Marvel's Descendants Of Gods And Demons

Chapter 70 Helpless S.H.I.E.L.D Chief

"As you can see, the man in the picture who can turn into sand, when surrounded by a group of war mechas, actually summoned an extremely large number of strange creatures that can't be seen to the end at a glance."

On the TV, a beautiful reporter held a microphone with a serious expression and reported to the camera in a heavy tone.

On the big screen behind her, there was an image of a continuous line of jackals on the ground, throwing their weapons into the sky, constantly destroying war mechas.

"These strange creatures with wolf heads and human bodies used a devastating method to destroy the war mechas of the Hammer Group that made our country's army feel helpless."

"Missiles, artillery, and powerful destructive weapons that are indispensable in modern warfare are just like children's toys in front of these strange creatures.

The picture on the big screen was enlarged, and there was a scene of a Jackal grabbing the missile in his hand, and it was still intact after the missile exploded.

"Such a powerful creature, this seemingly invincible army, has to make us doubt whether they are really the army of 03 Death God Anubis in Egyptian mythology and legends?"

The screen continued to switch, freezing on the image of the largest giant mecha kneeling in front of a man.

The beautiful reporter turned around and constantly zoomed in on the image with her hands, giving a close-up of the standing man.

From the high-definition picture, you can see the man holding the bright gold scepter in his hand, with a calm face, looking down indifferently at the giant mecha that was kneeling on its knees and looked extremely miserable.

"And what is the connection between this person who can summon mythical creatures from the underworld and Death God Anubis?"

"If gods really exist and are around us, what attitude should we humans use to face them?"

It can be said that most people in the entire United States have watched this news report that has been edited and processed in the later stage.

Even the protagonist in this news, Lu Yu. He was also accompanied by a one-eyed dragon with a black eyepatch and a tall beauty with a very sexy figure. He had no choice but to read the entire news from beginning to end.

"I've done a good research on you. You can manipulate sand, create illusions, predict the future, summon creatures from the have a lot of abilities."

After the news ended, the current director of S.H.I.E.L.D., one-eyed Nick. Fury, sat on the sofa opposite Lu Yu. With a look of extreme disbelief on his face, he yelled at Lu Yu in a very exaggerated tone, "But you only told our people last time that you were a secondary Mutant with the ability to predict precognition!"

Because Nick was so emotional, every word he spoke was spitting everywhere.

"I said multiple mutants that day. I didn't lie to you." Lu Yu shrugged and blinked at Nick innocently, "You have my information and know where I was a few days ago. When I go to school, are you still going to say that I am a fake Mutant?"

"You can't blame us for doubting what you said." Nick was not deceived by Lu Yu's seemingly harmless appearance. He still said very rudely, "There is no Mutant in our information who has as much wealth as you." Ability."

"My genes are more powerful than those of the people you mentioned. Can't I mutate a few more times?" Lu Yu said in a mocking tone, "In this world, it's not like you S.H.I.E.L.D said you should let Mutant mutate a few times. Mutant can only mutate a few times." times."

"You can't just pass a bill about limiting the number of genetic mutations of Mutants, and all Mutants will have to sleep with you as the judge to transform, right?"

After speaking, Lu Yu laughed himself, with a look of disdain on his face.

"I'm not kidding you, I want to hear the truth!" Nick hammered the coffee table hard, his tone raised a few points, and there was a very sharp feeling in it, "You have to know, you have With an army!"

"It's still the kind of army that is so powerful that it can suddenly appear anywhere at any time." The sexy beauty who had been silent all this time suddenly interjected․ Mouth said.

"You're right, Hill." Nick nodded in agreement, turned to Lu Yu and said earnestly, "The power you have now has caused huge amounts of threats to the country's security."

"We can only help you if you tell us the truth." Nick stared at Lu Yu very seriously, his eyes seemed to be full of sincerity.

"It seems that you have forgotten what I asked Phil Coulson to bring you." Lu Yu stared at Nick expressionlessly, "You can't protect yourself now, how credible can the guarantee you make be?"

As the director of S.H.I.E.L.D, Nick can be said to be extremely proficient in his ability to control emotions. Whether it's the roar before or the sincere look now, the emotions that can be seen on his face must be what he wants you to see.

Lu Yu knew this very well, so he was not deceived by Nick's illusion.

He didn't want S.H.I.E.L.D to know too much about many things about him, such as his identity as a god and his Death God Legion.

But Lu Yu knows that what S.H.I.E.L.D loves to do most is to formulate a response plan for every super-Ability person who loses control.

Although he is not afraid of this plan for himself, he does not intend to do such stupid things as sending it to help others improve the plan.

From the beginning, he was acting silly with Nick.

Although compared to Nick, who even the Best Actor would be ashamed of, even saying his acting skills are bad is a compliment, he is still confident.

Since S.H.I.E.L.D wanted something from him, a smart guy like Nick wouldn't choose to expose him now.

After all, compared to Lu Yu's problems, the internal problems of S.H.I.E.L.D are definitely more important in Nick's heart.


As Lu Yu expected, Nick was silent for a while after listening to Lu Yu's words, and then sighed helplessly and said, "Then you should at least tell us how many abilities you have hidden, right?"

At this time, Nick's tone had become much weaker, with a tone of discussion. He already knew that Lu Yu was not an easy person to fool, so he put Lu Yu on the same level as him.

"I don't know either." Lu Yu's eyes widened and he shook his head, showing an even more helpless expression than Nick's, "Maybe one? Maybe ten?"

"When they want to mutate again, I will naturally have another ability..."

"I can't control my genes."

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