Marvel: The Strongest Villain

Chapter 46

Chapter 46 Ten million volts

In front of a factory in the east port of Starling.

The two parties confronted each other with guns. Frank and Antonin Venza had an unpleasant discussion about the issue of ‘cooperation’, and the little brother behind him was playing what you’re worried about and watching you.

“How long has it been?”

In a business car behind Frank, Su Sheng asked Helena a little impatiently.

Helena thought for a while. “Twenty minutes, right?”

“I haven’t started fighting in twenty minutes, are the gangsters so civilized and polite?” Su Sheng couldn’t help but complain.

Helena sneered disdainfully and said: “He can’t refuse you to take me with me and don’t want people to see him, so he wanted to use your plan to solve Antoine Venza and had to change it. If you don’t go down, he is not sure to solve Antoine Venza. It’s just been deadlocked for so long.”

“I’m not interested in waiting too long.” Su Sheng opened the car door and led Helena out of the car and walked over.

The crowd gradually separated, and Frank had a bad feeling when he heard the voice behind him.

“Is that your daughter?”


“Frank, this is the reason why you dare to trouble me suddenly? In order to find a helper, you gave him your own daughter as a dog? What a pity that he can do it alone? Hahaha, hahaha…” Although this The way he played was a little shocked, but Antoine Vinsa still recognized Helena at a glance, and he also guessed why Frank dared to make trouble suddenly.

After the astonishment, there was an arrogant sneer, not only Anthony Venza, but also the little brother behind him.

Frank raised his gun and wanted to kill Antoine Wensa directly, but suddenly he heard a low groan.


Su Sheng lightly frowned and loosened the rope holding Helena, and the whole body suddenly lit up.

The dazzling electric current crackled.

Unlimited stacking, a hundred times.

Ten million volts!

In an instant, there seemed to be only a kind of azure light left between the sky and the earth, Su Sheng pointed to the sky, and the electric current turned into thunder. Roar roared and penetrated into the sky.


Deathly silence.

The person who just laughed at the moment At the moment looked at Su Sheng, who was full of electric lights, as if he had been pressed the pause button.

Tick, the tick of raindrops gradually dripped from the top of their heads, and the shocked people looked at Su Sheng in horror like a first awakening from a dream.


Su Sheng raised his finger to the factory behind Antoine Wensa and others.


There was a loud noise in the sky, and the thunder fell from the sky and hit the factory in an instant.

The roof was pierced directly, and explosions followed after a few seconds.

The flames skyrocketed.

The impact of the explosion accompanied the Thunder’s electric current to form a powerful Shockwave that instantly agitated.

For a long time.

The big raindrops gradually stopped, the dazzling thunder disappeared, and the entire factory turned into nothingness, only a little residue still burning.

Looking around, everyone from Antoine Vinsa and Frank was lying on the ground, and the lucky ones twitched slightly and foamed at the mouth, and the ones with bad luck were directly electrocuted by the impact of the diffused electric current.

Only Su Sheng stands like pines and cypresses.

“The movement seems to be too big.” Su Sheng muttered to Frank who was lying on the ground: “Did you die? Didn’t you die? Get up to business.”

Frank panicked and shook his head subconsciously, only to react after a long while. Su Sheng was on his side.

Thinking of this, he struggled to stand up and walked towards Antoninussa slowly. Antoine Wensa struggled in horror, but his body didn’t listen at all. Frank raised a gun at him, swept away the anger that had been ridiculed before, and said vigorously. “It’s not ashamed to sell dignity, it’s ashamed to fail to sell a good price.”

“This is what one person can do!”


Anthony Vinsa fell to the ground at the sound of gunfire.

The proud Frank didn’t spit out and wanted to say something, but when he saw the almost razed factory, his face became stiff and he couldn’t say anything.

Su Sheng was not interested in listening to Frank’s afterthoughts, and pulled Helena away in a muffled moan.

Get in the car.

Su Sheng started the car and left.

In the car, Helena looked at Su Sheng and asked quietly. “Is this your strongest strength?”

“The strongest power? No, I’m afraid that will ruin the earth.” Su Sheng shook his head and chuckled.

In theory, there is no upper limit to his power, as long as the power is infinitely superimposed, even a single punch can blow the earth.

Not long after Su Sheng and Helena left, the East Port was in chaos.

The police car and the fire truck arrived quickly, and Frank had to face the police’s questioning just after disposing of Antoine Wensa’s body. He said the matter as it was, but only concealed the fact that Su Sheng summoned Thunder and shot Antoine Venza himself.

As for the police, believe it or not?

Ha ha.

Anyway, there is no evidence, let alone summoning the incredible thing of Thunder, who would believe it unless he saw it with his own eyes?

PS: I recommend my old books “Marvel: The Advent of the King”, “Marvel: The Immortal Throne”, and “The Deadly Covenant: The Strongest Death God”, which have been completed and will soon be completed.

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