Marvel: So I’m a Supreme Being, So What? [Under Edit]

49. Nexus

Third Person PoV:

Location: Outside the Citadel at the End of Time

A new and unknown tale was unfolding. One could behold a mesmerizing and intricate tapestry of time. Sprawling and continuously branching timelines created boundless temporal possibilities.

Within the intricate tapestry of time, the ever-branching timelines began a dance of convergence, where one temporal branch elegantly intersected with another, creating intricate knots of chronological intersections. 

This resulted in the formation of a ‘web’ of time.

These junctures where the timelines intersected could perhaps be referred to as 'Nexus Points'. They served as focal nodes where the multiple threads of possibility gracefully converged and harmonized.

As the timelines coalesced, these Nexus Points were marked as a crossroads of profound significance, where the collective potential of different temporal paths melded together. 

It was at these junctures that the very essence of existence seemed to ripple with boundless possibilities, birthing captivating scenarios and extraordinary events. 

The repercussions of these timelines extended across vast expanses. Consider this scenario: imagine that a genocidal maniac had exerted influence at a specific juncture within Timeline-A, while in Timeline-B, this malevolent figure never came into existence.

The Nexus Points acted as conduits through which the narrative of Timeline-A bled into Timeline-B and vice versa. 

Consequently, the genocidal maniac, absent from Timeline-B's history, seemingly manifested into existence, with Timeline-B now bearing an inexplicable record of the atrocities he had committed

As the Observer gazed upon these mesmerizing intersections, the realization dawned that these Nexus Points held the key to unlocking untold narratives and shaping the very fabric of reality itself. 

Each intersection, a crossroads of infinite potential, hinted at a future where the past, present, and future intertwined in intricate patterns, waiting for those daring enough to navigate the labyrinth known as time.

The Observer did not know if these changes were for the better or not. Such was not the Observer’s concern. 

Regardless of whether this unending chaos was an ill omen or not, the Observer would not interfere for it went against the pledge of non-interference. All that could be said for certain was that exciting new stories were waiting to be unfolded.

Location: Citadel at the End of Time

“What is the status of the insurgents? Remind me where they had fled to again.” He Who Remains asked Miss Minutes.

Yes, insurgents. Throughout the multitude of times he had lived this was the first where such bizarre events were occurring. The work of his life, the beautiful sacred timeline had broken apart for reasons unknown even to him and now there was an insurgency. After all, when it rains it pours.

It all started a while after the sacred timeline had branched. A multitude of individuals were discovered to have defected and lost their true life purpose of serving the TVA. 

They had apparently been hiding within the TVA and proselytizing their heretic beliefs like a tumour hidden within the body known as the TVA. It was almost like that human organisation known as ‘Hydra’ which had also done the same in a particular universe.

The reason words like ‘proselytizing’ and ‘heretic beliefs’ were used was due to the ex-TVA member's behavior. It seemed as though they had been brainwashed by evil deities into worshipping them.

Well, He Who Remains was not one who could refer to the act of wiping away a person’s memories as ‘evil’ for he too had done the same, perhaps on a much larger scale than many of the so-called ‘evil gods’.

Regardless, the TVA had not been degraded to a pathetic level like S.H.I.E.L.D. did under Hydra’s influence. The vast number of technologies that He Who Remains spent perfecting over the eons had caught wind of these cultists.

Unfortunately, they could not be captured or interrogated as these cultists just disintegrated upon discovery. 

Just as He Who Remains was starting his mass cleansing of the TVA to bring it back to proper working order, thousands of these cultists led by Ex-TVA agent, Mobius, escaped to an alternate universe.

He Who Remains had lived far longer than imaginable to most and thus after experiencing so much his tolerance level was very strong. Despite having a headache over his ever-increasing list of worries, he was more curious than ever about, well, everything.

Mobius’s insurgency did hurt the TVA but it was nothing that could not be solved given enough time, something he had plenty of. Ultimately, he just wanted to navigate the currents of chaos and unravel all its secrets.

Perhaps it would lead to his benefit. Who knows? For once he certainly did not and that was beauty of it. His scientific curiosity to explore the unknowns had been sparked after a very long, LONG, time. 

“Based on our most recent record, their escape led them to what we've designated as 'Earth-2149' or 'Earth-Z,' often referred to as the zombie universe—or at least, what it used to be. 

Amidst the ongoing chaos, we can only speculate about the current state of affairs in that realm. But if everything was as it should have been, then the point in time that Mobius escaped to should have been before the outbreak of the zombie virus.” Miss Minutes replied.

“Well, make sure the investigation begins at the earliest. I have been making some ‘preparations’ of my own~.”

Location: Earth-Z; An Underground Bunker? Maybe a place of worship...

“Reverend Mobius, the preparations for ‘Operation-Silkstride’ are underway.” Ex-Hunter B15 reported to Mobius who was wearing a white suit as opposed to his usual ones.

“Very good. I take it the mass conversions are already underway?” Mobius asked.

“Yes, of course. Three human countries have already been converted using some ‘special’ means but those pesky heroes are starting to catch wind of what’s going on.”

“Those so-called ‘heroes’ don’t know what is good for them. The zombie virus might be upon this world at any second or maybe something much worse. Thus, it is our duty to demonstrate and make them understand with ‘kindness’. 

Belief in the Supreme One is the only way this hopeless universe has to salvation. Speed up all the plans we have set in motion.” Mobius calmly explained while inwardly feeling a bit sad and disappointed in himself that he could not ‘save’ the rest of the TVA, especially Renslayer.

“Yes, we will ensure that the operation can be initiated as soon as possible.” Hunter B-15 replied and turned around to leave but was stopped by a question from Mobius.

“Wait, where are the chests containing infinity stones meant for tribute to the Supreme One?” 

The infinity stones were used as paperweights in the TVA due to the large numbers they were gathered in from all the missions conducted by the members. It was a well-known fact that these stones, though omnipotent in their parent universe, were worthless in others.

But such restrictions only applied to them obviously. There was no reason they would apply to the Supreme One. Not that ‘She’ needed them, of course. But this was a symbolic gesture they had to make to show their faith as ‘Her’ followers.

“Currently, they have been stored with other items meant to be given as tributes in the ‘treasury’.” Hunter B-15 answered.

“Very well, you are dismissed. May the threads of your fate be spun by Lady White.” Hunter B-15 left after returning the blessing.

Mobius turned towards the altar made in the likeness of a spider web once more. This was created by Mobius after he had obtained minimal information regarding this from Demiurge who would give him more in-depth information regarding rituals and such soon.

He had also made plans to visit the sanctuary of the Supreme One to offer the tributes soon after obtaining more positive results. At least for now, everything was proceeding well…

Location: Earth-928; Nueva York; Spider-HQ

“What’s this…?” Miles asked looking at the unknown ‘tree’ branching into infinity.

“This… is everything” Miguel O'Hara replied.

“Can you… be more specific?”

“Can you… not talk? For a second?” 

“Yeah- yeah yeah…” Miles said as he observed the image of the ‘tree’ being trailed off and replaced by multiple orange lines that interconnected to form an intricate web.

“This here? This is all of us. All of our lives woven together… in a beautiful web of life and destiny…” Miguel explained.

“The Spider-Verse…” 

“Spider-Verse? Huh, that’s… stupid. It’s called The Arachno-Humanoid-Poly-Multiverse…Which sounds… stupid too I guess.” Miguel spoke.

“And these nodes where the lines converge…?” Miles asked.

“They are the canon. Chapters that are a part of every spider’s story every time. Some good. Some bad. ...Some, very bad.”

Miguel then went on to explain about canon events and regarding the death of every spider totem's loved ones.

“Canon Events are the connections that bind our lives together. And those connections can be broken. That's why Anomalies are so dangerous. Inspector Singh's death was a Canon Event. You weren't supposed to be there and you weren't supposed to save him. That's why Gwen tried to stop you.”

As Miles became more delirious in regards to all the unexpected information he was getting, Miguel spoke about his past and why breaking canon events was a…bad idea.

“You break enough Canon, you save enough Captains... And we could lose everything.” Miguel concluded

Miles asked to be sent back home in order to save his father in time who would soon become captain and thus be killed by the Spot, only to be imprisoned. But this would not stop him for very long. 

“Wha..What is happening now.” There was confusion erupting everywhere as Gwen asked the question on everyone’s minds.

He got the distraction he needed to break free when the alarms in the entire Spider-HQ went off followed by multiple spider-men/women glitching in and out of existence.

“Miguel, look here!…” Lyla spoke as she projected what she wanted to show.

The familiar orange web that had just been visible a while earlier came into view once more. But this time it was drastically different! Some parts of the web were ‘ripped’, others were eroded ‘white.’ 

Some ‘canon events’ were flickering out of existence while new unknown ones were being formed as they breathed. The aforementioned torn threads were now beginning to intertwine with previously isolated strands. Strands that never should have met.

“The Arachno-Humanoid-Poly…the Spider-Verse is rearranging itself…?” Miguel exclaimed dumbfounded by the situation.

This ‘anomaly’ was something completely unknown as compared to what they had experienced before. What did the eroded white part mean? What was the cause? Was it Spot? Miles? Some else entirely? 

It was all entirely unknown and something they had to investigate quickly lest total chaos was to be unleashed. Too bad things were not going Miguel’s way as the ‘original anomaly’ had escaped the Spider-HQ taking advantage of the confusion.

Realizing that Miles had to be contained while simultaneously dealing with the Spot and whatever this was, Miguel ordered: “All stations, stop what you are doing and stop Spiderman.” Of course, that order did not apply to the glitchy ones.

Now, what would happen if the so-called ‘original anomaly’ was to meet an even greater anomaly? More chaos… 

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