with books about Earth, its knowledge etc, that would be required for understanding these comics. All except the forbidden section of the library that dealt with books regarding the origins of the supreme beings.

When he heard that the 3 guardians had received full access to the library, he was completely wrought with envy. To be able to gain access to this taboo knowledge was the ultimate prize bestowed by the supreme one in his mind. Knowledge about their enigmatic creators was scarce after all.

Demiurge and Pandora were surprised that such information could be accessed by them but ultimately, the task at hand overrode all their personal desires to acquire this information. Albedo was desiring an understanding of lady White so that she could determine how to approach winning her heart but otherwise did not crave the knowledge of the other supreme beings. 'What does knowledge of those traitors have anything to do with me?' She thought. Not that she could voice her dissatisfaction with the supreme beings aloud in a tomb full of NPC's who worship them.

Regardless, she was delighted when she heard the news from Aura about the passing of the supreme beings. Since it was lady White herself who said this, then it must be true. This fact cut short the efforts required for her plans by a huge margin. She would not have to find and kill the supreme beings now after all. She also won't have to risk being branded a traitor by lady White.

While Demiurge and Pandora's Actor took the news very negatively, the shock caused by Aura's next words caused them even greater pain. Albedo was also not spared from this pain. Aura went on to describe the events in the mausoleum and how lady White was also making plans for her departure.

This was absolutely not allowed! The other supreme beings had already left, they could not afford lady White leaving as well. To serve the supreme beings was their only reason for existence. They had to accelerate their plans to find a cure for her and ensure that she stays and rules them forever, no matter what. Both these piece of news had already sent deep shocks throughout Nazarick. Every NPC, be they an ordinary maid or the floor guardians themselves, were determined to ensure that Nazarick would not become a veritable tomb due to the departure of all the supreme beings.

What caused them greater jealousy was Aura's experience of being hugged by the supreme being for five whole minutes. This was especially true for Albedo. Due to this, they buried themselves in work and digested all the information with even greater zeal than before.

They had already read what the library had to offer on Earth. Demiurge was planning on gaining permission to incorporate this field called 'science' to strengthen Nazarick as well. They had also gained an in-depth understanding of the 'multiverse' talked about by lady White. Moving on they had read a few of this books called 'comics' that used pictorial representation for storytelling.

They now also had an understanding of why lady White said that the underlying principle of everything is chaos in this multiverse. It seemed that the common rule and understanding that strength dictates everything was ignored in a quite a few instances. The plethora of god like beings who were defeated by those much weaker than them was incomprehensible. This planet 'Earth' also seemed to be the centre of everything happening in the multiverse and the 'heroes' and 'villains' were always at centre stage in one form or another.

There were also some heroes who acted in a grey area known as anti-heroes. One example was a psychopath known as Deadpool. In one comic, he supposedly killed every strong being in his universe before going on to kill the universe's creator as well. This was incomprehensible to them. A creation killing its own creator? Such a creation had no reason to exit according to the NPC's.

'Such a world was too dangerous for the seriously ill supreme being to be present in', this was the conclusion they made upon reviewing this information. Despite what lady White herself said, they had no doubts about the supreme beings almighty powers. The only reason that a supreme being would not be able to defeat these people would be due to illness. And due to this, despite the danger, the NPC's were drawn to the opportunities this multiverse offered.

From divine artifacts like infinity stones to medicines, everything imaginable was available here. And they would make sure to get all of this and offer it to the lady White. After all, everything the world had to offer, belonged to the supreme one. They just had to find it. They also deeply understood the potential that time travel held and were in awe of lady White's foresight in planting Mobius as a spy. Not to mention obtaining these comics before even coming to this world.

Speaking of the comics, some of the characters mentioned infuriated them. Such as the inheritors who hunt the so-called spider totems. Since these vermin would eventually try to hunt the spider goddess if this was true, they would ensure to them to the deepest depths of hell. As for these spider totems who committed blasphemy by taking the rightful title of the spider goddess, they would also share an equally grim fate.

Not to mention, all these godly pantheons. Such as the Norse and multiple other deities whose religions and myths will soon be spreading on this Earth that was the centre stage of the multiverse. All these false gods had to be purged as well and all their wealth and power given to lady White. Everyone had to praise the supreme one's name. All of this information would be shared with the other NPC's. The three most intelligent creations of the supreme beings were already making plans based on the information they had. They would eventually defeat all the cosmic entities, cure lady White and offer up this entire multiverse to her.

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