Marvel's Explosive Fruit

Chapter 137 Notification

"Why is this happening?" Rega asked, holding back his anger. .

"He was dead just now, and our medical staff sent him to the morgue," Colson explained. "Unexpectedly, he suddenly stood up again, killed a few people, and quickly escaped."

"This is the SHIELD base, why did he escape?!" Rhaegar asked loudly.

"After the plane landed, we didn't close the hangar. It had direct access to the outside, and he escaped from there."

"That place is at least ten meters high. How did he escape?"

"Jumped out."

Coulson called up a surveillance video. Will knocked down several people one after another, then jumped several times and escaped from the hangar.

"That's not something ordinary humans can do." Looking at the video of Will jumping three to four meters high, Rega looked gloomy.

"Yes, that's why he was able to defeat many of us so easily," Coulson looked at Rhaegar, "Now that he has escaped, things will become more and more troublesome."

Rega lowered his head and held the table tightly with both hands. "When I examined him just now, he felt like a corpse. He had no pulse or body temperature. He seemed to have been dead for a long time."

"Could that Will be a corpse?" Coulson guessed.


"I said, in fact, that Will is a corpse, but the hive parasitized him and made him come back to life."

"It's possible. Only in this way can we explain the phenomenon just now." Rega thought thoughtfully.

"So, does that mean that if he wants to parasitize a person, he can only parasitize a corpse?"

"This is not certain yet, but judging from the situation just now, it is very possible, otherwise there is no need for him to put in so much effort."

Rhaegar sighed, then asked, "Where's Simmons?"

"She is normal. Of course, after staying on an alien planet for such a long time, there will definitely be some abnormalities in her body functions, but she is still a human being."

Rhaegar nodded, it was finally good news.

"It's just that she's very sad about Will."

"There's nothing we can do about it. After all, she doesn't understand the situation."

"Now that this stranger has escaped, it will be much more difficult to hunt him down in the future."

"No matter what he is, we must destroy him anyway!" Rhaegar said with a murderous look.

"Well, this kind of creature is too dangerous," Coulson said without any objection. "I will start looking for it immediately and will let you know as soon as I have any news."

Rega's face was as dark as water, he nodded, turned and left. There were several deep finger marks left on the steel table behind him.

Full of depression, Rhaegar returned home angrily.

Night came soon, and he came to the balcony and looked at the brightly lit city, still feeling resentful in his heart.

I originally planned to use everyone's efforts to kill the hive there, but I didn't expect that the hive was attached to an astronaut and returned to the earth through Simmons.

I was careful enough myself, and even though I was on such tight guard, he still managed to escape!

In the final analysis, there was still a problem with the intelligence. He did not know the hive deeply enough and did not know that he could actually parasitize corpses, which gave the other party an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Now that the hive has returned to Earth, it will be difficult to find it again because the dragon has entered the sea.

Although he is alone now, with the ability to control strangers at will, he can quickly build an army, but he doesn't know what his purpose is.

Apart from Hive, Jiaying is nowhere to be found now. She suffered such a big loss, so she must be planning something.

The only consolation is that Hydra's human organization has come to an end. After Malik was captured, Hydra no longer had such a heavyweight veteran to preside over its work, and the people below would soon fall into chaos.

Moreover, Coulson captured a lot of people last time when he killed the Five Snakeheads, and there were not many senior members of Hydra left. As soon as Malik opens his mouth, everyone else will follow in his footsteps.

However, he must not be allowed to know about the hive's escape, otherwise the old man would definitely rather die than surrender if he had hope in his heart.

Thinking of this, Rhaegar was about to pick up the phone to remind Colson, but felt that he could think of it and Colson would not miss this, so he put down the phone again.

Also, there's the matter of the Mind Stone.

Rhaegar unconsciously touched the pendant around his neck.

After entering the afterlife that time, Rhaegar knew that this matter could not be hidden for long.

Tony is known as a genius. He will detect any slightest clue. He may not notice it immediately at the time, but he will eventually find it.

Especially when Straker said his last words yesterday, Tony and the captain went to him to ask about the scepter. They must have realized something was wrong. Although this seemed a bit suspicious, Rhaegar still chose to trust his intuition.

Due to a layer of lead coating on the surface, the radioactivity of the gem was blocked, and Tony and Banner were unable to find it for a while. But Rhaegar can't be sure now. What if Tony already knew it but didn't say it?

After thinking about it, he thought it was impossible. If Tony had the conclusive evidence, he would not remain indifferent. After all, he originally planned to use this to create Ultron, but now that the opportunity was taken away from him, he would not remain unresponsive.

If Rhaegar wants to tell everyone the truth now, he must find a reason, a reason that can convince everyone, because the fact that he performed mind surgery on himself is not enough to explain why he stole the gem.

"You're frowning longer and longer." Natasha's voice woke Rhaegar out of his thoughts.

He turned his head and smiled, "There are too many things that have happened during this period, and they need to be sorted out."

"Yes, Hydra, aliens, hives, one after another, seemingly endless." Natasha also sighed, Rhaegar did not hide these things from her, after all, the original plan was to ask her to help eradicate the hives.

Rhaegar smiled and looked at Natasha without saying anything.

"What's wrong?" Natasha noticed something was wrong with Rega.

"There's something I need to tell you."


"I have cleared the spell that Hydra planted in my mind."

"Really?" Natasha was happy and surprised at the same time, "How did you do it?"

Rhaegar took the pendant off his neck and handed it to Natasha, "Use this thing."

After Natasha took it, she looked at it carefully and asked doubtfully, "A pyramid?"

"Yes, and it is made of Adamantium metal, the same material as your dagger." Rhaegar smiled.

"Is this how to release that kind of thought control?" Natasha smiled, "Are you kidding me?"

"This alone won't work. I rely on the things inside this pyramid."

"What?" Natasha's curiosity was aroused.

"A yellow gem," Rhaegar looked into Natasha's eyes, "taken from Loki's scepter."

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