Marvel's Descendants Of Gods And Demons

Chapter 206 Six Wings Fallen Angel!

"What did you say?!"

The cunning Mephisto can naturally tell that since Lu Yu said such words, he has no intention of letting him go!

"I think this is a good idea, lock you in my hell, and use your power to nourish the hell." Lu Yu had an evil smile on his lips, and said in a joking voice, "It can also be very effective. To prevent you from recovering in the long river of time."

He looked at Mephisto, whose whole body was shaking with fear and his pupils narrowed sharply. Lu Yu slowly raised her right hand before he could speak.


A very crisp finger snap echoed throughout the entire hall.

As the sound sounded, the dark chains wrapped around Mephisto's body suddenly began to shrink rapidly as if they had received an order!

"No! No! You are violating the order of the universe! You can't do this to me!" Mephisto looked at Lu Yu in horror. He waved his arms randomly, trying to get rid of the pull of the dark chains.

It's a pity that he is not a protagonist and does not have the ability to explode. What he couldn't do in his heyday is even more impossible to do now that he has very little strength.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!"

The dark chains kept pulling on Mephisto's body, pulling Mephisto towards the twisted black hole that suddenly appeared in the big hole.

"You can kill me! You can choose to kill me right away!" Mephisto looked extremely flustered and shouted angrily at Lu Yu, "My existence is recognized by the universe, and I have a mission given to me by the universe. You You cannot imprison me in your latitude without permission!"

"In fact, there is nothing in this world that I can't do." Lu Yu stared at Mephisto who was constantly being swallowed by the black hole, unmoved at all.

"You will be punished by the Court of Life々々!" Mephisto's face was extremely desperate, and his eyes were full of unwilling resentment, "I will watch you die!"

After he roared hysterically, he was completely swallowed by the twisted black hole.

This time, Mephisto's emotions were no longer fake, he truly felt broken.

Although Mephisto's power has been sealed by Lu Yu, his special body structure can still ensure that he can survive in very good health even if he does not eat or drink for hundreds of thousands of years.

If he can't die, it will be a luxury for Mephisto to even be resurrected in his own hell dimension! If Lu Yu has no intention of killing him, he will be imprisoned in a cage by Lu Yu forever!

Even if Lu Yu is killed by the Life Court, he still cannot escape!

"I said it before."

Looking at Mephisto disappearing into the hall, Lu Yu showed a meaningful smile, Fu, let you see the gods imprisoned by me. "

He slowly stood up from the throne, and the glorious hall around him began to gradually disappear, revealing Times Square in New York covered by the projection of hell.

Everything before was as if it had never happened. A fat traffic policeman was writing a ticket in front of Lu Yu's convertible sports car parked on the roadside with his head lowered and seriously.

Mephisto was swallowed into the black hole, and his consciousness was briefly confused.

When Mephisto was able to think clearly again, he found that his hands and feet were still entangled with chains, preventing him from moving significantly.

His body was tied to a huge cross three to four meters high!

"Where am I?" Mephisto raised his head weakly, squinted his blurred eyes, and looked around.

Seeing the scene around him, an extremely biting and cold fear surged through Mephisto's body, making him freeze in place as if the blood in his body had stopped flowing!

"my Lord!"

Mephisto's mind was buzzing as if he had been hit by an explosion. The confusion caused by extreme shock made him even call out the name that the devil should not call.

I saw that around Mephisto, the dirt on the ground was as red as blood, densely covered with countless dark crosses.

Under the cold blood moon, the crosses one after another formed a black ocean, as if there were no borders at all!

A very strong visual shock, impacting Mephisto's soul.

However, what really makes Mephisto feel frightened is that on these crosses, there are countless creatures with strange shapes and as weak as him.

After they noticed the movement, they all raised their heads and looked at Mephisto. The most numerous of them is Angel, who carries several pairs of wings.

It occupies about half of Mephisto's field of vision.

Mephisto can feel that even though these creatures have lost their power like him, the aura they exude is still suffocating and oppressive!

He was shocked to realize in his heart that even if his power was not sealed by Lu Yu, he might still be inferior to any of these creatures!

This is simply unbelievable! I am the strongest latitude lord! What kind of existence are these people tied to the cross!

`々Absolutely no one has used the power to kill more gods than me. "

(Okay) “It’s time you met the gods I imprisoned.

What Lu Yu said before, constantly replayed in Mephisto's mind like a curse! Constantly disintegrating the last bit of pride in his heart!

"Welcome to Hellskin."

An extremely handsome fallen Angel who was tied to a huge cross and carried six jet-black wings slowly raised his head.

His gaze made Mephisto's soul feel a huge pain that could collapse and dissipate at any time, and be completely annihilated in this world!

The fallen Angel stared at Mephisto with his pair of black eyes that shone with magical light and seemed to be able to suck all the light into them. The gloating smile on his face was full of evil feeling, "Can you share it with me? You are so weak. How did the insect get the chance to provoke him?"

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