Marvel World New Magneto

028 piano

"I like this place. If it is designed by me, I hope to be as comfortable and convenient as possible. The decoration does not need to be luxurious, and the space does not need to be too large, but to make people feel relaxed, natural and happy." Eric's The sound echoed in the bathroom.

"Sounds like a pleasure-seeking eldest young master, what did you do in the past?" Qin asked, fiddling with the long hair that fell on her shoulders.

"What do you think?"

"I can't guess, I just heard the professor say something related."

"I used to be an ordinary person." Eric said slowly.

"Like the mutants before the X gene was turned on, I have received the grace of a being to enter other worlds, such as Selena's hometown, where there are native people, and guests like me. Like mutants People are rejected by ordinary people, and we also have to pay the price for the abilities we have acquired, and we continue to evolve in competition until one day, we have completed all the tasks set by that existence, and have a chance to break free from its hands. I felt that I would die if I stayed any longer, so I chose to leave these interesting and dangerous places and return to the main material world. I was used to the various conveniences brought by my ability, so I chose here, at least here I still have some power Hope, unlike the world I came from, where the laws of matter are so rigid that all possibility of transcending them is lost, and that life is not pleasant for me."

"You don't hate that existence, is it the one that brought you into danger?" Ororo couldn't help asking. Like Jean, it was the first time she heard Eric talk about her past, the great existence who manipulated the world The power of Eric was shocking, but Eric's experience made her even more concerned. His past seemed to be shrouded in darkness, and no one could know it except the professor's glimpse.

"We call it the Lord God—I can't say I never hated the Lord God, but it has given me more precious experiences than the powers and treasures I've lost."

"Since it's so great, how dare you slip back again and again after escaping?" Qin asked with a half smile, shaking the wine glass.

"I'm not arrogant, but the Lord God himself gave me the key. Maybe when I was traveling between the worlds, I was under his watch, who knows?" Eric said lightly.

"Aren't you afraid of being caught?"

"Habitual thieves often choose places they are familiar with, and there are times when the emperor's warehouse is undefended. The Lord God is too great, and I am too small. Compared with the risk, I choose to believe its promise and will not let those of us who leave. Put it under the bundle."

The three of them soaked in the water and chatted, and no one talked about the outside world. It was not until the time passed, that Jean swayed her long legs and stepped out of the bath. She looked back at Eric and smiled, and Eric stood up knowingly.

"I'll come first." Ororo didn't say much, and kept paying attention to them, when she grabbed Eric in front of Jyn.

Eric stretched out his hand to make a gesture of invitation, Ororo wrapped himself in a bath towel, and shyly and timidly slumped to the edge of the pool.

Looking at her friend's blushing cheeks, Qin giggled, her plump body swayed gently in the laughter, her laughter had a soul-stirring meaning, completely different from the usual hearty, Ororo bit Tooth, just pretend not to hear.

Across the bath towel, Eric put his hand on Ororo's back and went all the way down his spine until the tip of his coccyx. Ororo's body shook violently, and his whole body became numb with this touch, and at the same time, there was a tingling sensation. The sourness that made her cold hair stand up rose from her tailbone, all the way up to the top of her head.

Eric's hand grabbed her shoulder and pressed it from top to bottom to the fingertips. Wherever the fingers passed, a series of skeletal movements sounded, and the joints were loose as if they were dislocated, but there was no trace of them. Pain, not even a feeling of weakness and paralysis, only an extreme relaxation, as if the nerve center was soaked in hot water, and it was completely incapable of lifting.

When his hand swiped across his body, it seemed to carry a static field, which made her feel slightly sore and numb, but when he pressed down hard, this unbearable feeling was forcibly penetrated into her body and smashed her soul into pieces.Gradually, Ororo felt as if an invisible organ had awakened in her body. It began to have its own will and wanted to sing with all her might, but the last remaining sense of reason made her stop her body from doing so, today. This is too outrageous, she must retain the last remaining dignity for herself.

The stroking is like a flowing wave, tugging Ororo's heartstrings. She is like a performer walking on a tightrope, and she will be knocked down into the sea by the pleasant tide at any time. Gedi's rushing in, shattered her sanity.

Finally, she gave up her efforts and let her instincts control her, and a slightly hoarse voice sounded from her throat.

I don't know when Qin left the bathroom and came to the rest room outside. She didn't dare to listen to it anymore. The sound of the collision between her body and her palm was too much. Ororo's uncontrollable call made her heart even more anxious, as if another He desperately wanted to break the restraint and squeezed out from behind the Iron Curtain.

She lay on her side on a bathing bed, with her back to the direction of the sound, as if that would separate herself from the source of sin.

"She's asleep." A voice came through the steam, as if from a distant altitude, echoing in all directions across the infinite space.

Hearing this familiar voice, both Jean and the other being in the body were silent for a moment at the same time.

Then a hand was placed on her shoulder, and Qin's body trembled violently.

"You're afraid of me?" Eric said, interrogative and narrative.

Qin wanted to object, but the words couldn't come out of his mouth.

"There are fears, and there are expectations." Eric said to himself, brushing the thin bath towel with his hand, as if there were no strands left, and every rubbing caused a slight tingling like static electricity, stirring Qin's heart. Unextinguished flame.

He began to press, and now it was Qin's turn to experience this boundless sourness.

Like Ororo, she gritted her teeth and didn't speak, for fear that when she opened her mouth, she would scream like a friend.

"What are you afraid of, the other you?" Eric's words made her body twitch violently, but a strong thrashing knocked Qin back into place.

The area where she was hit was hot and painful, which angered Jin.

"It's not the same with you. Something is blocked in your mind." She countered.

"You guessed it." Eric said indifferently. "Yes, we are very similar, you are like my sister, your relationship with the professor, and the relationship between me and that Eric, are all similar. And we all have the seal of the professor in our minds, you are blocked Another personality, and when I first came to the academy and fell into a coma, he also imposed this prohibition to prevent me from going down the old path of that Eric."

"But I'm not afraid of myself, no matter what hides behind the closed door, it's me, no matter if it feels bright and kind or dark and cruel, he is me, any side of me It all belongs to me, so my personality has never been blocked, it is completely integrated."

"When I came here, the world was my home. I was willing to do what the professor wanted, because that was mine too, and I wanted to preserve it as much as he did. The reason why I didn't break the bar was that Because we have enough tacit understanding, even if this prohibition is very fragile, I regard it as a bond of trust between us. But when it goes against my will, it is a thin scarf, who will care about the scarf stop."

Having said that, Eric twitched his hand violently, and the towel wrapped around Qin was removed, and his delicate body was immediately displayed in front of him.

Eric's eyes did not have this wonderful body, and his vision was deeply shocked by a strange existence.

"Help me, Eric." As the bath towel was lifted, the seal of the professor seemed to be peeled off. Jean felt that her other self was growing at an unprecedented speed, and she panicked to Eric for help.

"Why ask for help? Look how beautiful you are." Eric only saw the magnetic field of Jyn, and he saw an elegant phoenix gradually born in front of him with flaming fire, every feather of it was Glittering with the brilliance of the sun, so bright, gorgeous and moving, like a real existence, it slowly fluctuates with the breath.Rose red, scarlet, apricot red, orange red, pearl red, all kinds of reds combine to form extremely complex light patterns, which are not only the fluctuations of destruction, desire, tyranny and frivolity, but also life, vitality, enthusiasm and joy. symbol.

"I like you like this, don't deny yourself, you make yourself so charming."

Eric's face got closer and he kissed deeply.

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