Marvel: So I’m a Supreme Being, So What? [Under Edit]

20. Weaving Time

Why are these kids being so troublesome again? Why do I need four guardians to leave Nazarick? They let Ainz travel around with just Narberal from the Pleiades so I should be able to do the same. It will be easier to escape alone in case of danger, but they will definitely not allow me to go out alone. Is it because they read about Marvel so they are afraid of everything outside? Let's just try my luck once.

'Going outside at least once is non-negotiable and I don't think four guardians are necessary. In fact I thought about going alone.' I conveyed with a serious face.

"I think I speak for all of us, but we absolutely cannot allow the last supreme being to go out alone. If you leave alone, we will risk insubordination and follow you in secret even if you don't want us to. We will then face any punishment you deem necessary." Albedo spoke up with a slightly crazy or desperate look on her face. I could see the other denizens of Nazarick nodding their heads.

I just stared at them for a few seconds before sighing and replying that I will take a guardian with me. This was also met with resistance before we settled on taking two guardians with me. Haa, do they think I am going to leave Nazarick permanently or something? That's ridiculous. Nazarick is heaven incarnate for me.

Moving on, I have to shift the topic before they start having more troublesome ideas. There is one more plan that I want to try out. Though there are aspects that might not work, it is worth trying out. So I used the chat software once more,

'Albedo, this next order is for you to carry out. You will oversee this entire operation.'

"Yes, my lady."

'I want you to use the tempad to place the eggs I create using my egg-laying skill in different points in time in safer areas at that period of time. These areas will be called temporal sanctuaries or safe zones. You can send the Horo Neia at first along with shadow demons attached to them and have them stationed in these safe zones. Then increase the workforce dedicated to them slowly, such as golems and undead. The idea is to construct safe havens at different points in time or different timelines altogether.'

I can go and chill in these safe zones whenever I want to. I can go sleep as well as have food and delicacies from different time periods. Of course that is not the most important reason even if it is my major personal consideration.

'As you know the multiverse is chaotic. These temporal sanctuaries might help us rebuild much more easily in case some enemy defeats us. Since Nazarick is in my pocket dimension, all I will have to do is go to these pre-planned points in time and set up everything once more.'

"I understand my lady. But why do you wish to place eggs you create in these sanctuaries as well?"

'Well, it's to conduct a test as well as a contingency plan and security measure' I replied.

"Contingency plan?"

'Yes. I had prepared this method much earlier but never had to use it. In case I am killed, I can transfer my parallel minds to the egg and revive once more. Of course this method was designed to work at the exact same time as I died. What I want to try to experiment is the concept of 'time-displaced resurrection eggs'.

"Do you mean…?" Demiurge seemed genuinely surprised. So did Albedo and Pandora's Actor, but the other NPC's did not seem to understand what I was hinting at.

'As in, if I am killed today then I will automatically revive inside one of these eggs scattered across time. Naturally, this might not work. I would not be surprised if it did not. But if it did, it would be an ace in the hole I can play in any future battles. Such as tricking an enemy into killing me before reviving and attacking secretly or simply to save my life. It would give me a major advantage.'

"My lady! Please do not say such things even if as joke. While having this contingency plan is a relief, we will definitely not let you die." Albedo shouted.

Geez, Albedo. You don't need to be so loud. I'm just stating an idea, not like I will definitely put it into action. Although, if necessary I won't hesitate to use this idea. I just have to take some steps to ensure it works first. I thought, satisfied at my idea.

The NPC's just secretly exchanged looks with each other as if having guessed the supreme being's thoughts and decided to keep a tighter eye on their lady. Not that she knew of course.

As a god, my strength comes from my soul. As I grow older, my strength would also increase. Hopefully I won't have to use this plan at all, but there are plenty of cosmic beings who can kill a low-tier god like me.

'Don't worry, Albedo. This is just a backup option. I will also be spreading my clones and revival eggs over Earth and even the universe in our own time period just to be safe. The clones can keep an eye over everything that is happening as well.' I  quickly comforted her Seeing everyone was placated, I continued:

'The forces we will station in these time sanctuaries can also spread over to try and collect artifacts and knowledge from these different points in time and bring it back to us, effectively increasing our strength. Even if the resurrection aspect does not work, just having these sanctuaries and collecting knowledge is a major advantage to have.'

Nazarick's forces such as Horo Neia influencing the multiverse actively will definitely have serious repercussions and consequences, but as with everything, with greater risk comes greater rewards. Although I might truly die in the process, I have to gamble to increase my chances of survival. The earlier I do so, the better.

'The eggs will mainly act as 'temporal anchors' in these different points in time and offer a sort of temporal immortality. I will use the administrator skill to try and forge a permanent connection between the egg and myself that would work even across time, though this is not guarenteed.'

Ultimately, the multiverse going into complete chaos is inevitable. This will happen tomorrow if not today. So since it is inevitable, I plan to use the chaos to bring me as many advantages as possible and ensure my survival to the highest extent even if this causes the chaos much earlier. I will be much more prepared and stronger by taking this course of action. Constructing this 'temporal web of rebirth' is a strategy I thought of immediately upon thinking about all my abilities.

'We will use this strategy to weave a metaphorical 'web' across time by having the eggs act as time anchors at designated points in time'.

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