Marvel's Explosive Fruit

Chapter 134 Information

As the leader of Hydra, Baron von Strucker was imprisoned in a different prison. Since S.H.I.E.L.D. has been disbanded, the Avengers are apparently in charge of these matters. Therefore, Strucker was imprisoned by Tony. In a place of his own making. .1kanshu

After Strack was arrested, many people wanted him dead for whatever reason, so security became the prison's top priority. Fortunately, Tony kept a very tight guard on this, and all the guards were carefully selected to ensure that no spies got in. This person has a lot of information. If he is accidentally assassinated, the loss will be huge.

Strack also knows his own value, so he knows how to bargain. If he wants him to provide information, he must agree to some conditions and improve the accommodation environment of the cell. This is one of the most basic conditions.

Therefore, Rhaegar seemed a little surprised when he saw Strucker through the bulletproof glass.

Although this cell is also a cell, the environment is quite good, with a comfortable single bed, a complete bathroom, clean floors, solid wood tables and chairs, and even a bookshelf. Strack, wearing a gray jumpsuit and glasses, was sitting at the table reading a book.

Seeing Rhaegar and Colson coming, Straker put down the book in his hand, stood up, and said with a smile, "Rhaega, Colson, I didn't expect you to come too."

"What do you mean?" Rhaegar asked.

"Just a few days ago, Stark and Rogers also came to visit me," Strucker said. "It seems that you Avengers really have something in common."

"We came here to ask you something."

"Of course, are you here to see how my life is going?" Strack pointed to his head, "Everyone wants to know the information in my head."

After saying that, he pointed around again, "That's why I was able to move from a cold, damp and dark cell to this one. What do you think?"

"I'm not in the mood to talk nonsense with you," Rega said coldly, "I came here to ask you if you know how to get to another planet."

"There are many ways to get to another planet. Doesn't your God of Thunder know that?"

"But I'm not going to Asgard, but to the planet of Hydra, the planet of your exiled god." Rhaegar pressed his hands on the glass.

Straker was stunned for a moment, half-smiling, and said, "So that's it. It seems that you are very capable of tossing things, and you actually know this secret."

"Tell us how to get there?" Coulson asked.

Straker looked at the two of them, "You are SHIELD and the Avengers, don't you know?"

Rhaegar and Coulson looked at each other and said nothing.

"Or do you already know, but the information is incomplete?" Struck smiled.

"Say it quickly before I do it." Looking at Straker's proud expression, Rhaegar felt extremely unhappy, "There were other people around in Skovvia, so I just knocked you out, but today, I'm very likely to I can’t help but kill you!”

"Mr. Rega, I have long put my personal life and death aside, and your threats are of no use to me."

Strucker continued, "However, in order to prevent my death from being too troublesome, I can tell you."

"You need a black boulder to get to that planet."

"We know this."

Strucker looked at Coulson, "But you don't know how to open this boulder, do you?"

"We know that too."

Strucker was a little surprised, "Since you know everything, why do you need to come to me?"

He looked at the two people outside the glass with a smile on his face, "Did you tell me something was wrong?"

"Sure enough, something went wrong." Seeing that the two of them were still silent, Struck laughed loudly, "Is it the boulder or the room?"

"The boulder has been destroyed and we can't get past it," Rhaegar said.

"Oh?" Straker looked very surprised, "It actually destroyed the boulder. I guess it wasn't you."

"It was the Inhumans who did it," Coulson said.

"So that's it." Strack suddenly realized that it seemed that Whitehall's research had indeed yielded results.

"Then there's nothing we can do. Since the boulder has been destroyed, the passage cannot be opened." Straker spread his hands, then returned to his chair and reopened the book he co-wrote, "You two, go back, no matter you It had to go away for whatever reason, but it can’t go away now.”

There was a loud bang, accompanied by the sound of breaking glass and strong air waves, and Rhaegar walked in from outside.

Ignoring the loud alarm bell, Rhaegar walked up to Strucker with a sullen face, pinched the back of his neck with his right hand, and pressed him hard on the table. Then, he grabbed the fingers of Strack's left hand and broke it hard.

Straker's index finger was broken in response, and the pale bones poked out from the broken flesh. It looked shocking, and Straker suddenly let out a scream like a slaughtering pig.

Rhaegar was unmoved and said coldly, "Now that one finger is gone, you still have nine chances."

"Tell me how to open that channel."

The sharp pain from his knuckles made Strack's whole body tremble uncontrollably. He gritted his teeth and said nothing.

With a click, his middle finger was broken off by Rega again.

"Eight times."

Armed guards surrounded the outside, but no one moved because they didn't know what to do. Fortunately, someone was smarter and quickly contacted Tony to report the situation here.

Coulson felt a little uncomfortable when he saw Rhaegar behaving like this, but after thinking about it, he still didn't say anything to stop him.

"I told you, we need that stone!" Struck said bitterly.

"I'm not satisfied with that answer."

Feeling that Rega was about to break off his fingers again, Strucker quickly shouted, "In Germany, Stuttgart, there is a warehouse there. When you go in, you will find five stone pillars. That is the last resort."

Rhaegar looked at Straker and let go of his neck. The man immediately covered his left hand and collapsed to the ground.

"Let's go," Rhaegar said to Coulson.

He had just taken two steps when Straker suddenly stopped him.

"Mr. Rhaegar."

Rhaegar turned away.

"Don't you want to know what questions Stark and Rogers came to ask?" Straker gasped, with a weird smile on his face, "They came to ask me about the scepter. To be more precise, they came to ask me about the scepter. , is the jewel on that scepter.”

Rega narrowed his eyes slightly, turned around and continued walking out. The crowd immediately separated into a passage.

Coulson looked at Strucker, then at Rhaegar, and left the prison without saying a word.

Straker was left leaning against the wall, laughing behind them.

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