Marvel: So I’m a Supreme Being, So What? [Under Edit]

28. Information

Mobius PoV:

Mobius walked into the library of the TVA with multiple files in his hand. While he was doing the missions assigned by the TVA and stopping the so-called nexus events, he was also gathering the information the Supreme Being required.

The information was about multiple timelines, events that occurred in the 'sacred timeline' as well as information about science and technology gathered by the TVA.

This was just the latest batch of files he had borrowed. The files borrowed by him earlier had been copied and stored by him, the originals being returned. The other members who had been saved by the Supreme Being along with him were also borrowing and copying these files whenever they got the opportunity.

It was weird that such a technologically advanced organisation used physical files to record and store information. But that was how it had always been since every TVA member could remember.

Technically, this worked in their favour as the holy sanctuary of the Supreme Being was more magically oriented, at least from what he had seen. They were likely used to recording information on paper instead of recording it digitally.

If this pattern continued, the TVA was bound to get suspicious. But Mobius did not have a choice. The Supreme Being was awaiting him deliver this information as soon as possible. The best option would have been to 'convert' and 'save' the librarian so that they could obtain this information easily, but the library was one of the most secure places of the TVA.

Information was power. This was something the TVA obviously understood very well. After understanding the truth about the TVA and 'He Who Remains', Mobius now knew exactly why this was so. After all 'He Who Remains' was a scientist.

Anyway, the point was that the library was the most watched place in the TVA and it was not easy to play tricks here. He did not know when the librarian would exit the library either.

In fact, he had never even seen the librarian leave the library, making him question if she was really a normal human being she appeared to be. And so, 'saving' the librarian will have to happen much later.

The files that were copied were stored by the small spider clones. Mobius had found out that the spider clone attached to his mind could replicate. The same was true for the other saved members as well. These replicated clones could store the files as well as 'save' other TVA members by invading their minds.

Upon his inspection, they seemed to have minimum autonomy and would only truly become active if and when the Supreme One cast her gaze on us. Since she was not bothering to do so, Mobius felt that the Supreme One had approved his action of wanting to 'save' the TVA. She probably knew what he was planning on doing before he even left the holy sanctuary of the Supreme Beings.

Mobius was overseeing the entire 'conversion' process. One day the TVA would be free of restraints and wholeheartedly worship the Supreme One. He could almost witness this glorious future. For now though, that was a distant fantasy. Caution was required in every move they made.

By now, around 70 members had been converted. While that might sound like a sizeable number of people, considering the size and scale of the TVA that was nothing. Adding on the danger of being detected during inspections, the risk of undertaking the conversion process was immense.

A single converted member being detected might lead to everything cascading out of control, and all of their hard work until now would go down the drains. Luckily the spider clones had some sort of magic on them that caused them to remain undetected. As expected of the Supreme One. Praise the Goddess!

Reaching the librarian, Mobius handed over the files. The librarian just gave a dubious stare, but ultimately said nothing. As expected, it seemed that such frequent borrowing of files was starting to cause suspicions but they were not that serious yet.

That would not matter for much longer as his mission was due to end today. He was only worried now, if the Supreme One would be satisfied by the meagre amount of information they had collected until now.

Turning around, Mobius had already left the library not wanting to waste anymore time in order to deliver the results of their hard work. He quickly used the tempad to open a time-door and walked through it. Upon entering the jungle where he had been earlier, nostalgia swept over him.

Upon looking forward, he could see hunter B-15 waiting. She quickly walked up to him and handed all the files collected by the 'saved' members to him after the spider clone handed them to her. While the huge cluster of files looked like a sizable amount, it was merely a drop in the bucket compared to all the information recorded in the TVA.

The spider clone that Mobius held in his palm used space magic to store all the files. He then looked towards hunter-B15 and held both palms together with fingers extended and touching. He then used the fingers to mimic pulling threads of fate from one hand to the other, symbolizing the Supreme One's control over their destinies and said:

"May Lady White weave your fate"

"May the threads of destiny be spun by Lady White." Replied hunter B-15 before opening a time-door and leaving the scene.

These were just some of the multiple impromptu greetings that the 'saved' members created in order to show their reverence and loyalty to the Spider Goddess.

Mobius also turned around walked down the familiar path until he reached the point where he had met the servants of the Supreme Being the previous time he had been here. Immediately upon reaching that exact location, a wormhole opened in the air acting as a gate which led to the land of the Supreme Beings.

Before he could walk into this gate, the old butler he had seen when he had come here the previous time walked out of it.

"Pardon me, but you do not have the permission to enter. Please hand over the information you have collected and head back. Your immediate mission is concluded for now.

Lady White will let you know of any other missions she may want to appoint. In the meantime, you can keep collecting information in case Lady White asks for it again." The old butler spoke in a calm manner.

Although Mobius was a bit disappointed, there was nothing he could do. He handed the spider clone which had all the stored files to the butler and watched as it crawled onto his shoulder.

Taking one last look, he opened the time-door and left the way he had come. Much the same as the butler walked back into the wormhole.

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