Marvel: So I’m a Supreme Being, So What? [Under Edit]

25. Display of Power

Third Person PoV:

In a location quite a distance from our protagonist, a gathering was taking place. Large clusters of molten rocks moving around busily could be seen if viewed from the sky. These were the flame men who attacked the Olmec settlements. Well, not just the Olmec's but rather everything blocking their path.

Inside a volcano nearby, resting upon the throne was also a being made up of molten rocks and flame. This was the leader of the flame men, the Sub-Earth Man. The Sub-Earth Man once ruled the world in the primitive stages of Earth's formation. He desired to do so once more.

Striking the armrests of throne causing a loud echo, the Sub-Earth Man caught the attention of the scurrying flame men. He took a deep glance at his subjects before speaking to them,

"The time has finally arrived. The world shall be ruled by us once more. By now the teams we sent out must have finished the primary task of clearing out the surrounding areas including humans. We can start the next stage of the plan."






Cacophonous sounds filled the surroundings as the flame men celebrated their leaders declaration. The Sub-Earth Man was internally pleased as he looked at all of this. His plotting over the long the years was finally going to bear fruit.

Oh how long had it been since he started to think up the current plan to regain his rightful place as the ruler of the world. He would cause volcanic eruptions to turn the Earth into a ball of flames once more. He was very confident in his plan. After all, what could possibly stop his divine self? Or rather who could stop him? The thought itself was hilarious.


Shiraori PoV:

"Achoo!" Is someone thinking about me? I thought as I sneezed.

"My lady! Are you sick?" Albedo leaned over with a concerned expression.

'Calm down Albedo. I am a god, I won't get some common illness.' I brushed off her worries. But as I looked back at Albedo, for some reason I felt she was even more worried after what I said. She doesn't really think I have some serious disease or something right? No way. I have not told anything like that to them. This is just the guardians normal protectiveness.

As I had figured out the situation, I started flying towards Demiurge who was visible in the distance again. As I was checking out the heap of flame men in front of him, Demiurge and Albedo were having some sort of weird visual communication after which Demiurge also became serious. The atmosphere was getting weird so I spoke up once more,

'I see you have captured all the flame men. I will send them to Nazarick then.' As I spoke the heap of flame men disappeared into my pocket dimension to where Nazarick located.

I looked towards the girl who Albedo was carrying. I had used the Evil Eye of Past Sight to figure out everything about the situation of the Olmecs already. Saying that they were down in the dumps would be an understatement. Especially after the arrival of the flame men.

'Let's go see the Olmec settlement.'

As I started walking in with the guardians in the back the 'pyramid mounds' or 'platform mounds were visible in the distance with their layered structure. But other than those the surrounding trees and structures were burned down. The surroundings were devoid of greenery. The remaining humans who survived the attack could be seen huddled around in groups staring at us in fear and awe. If this were a fictional story, such an environment was perfect for creating a depressing atmosphere. With better phrasing of sentences in the story of course.

I guess Demiurge saved these humans after our previous conversation. That's why its easier to work with smart people. As for their fear and awe, that's also understandable. They must have witnessed Demiurge defeating the flame men and adding on our 'strange' appearances, such fear and awe was inevitable for these primitive people.

I wanted to gain trust of these humans but this atmosphere is not right for such a situation. The fires are still spreading and they could reach the pyramid mounds in time causing them to catch fire as well. Let's put out the fire first.

I raised my hand and said "[Control Weather]" causing heavy rainfall. This was a 6th tier spell from YGGDRASIL which was very convenient to use in such a situation.


"Rain…it's raining!"

"This is the work of god!" The humans started speaking in a surprised manner at the spectacle unfolding before their eyes.

I mean I am a god so they are technically not wrong, but not the gods they worshipped. Anyway letting their comments slide, I used control weather to clear up the clouds once more after the fires had died down. The guardians had completely left my mind right now as I missed the sudden gleam that passed through their eyes. Later on, this would have probably come to bite me in the ass but at that moment I was blissfully unaware of the guardian's thoughts.

Turning towards Demiurge, I asked him:

'Demiurge, did you capture the leader of the flame men as well? Was he in that pile I tossed into my pocket dimension?'

"No, my lady. It seems he is not here and only sent his men to attack this place." Demiurge replied while bowing down, concealing his zealous expression from my eyes.

'Then where is…?' Before I finished the question, the ground started shaking very lightly. It went unnoticed by the humans but not me and the guardians.

I used foresight to understand what was going on. Apparently the boss of those flame men was using his plan of erupting volcanos right now. Are those unknown extras planning to ruin my 'hard' work? Not a chance.

I started flying towards the other edge of the city.

"My lady" Albedo and Demiurge started following me immediately. Even the humans got up and started following me. Whatever was happening was too novel for them I guess. The girl had also gotten up and left Albedo arms, much to her relief. She was also staring towards me.

I raised my hand causing multiple blue magic circles to form a dome around me while swirling. The light from the magic circles reached the sky. I was casting the super-tier spell called creation that Ainz casted against the lizardmen. This was a super-tier spell that pretty much every high level player had and was used to alter terrain effects. For example, against the heat of volcanos.

This was a good chance to test the limits of super-tier magic in the marvel world. The actual limits of the spell itself were not mentioned in the novels. I also did not use YGGDRASIL magic frequently, but in this case, I used it because I did not want to waste MP even if I had a shit ton of it. I did not know if someone stronger will jump out of nowhere like in cliché fictional fights.

As a hybrid between what the original Shiraori was and YGGDRASIl, I could use the planets energy like in the WN as well as mana in YGGDRASIL. Both of them were interchangeable for any magic I wanted to use. I preferred using mana over MA energy. Adding on that super-tier spells did not consume any MP at all, they were the perfect choice for this situation.

To be fair, I could just teleport the humans elsewhere and then go pummel the remaining flame men or transfer the lava to space using dimensional magecraft or something, but I felt like letting loose for once since coming here. It's a stupid move all things considered but hey, everyone is irrational sometimes right? I was insecure but I was not Ainz to be cautious until I know everything about everyone, as evidenced by all my plans until now.

Maybe looking at my super tier magic, the humans will be even easier to talk to, whether due to fear or reverence. I looked towards Albedo and Demiurge who were confused by my sudden actions before turning back and saying "[Creation]" as ten minutes passed.

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