Marvel World New Magneto

013 Cheers

On this day, Charles Francis Xavier slept until dusk before waking up. As the founder of Xavier Academy for Gifted Youth and one of the two pillars of the mutant race, he has not slept so soundly for a long time.Yes, there are no mischievous students scrambling in to complain, and there is no poisonous snake centipede hiding in a dark corner planning any conspiracy against mutants. You need to be vigilant. Magneto entered the classroom because of his recklessness, and Stryker was also taught a lesson. , the college was safe and sound, and the young man took care of the trivial matters. He lived very comfortably during this time.

Inadvertently, he was already an old man, his bald head and sagging skin silently reminded him: no matter how high the reputation and ability, the lost youth cannot be regained.

The word "vigorous" has disappeared with his age, and now he is just a sunset that exudes residual heat.

After struggling on the bed for a while, he managed to sit up, and after just a while, he became a little breathless.But there was nothing important to do today, and he still had some time to kill.

The room was quiet, and there was no movement outside. He tried hard to recall for a while, and then remembered that the proud disciples went to make a routine inspection today, and the children were probably still playing outside. Eric's first class must be can capture their hearts.

That's an amazing guy.

He put on his coat with a smile, but he didn't get up to go to the ground. He still wanted to bask in the afterglow of the setting sun and savor it for a while. This leisurely life is too rare.The sun is still warm, but the surroundings are too quiet. Although he is sometimes disturbed, he is used to the vitality of young people. Looking at their vigorous figures and listening to their energetic voices, this is the only way He will feel that his old body is still alive.

Laughing self-deprecatingly, Charles Xavier turned on the TV, but he couldn't hear the noise of the students, so he might as well watch something else.

The TV was turned on, and the live broadcast on it frightened him. Charles sat on the bed blankly, unable to believe his eyes.

"What did I see, a superman? No, it's a group of supermen!" The reporter danced and frothed. "They waved their fists around the rare and endangered animal and beat it to the ground. Listen to its screaming, like a little virgin raped by a villain. How pitiful this baby is. , it was ruthlessly destroyed when it first arrived in the local area! But I have no pity for it at all, because it and its brothers just knocked down an entire half of the street 10 minutes ago, displacing nearly a thousand people and millions of dollars in property reduced to nothing."

"Beautiful! Boy playing with fire! He sent out a pillar of fire and burned the big snake. What the cops from the police station by the river hid in the back of the police car and emptied dozens of magazines failed to do. He used a cheap lighter That's it. Why do we need to support such an incompetent guy? He is enough. With such a high cost performance, the local councilor will give him a special frugality medal to commend him for saving precious taxes paid by taxpayers payment."

"I must be dreaming! A short-haired boy who was not a few years older than my son sprayed white mist from his hands. He spun around the snake's head so fast that it screamed from the cold. Look, he flew up, as if there was a lump under his feet The transparent skateboard supports him to run around in the sky. There is also that big guy, look at his muscles, they are as strong as steel! No, that is steel, and there is even reflection. Is it my eyes? He swung the tail of the snake Throwing around, this big snake is dying, I want to condolences to this guy's mother, it's not easy to give birth to this big guy, if she was born in the Soviet Union, she must be a hero mother."

The reporters had broken through the blockade of the police force as if they had been slapped with chicken blood, and approached the arena desperately.

It can't be blamed for their stupidity and boldness. Today's scene is really exciting.

Westchester was a rich town and a quiet town, but to journalists that meant it was as bland and repulsive as chewed bagasse.

What kind of news do you want to impress your boss?There is no extravagance, no bloody violence, no famous talker, even if you work hard enough to stay outside the star's villa in the bitter cold winter, what you get in return is someone's life of getting up early and running According to.

This can't even get in the middle of the entertainment page, unless in those days when the news is scarce and boring, the helpless editors will give a small face to a section of the page.

So this place has always been the grave of journalists. It is unattractive, has no performance, and has no room for promotion. How can it be a miserable word?

But now everything is different. After being visited by a group of snakes, the dreary and suffocating town suddenly became glamorous, making every reporter who heard the news shouted that the trip was worthwhile.

Horror monsters appear here, mysterious heroes appear here, and the stupid and incompetent police and military are used as backgrounds. They can attract the attention of the whole United States like flies. Such news, which editor-in-chief with a normal mind would not be excited to jump on the initiative Give a headline?Aspiring journalists will never let go of such a godsend opportunity.

The cheers and exclamations almost overwhelmed Eric, although he no longer fought in person, but watched the students perform with his hands in his pockets.Such voices are no strangers to him. The reincarnation is born to be a showman, and he is destined to shine on the world stage, either to be worshiped by the world, or to move forward indifferently amidst the cries and curses.

If you can't eat five tripods, you can also cook with five tripods --- it is a very appropriate portrayal of life for reincarnated people.

On the contrary, the young people in the college clearly showed their progress from immaturity to maturity.From the beginning when he didn't know where to put his hands, he was timid and timid when he hit him, and then he let go of his hands and feet and became bold and impatient. If Ororo hadn't adjusted his state in time and played the role of nanny, among them Some may not be able to fully enjoy such a welcome.

It's much better now. After all, they are also well-trained mutants who are rising stars. With Eric's courage and encouragement, and the nurse Storm's careful care, they have nothing to worry about, and they naturally play vigorously.

Pyro John couldn't create flames by himself, so he could make do with a lighter. With a giant snake with rough skin and thick flesh as a target, his ability to manipulate flames became more and more proficient; Iceman Bobby was no less inferior, and he finally understood the power of fire. You have to learn and use it flexibly, now he spews freezing air and swims in the air like a glider; the steel warrior Pete has basically mastered his own characteristics, that is, he is stupid, big, black and thick, and he is not afraid of being beaten, and the body of the big snake is coiled around him. , I took a bite and broke a few teeth, not to mention the headache, so Pete still didn't relax, grabbed the snake's tail and ravaged it wantonly, for fear that the snake would live comfortably.

The girls' fighting ability has not been developed enough, and they are basically playing soy sauce.Katie dared to use her powers to walk around on the snake. The big snake didn't even lose a single scale, but instead screamed in fright, but she couldn't get tired of it. Looking at her squinted eyes, she knew that this girl was Treat combat like a game.Magneto's daughter Lorna also lived up to her awesome father's reputation. She picked up some slender iron nails from the ruins, controlled them to fly out, and stuck them on the snake belly and Colossus. One person, one snake sparks fly.There is also glare. This girl who is a few years older is really worthy of her ambition to become a star. After absorbing the sound waves of the onlookers, she launched an offensive with extraordinary sound and light effects. Unfortunately, the effect is not satisfactory. Too much.

The only thing that caught people's attention was the little rascal.After Colossus hugged the tail of the snake and stood still, she squatted down calmly and took off her gloves to grab the big snake. After a while, the big snake's movements slowed down obviously, and it was weak, which made the boys' attacks more effective. Soon the last one The snake came to a dead end.

In this fierce fight, Ororo saw the young people go from being clumsy to proficient. Although the performance could not be said to be very good, but the results of the usual training were basically brought into play. Encouraged by people, the encouraged students even surpassed the previous ones. Levels are getting better and better.In the beginning, she had to help to prevent anyone from getting hurt, but after a while, she found that she was almost becoming redundant.

Ororo was a little absent-minded. She would never forget her nervousness and stiffness when she first went into battle. Her growth experience was a summary of her mistakes and lessons, and no one ever cheered for herself.Even if she risked her life, climbed the steep building with difficulty, fought with the invincible enemy, and saved the entire city of humans.Even with such behavior, no one has ever come to thank her.

In fact, in many cases, she is like a transparent ghost, who has paid a lot but is unknown, and has always been out of the crowd.She would never have existed without the attention of her fellow citizens.

She used to think that she was fighting for her compatriots and didn't need others' gratitude and respect, but now she finally understands that her arrogance is only because she can't get it.

In a trance, she took the cheers given by the crowd to the students as her own, as if she was the hero who showed her talents. The feeling of being noticed was like a heart-throbbing hot liquor that penetrated into her soul, making her drunk. Like the children who have fun in it, their faces are warm and their hearts are beating.However, the self-awareness of being a senior and a mentor will soon wake her up, telling her that she is just a bystander outside the focus of the light, and no matter what relationship she has with the students, people's care will ultimately have nothing to do with her.The misplaced understanding kept splitting her heart, like a saw sawing through Ororo, making her icy cold for a while, and warm and comforting for a while.

In a daze, Ororo saw the man who was more peripheral than her. It was he who dominated everything today and made ordinary people happy for mutants.She looked at the figure that seemed to melt into the light, as if she saw the Lord in the sky.

In college, in front of the TV.

When he saw Eric for the first time, a faint tremor from the soul told Charles Xavier that this was the person he had been waiting for, but at that time he did not expect that the surprise would come so soon.

At dusk, as he aged, he watched with his own eyes the man who looked like his old friend when he was young changed the fate of the next generation of mutants. The warm shouts gradually disappeared without a trace, replaced by unprecedented confidence and tranquility.

Charles smiled silently, and the lingering haze of his past dissipated. No matter what kind of difficulties lie ahead, at least a new path has been opened to mutants, isn't it?

Thank you, my new Magneto.

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