Marvel's Explosive Fruit

Chapter 34 Wolverine

It was here that Stryker conducted various experiments on mutants, and it was also here that he completed the transformation of Wolverine. .1kanshu

Rhaegar looked around as he walked. The facilities inside were very complete and the security was very tight. There were fully armed soldiers everywhere, all of whom were Stryker's diehard loyalists.

After turning a corner, he came to a hall with a metal groove in the center and many rubber tubes and needles connected below. Inside the groove was a pile of bubbling silver liquid, which was making a gurgling sound.

"Adman Metal." Rhaegar sighed.

"Yes, if you want to use it, you must use high temperature to keep it in its original state. Otherwise, once it cools down, it will be indestructible." Stryker said respectfully, standing next to Rhaegar.

Rhaegar hummed lightly. Then he turned around and asked.

"How's the layout going?"

"According to your instructions, multiple teams have been dispatched to monitor the entire area. If there is any trouble, we will know immediately."

"Well done." Rhaegar praised.

"My pleasure, sir." Stryker became more respectful.

Rhaegar walked to a chair, sat down, closed his eyes, and thought about his next move.

Since taking control of Stryker last time, Rhaegar had a rough plan in mind, and then he took Stryker to Lake Akalia. Although he knew that Stryker still had a base, the specific location was unclear. I forgot, so I can only control Stryker first, not to mention that the next plan also requires his help.

After arriving here, Rhaegar ordered Stryker to send people to monitor the entire area and ask them to pay attention to a strong man and a little girl.

Because before coming, he went to observe the area around the Mutant Academy in advance and found no trace of Wolverine. Therefore, he concluded that Wolverine has not yet become an X-Men, so there is a high possibility that he is in this area.

The net has been cast, all that's left is to wait.

Rhaegar just stayed in Stryker's base, waiting patiently while getting familiar with the surrounding environment.

On the other side, Natasha also went to Rhaegar to ask about the situation, but found that he was always absent, so she had no choice but to give up.

On this day, Rhaegar was listening to Stryker's explanation about gene fusion. Suddenly a soldier ran over and reported that the target had appeared.

Rhaegar was very excited and was about to see Wolverine. He immediately stood up and asked excitedly, "Where is it?"

The soldier already knew that this young man was Stryker's boss, so he quickly pointed out the location on the map.

Rhaegar turned to Stryker and said, "You stay at the base and I'll take Nightcrawler to take a look."

Stryker nodded and asked the soldier to call over a strange man who was blue, with a tail, and patterns all over his body. He was also one of the mutants controlled by Stryker and had the ability to teleport.

Looking at the Night Walker in front of him, Rhaegar pointed to the location on the map and asked, "Do you know this place?"

"I know." Nightcrawler replied.

"Take me there." Rhaegar didn't hesitate at all.

Nightcrawler nodded, holding Rhaegar with one hand, and then activated his ability, disappearing instantly, leaving only a pile of blue smoke-like things floating in the air.

Rhaegar felt a flash before his eyes. When he opened his eyes, he was already surrounded by a world of ice and snow. There were heavy snowflakes floating in the sky, the tall pine trees were covered with long icicles, and there were thick snow piles on both sides of the road. .

In the distance, a car drove over, and Rhaegar and Nightcrawler immediately hid in the woods nearby.

The car drove past them smoothly without stopping.

Rhaegar motioned to Nightcrawler, and the two followed quietly.

After walking for a certain distance, Rega found that a tree suddenly fell in front of the car. The person in the car obviously did not expect this and hit the tree with his head.

The huge inertia caused a person to fly directly out of the front windshield and slide a long distance on the ground.

Rhaegar said "Huh". Unexpectedly, the saber-toothed tiger came at this time. It seemed that the plan was going to change slightly.

The strong man who fell to the ground stood up as if nothing had happened, and the wounds on his face healed almost in the blink of an eye.

Suddenly, he stopped and sniffed the air alertly.

A roar came from the woods, followed by a beast with long hair shawl. He hugged Wolverine with both hands, twisted his waist, and Wolverine flew away far away.

Then he picked up a broken branch on the ground and knocked Wolverine unconscious.

Rhaegar looked on speechless. As a Wolverine, this fight was a complete failure.

At this moment, Rhaegar felt that the wind in the sky was obviously violent, and Storm and Cyclops came.

The Sabretooth Tiger alone was obviously no match for the two X-Men. He was beaten back and forth. Seeing that he could not complete the task, Rhaegar signaled Nightcrawler to take action.

After receiving the order, Nightcrawler appeared behind Storm in an instant, and then knocked her down with a whip kick.

Cyclops only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and suddenly Storm fell to the ground. He was suddenly shocked, stopped attacking, and quickly checked on Storm's condition.

With one person missing, the pressure on Sabertooth Tiger was greatly reduced. He seized the opportunity and attacked continuously. With his attribute of not fearing death, he quickly defeated Cyclops.

By the time he came back to his senses to see who was helping, Nightcrawler had long disappeared.

He didn't hesitate, turned around and walked towards the little naughty man in the car.

Of course Rhaegar couldn't let him take away the naughty boy like this. He walked out of the woods and came to the car that was already on fire. He still tore off the car door.

Then, under the shocked eyes of the little naughty boy, he used brute force to open the seat that had been deformed and stuck due to the impact, and took her out.

When the saber-toothed tiger saw Rhaegar, he couldn't help but roar. Apparently, he remembered his previous encounter with Rhaegar.

Rega smiled, gently placed the little naughty boy on the ground, and said, "Wait a moment, I will deal with this ugly monster."

The confused little naughty boy nodded.

Rhaegar turned around, looked at the saber-toothed tiger rushing toward him, and smiled contemptuously.

Now I can no longer defeat someone at the level of Sabretooth Tiger. The gap between the two people is really too big.

With a lift and a kick, the saber-toothed tiger flew back faster than before. But it wasn't over yet. Rhaegar immediately started to follow and quickly came to Sabre-toothed Tiger. Before he fell to the ground and hadn't gotten up, he hit Sabre-toothed Tiger hard on the face with another powerful explosive punch. Sabre-Toothed Tiger's avatar was The watermelon that was opened instantly exploded into flowers.

Rega didn't stop punching him. This guy couldn't die anyway, so it would be better to let him spend more time recovering.

Rhaegar grabbed Sabertooth Tiger's right leg with one hand and dragged him over. Behind him, the saber-toothed tiger's deformed head was recovering bit by bit.

Seeing Rhaegar getting rid of the bad guy so easily, the little naughty boy's eyes widened, but the scene was a little too bloody.

Is he also a mutant? I have never seen such a powerful mutant.

Rega came to the little naughty man and smiled at her. The little naughty man's mood eased a little. After all, compared with that guy, Rega seemed to be a good person.

"Nightwalker," Rhaegar called.

Nightcrawler appeared beside Rhaegar without warning. The little naughty boy was startled and screamed, then quickly covered his mouth.

"You take the little naughty back first, I will be there soon," Rhaegar said.

Nightcrawler nodded.

Seeing the little naughty boy's frightened look, Rega said gently, "Don't be afraid. Although he looks strange, he is very kind and has no ill intentions towards you."

The little naughty boy was still in shock and nodded subconsciously.

Rhaegar hummed with satisfaction. Then, Nightcrawler grabbed the naughty boy's clothes and disappeared in an instant.

At this time, Wolverine had gradually woken up, but his strength was still a bit vague. Just when he was about to see who knocked him out, he was hit hard on the head and fainted again.

Looking at the undead duo on the ground, Rhaegar smiled, then grabbed one with one hand, jumped into the air, and flew towards the base while carrying the two brothers upside down.

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