
11-Eel and Spider-Man

11-Eel and Spider-man

If what Diana said is true, and it seems so, the guy in front of me is named Edward. According to Diana, he can manipulate electricity thanks to the black costume he's wearing.

That's great news for me. Despite killing almost everyone here, none of them were as powerful as the guy in front of me. If I fight him, I'll definitely grow stronger.

[Wind Steps]

With that in mind, I lunged at him and when I got close enough, I threw a punch. Surprisingly, he reacted to my punch by tilting his head to the left.

As my punch missed, I felt a warmth in my stomach. Then, like a bullet, I was thrown back and hit the container behind me.

"Hot..." I whispered as I got up from the ground. Smoke was coming off my body, and I could feel my skin burning.

"Since you could withstand that punch, you're a freak," Edward said, walking towards me.

"I've changed my mind; I'll capture you alive and take you to the Hammerhead family. I'm increasing the voltage for that. Hopefully, you won't die," he added and charged towards me.

As he approached me, electric arcs formed around his fists. I could tell how dangerous they were just by looking at them.

When he got close enough, he threw a punch. I easily dodged it and countered. But Edward reacted as if he could see my movements and caught my fist with his hand.


When this happened, electricity surged directly into my body, causing me to groan in pain. Taking advantage of my state, Edward punched me with his other hand.

Although he didn't have much physical strength, the electric arcs around his fist made him dangerous. When his fist hit my jaw, I felt my vision darken for a moment. Thankfully, my healing kicked in almost instantly and healed it.

[Wind Steps]

I wrapped my arms around Edward's waist and jumped into the air, taking him with me. I started ascending by using my ability consecutively. My goal was to elevate him and drop him to the ground.

But this was a mistake...

"Who do you think you are??!!"

Edward shouted, raising both his arms into the air and gathering electricity in his hands.

"Let's see if you can withstand a million volts."

When he struck me with his arms, the intensity of the electricity caused me to crash into the ground like a bullet. The ground trembled, and a small crater formed around me.

My body was incredibly hot, and my skin had turned black from burning. My eyes were completely blacked out, but I could still sense electricity arcing around my body.

When the ground trembled slightly, and an electric wave passed over me, I understood that Edward had landed.

"Did you die that easily?"

I smiled when I heard those words.

"If you think I'll die that easily, you're mistaken."

Despite the incredible pain coursing through my body, I stood up and opened my already healed eyes. Although my body wasn't completely healed, I was in a condition to move.

"You're like a cockroach!" Edward yelled and punched the ground.

An electric wave came directly at me and struck me...


But surprisingly, nothing happened to me, which astonished Edward.

Throughout our battle, my physique improved with every blow I took. If he wanted to harm me, he'd have to use at least a million volts.

[Wind Steps]

Launching myself out of the crater, I landed in front of Edward and swiftly delivered a spinning kick. As I expected, Edward evaded my kick and countered with a punch to my back.

[Wind Steps]

Using my ability lightly, I leaped into the air to evade his punch and delivered another kick while airborne.

Just like before, Edward dodged my kick and launched another attack at me.

He easily dodged my attacks, and I evaded his. If I wanted to land a hit on him, I had to do something unexpected.

Thinking about this, I grinned.

Right at that moment, Edward threw a punch at my ribs. Seeing this, I did something unexpected. I grabbed his wrist directly.

Before electricity surged into my body, I heard Edward mutter, "You idiot..."

I clenched my teeth and tried to resist the electricity coursing through my body. Just as my vision was about to fade, my healing kicked in and repaired my body. When the electricity finally stopped flowing through me, I chuckled.

"Hahahahahah. I got you..."

Considering my charcoal-colored skin, there was no threat in my words.

"You're crazy," Edward said, looking at me.

I ignored his words and, grabbing him, slammed him into the ground with all my strength. The impact caused the ground to crack.

Apparently, this blow had severely injured Edward. Actually, this was normal because my power was on par with a high-level super soldier.

"Kill... me..." Edward forced out.

"I'll do it even if you don't ask. But before that, there are things you need to tell me," I said.

Upon hearing my words, Edward fell silent.

"Where is the headquarters of the Hammerhead family?" I asked.

After a few seconds of silence, Edward began to speak.

"I understand... this is revenge," he said.

Then he whispered, "Sea Gate... abandoned mansion."

"Thank you, and goodbye."

As I said these words, blue flames appeared around my left hand and completely engulfed my left arm from shoulder to fingertip.

"Don't worry, this won't hurt," I said, reaching out to Edward's body, but something stopped me.

"Hey!! Stay away from the guy!!" shouted a kid.

Turning my head in the direction of the voice, I looked at the owner of the voice.

The owner of the voice was a kid wearing a red and black costume. He was currently looking at me from on top of a container. From the spider symbol on the chest of his costume, I understood that he was Spider-Man.

Thankfully, my face was like charcoal right now. If it weren't, he could cause me trouble.

Seeing that I didn't respond to him, Spider-Man grabbed my left arm with great force.

Seeing this, I smiled and caught the spider web holding my arm.

"Fuck off!"

With my words, the blue flames on my arm quickly reached Spider-Man through the spider web.


Spider-Man fell to the ground with a cry of pain.

Seeing this, I whispered, "I hope he's not dead," and turned back to Edward on the ground.

I touched his chest with my left hand. Blue flames quickly engulfed his body and took his soul in just a second. Then, I placed my right hand on Edward's chest. Orange flames around my right hand engulfed Edward's body.

The red flames devoured Edward's body in just seconds. I turned around and walked away from there.

Today, I would bring an end to the Hammerhead family.

But before that, I needed to find a new outfit. After all, I was currently naked.

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