Marvel: So I’m a Supreme Being, So What? [Under Edit]

58. Courting Death?

Third Person PoV:
Location: Death’s Royal Palace; Realm of Death; Overspace
The Overspace. A point above and apart from all realities. Of course, many beings rather referred to it as the superflow, an informational space between universes where ideas and dreams come from. A Junction to Everywhere and the realm of abstract entities.
These ideas and dreams, or more simply, information would then flow into the universes to be moulded by the astral plane. It was a location where one could confer and communicate with abstract cosmic entities. The court held by the Living Tribunal was also convened here.
And somewhere in the Overspace was the realm of death. It evoked a stereotypical image one might expect of a location named as such. Death and darkness as far as the eye could see. 
A pitch black palace lay in the centre of the domain evoking the image of a villains castle. The castle heroes must raid in order to bring peace to the world. 
Lady Death, assuming the form of a cloaked skeleton, sat upon her throne in her royal palace heavily guarded by undead minions who scurried about. Truthfully, she could assume any appearance she desired. She was the last image anyone witnessed before their inevitable demise and reaching death’s embrace.
Lady Death was thinking about the interesting turn of events that had gripped this multiverse. Events that no one other than perhaps, the one above all had expected. And for a variety of reasons, these interesting events had drawn her attention as well.
Initially, these new changes irritated her for a brief period. She could sense that the instigator behind these changes had gone about creating undead in massive quantities stealing what was rightfully hers. 
Death was known to be very possessive. It was not the first time foolish living beings had tried to deny their destiny and escape her loving embrace and certainly won’t be the last. Due to this, she periodically made examples of such beings to set an example for others to avoid.
Unless she had ordained for someone not to die like the so called ‘Elders of the Universe’,  then they must reach her as their final destination. Death would go to any lengths to reclaim what she owned.
But if that was all, Death would not have cared so much about the anomaly treading over the entire multiverse. 
But this cute little anomaly had not stopped at merely creating undead but had gone ahead committed massive genocides across all of time and space. The anomaly had undone everything that was and should have been.
The anomaly had to be an outsider to this multiverse. Only such a being who was not bound the laws of the multiverse could cause this. To be fair, Death was no stranger to chaos and change. Change was a constant. 
She had witnessed every moment of chaos since the beginning of creation and will continue to do so until the eventual end of all things. She would be the very last entity to do so. 
But even then, the anomaly who had entered the multiverse was not bound by the rules in this reality. The future of reality had become a blur.
As the embodiment of death itself, she tried to expand her domain over her twin, Eternity’s. There was no better gift for her than such an endless mass genocide which will continue for as long as the anomaly moves about in this multiverse. 
‘Haa, no I must hold back. It’s not time yet…,’ she thought. If Lady Death had assumed the form of a woman, which she did many times, she would have a furious red blush across her face. Her thoughts were clouded like a young girl in love about this mysterious someone. 
The anomaly must have caused these beautiful genocides to seduce her. Death was certain of that all of this was a gift to her personally sent by the anomaly. Death had fallen for other entities before but none like this.
Every breath the anomaly took would cause an imbalance in reality, ultimately resulting in someone’s death somewhere far, far away. It resembled a suitor passionately expressing affectionate sentiments in a bid to capture her heart. Lady Death found herself completely enraptured and intoxicated.
Yet, she desperately held back her urge to go and claim this anomaly. A misstep and her one true soulmate might disappear and escape her grasp. 
The anomaly was not bound by rules. It was entirely possible that something would happen that would prevent death from claiming the anomaly. She could also sense something blocking her attempts to detect the anomaly.
It was probably her lovers attempt to remain anonymous for as long as possible. Of course, Lady Death could forcibly break through this ‘barrier’ blocking her detection attempt if she put her mind to it. Such a weak power could not hold her back.
But she did not choose to do so. What if her attempt alarmed the cute anomaly? What if the anomaly hated her for this? And most importantly, the one question that now feared her the most was-What if the little cutie escaped from her grasp? That was unacceptable.
No, their meeting had to be perfect. Perhaps listening to the music of wailing souls over the backdrop of a universe’s death? She would then proceed to give her little cutie a kiss of death as she pulled her into her embrace forever. It would be their first and last date as they remained together forever. How romantic!!!
For now, she would employ her tool man to lay some ground work for their glorious date. And so, her voice drifted across reality reaching into the mind of her target. 
‘~…Thanos…Thanos, could you please…~ The target, Thanos was ecstatic as he heard the voice he was longing to hear. 
Shiraori PoV:
Location: Floating around somewhere in space
‘Achoo, sniff…’ Is someone thinking about me? It’s not impossible. The NPCs back in Nazarick must already be wishing for my return. I could sense Cocytus and vampy’s nervous expressions over a mere sneeze. As expected, one of them spoke up:
“Master, are you all right? Are you sick? DO you feel cold? Do you wish to cancel the trip and return for now? Has someone attacked you? Who is it? I will kill whoever it is immediately…” Vampy went on to rant about my illusory health issues and possible aggressors.
Haa, where did I go wrong with Vampy? I know she is fundamentally different from the original Sophia, but still. From the few times, I have interacted with her, she gives off borderline yandere behaviour towards me. 
Maybe I should have put everything about kumo desu ga, nani ka? in her backstory to make her more similar to the original. 
I had only put up snippets of what I had read and remembered from her wiki page in my last life into her wiki so this should have been expected. 
The fact that she is now an NPC and the behaviour of the other NPCs must also have played a part. Ultimately, if she does end up becoming a yandere it is due to my negligence. 
This negligence was mainly due to the fact that I had thought we would end up in the new world. Essentially, being invincible in the new world, having Momonga take care of work while I enjoyed the life of a god. That was the dream. 
And in due to being the invincible god of the New World, a minor thing like Sophia’s flavour text didn’t matter to me. Regardless of what happened, it would not have impacted me in any meaningful way, even if she did end up becoming a yandere over there. 
This was also the reason I hadn’t prepared more. If I had known we would coming to Marvel and not the New World, I would have been much more prepared. I would have stocked more useful items and tried to find more world items.
But after living in the Great Elroe Labyrinth for so long and then finding out I was somehow in the world of Overlord, all of my survival pressure had already left me by that point of time. Well, no matter. 
I don’t have the time or energy to deal with yandere shenanigans so I will simply use the administrator skill once more to make her more normal, like I did with Albedo. Well, in Albedo’s case she never became a yandere to begin with this time around so it was all good.
I can tolerate the level of possessiveness that other NPCs have. I have no issues with that as long as they don’t show some yandere tendencies that might undermine my goals in some way or form. 
Heck, I could go and become a doctor that cures yanderes of their possessiveness. Curing the illness known as ‘yandere’, maybe that’s my calling in life. Just kidding.
‘It’s fine, Sophia. It must be because I am tired with all the work and experiments I have been focusing on. Let’s not ruin this outing,’ I replied and calmed down the paranoid vampire.
I will head to Nazarick for later for a delicious lunch but not now. First, I want to spread my clones on more planetary bodies. I plan to explore space as much as I can and spread my clones wherever possible to form a huge security net. Magic in charge is co-ordinating information from the clones.
As we landed on an uninhabited moon-sized celestial body, the vast expanse of the barren landscape stretched before us. Tiny spider clones immediately crawled out of my shadow and started spreading in every direction.
‘Let’s continue onward after a while.’ I told the guardians as I switched to my Arachne form to relax for a while. I had not used this form since back in YGGDRASIL. Might as well play around with this form for now.
 ~I might still be uploading a chapter or two this week. But don’t keep your hopes up about more chapters being released. Enjoy reading!~

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