Marvel's Explosive Fruit

Chapter 60 Spells

Since coming to Marvel, Rhaegar feels like he hasn't had much rest. First, Stark, then Spider-Man and Lizardman, then mutants, transforming Natasha, and then Loki and Chitauri. , as if spinning continuously, even Rhaegar felt mentally exhausted. This time, he was ready to adjust himself while the Battle of New York was over. .biquge

The Battle of New York had a huge impact on the world. For the first time, humans clearly realized that they were not the only intelligent creatures. There were countless races in the universe, and not all of them were kind.

The Avengers who shined in the Battle of New York have become the focus of people's talk. Some people regard them as idols and think that they are heroes who save the world, while others regard them as savage beasts and think that this power is too powerful and they should be controlled.

As the only woman, Natasha won the biggest fan base with her amazing performance of freezing an entire street by herself.

In addition, Rhaegar also gained many followers for violently destroying Chitauri transport ships. The fighting method of punching out and causing a violent explosion was violent and wild, and at the same time full of special beauty, which made many people’s blood boil and wished they could fight in person. Therefore, everyone called Rhaegar "Brother Explosion".

Needless to say, Iron Man is already liked by many people. Spider-Man also won an olive branch from SHIELD because of his outstanding performance. He can finally get rid of the financial constraints.

Captain, Hawkeye, and Thor have also attracted a lot of people's attention, and even Hulk has his own worship group. In everyone's minds, this violent green fat man seems to have become a lot cuter.

Although there was a lot of noise outside, Rhaegar and the others didn't feel anything about it. However, when he learned his nickname, he still felt a little helpless. He originally thought that he would have a cool, domineering and deep nickname, but he didn't expect it to be like this. He thought that the code name of the dignified Winter Soldier turned out to be something like this. Rhaegar really didn't know what to say.

After spending a relaxing day, Hawkeye and the others were recruited back by Fury to perform various tasks, but Rhaegar was still at ease. This was not only because he had no intention of returning to SHIELD, but Fury also felt that given Rhaegar's character and abilities, some tasks were inappropriate and some were overkill, so he was passed over.

Although there were no aliens to worry about and no one urging him to work from behind, Rhaegar was not idle because he had more pressing matters to deal with.

"Are you sure?" Natasha held a Russian dictionary in her hand.

The fact that Rhaegar was controlled during the Battle of New York has always weighed heavily on his heart like a boulder. Everyone else thought that Loki controlled him with the scepter, but only he and Natasha knew the real reason.

"Well, those damn words are indeed very influential, and we must find a way to solve this problem as soon as possible."

Rega's eyes were cold. He remembered the scene a few days ago when he marked those words in the dictionary with a pencil and his whole body trembled involuntarily. He couldn't say those words at all, and even felt uncomfortable when writing them. This was the only way to tell Natasha. It was only then that Natasha truly saw the extent of Hydra's influence on Rhaegar.

"There is a person who should be able to help us, but I don't trust him very much." Rega thought of Professor X. He should be able to solve this problem relatively easily. After all, he is the absolute authority in this regard.

But Rega was not at ease in handing over his brain to Professor

Natasha nodded. There was really no risk in this kind of thing. Once something went wrong, it would be over.

"So, the best and most feasible way I can think of at the moment is for you," Rhaegar raised his head, "say these words, slowly one by one, and gradually increase my resistance to them."

"Is this okay?" Natasha was a little worried.

"You'll know if it works or not. And even if I really can't resist and am controlled, I am still controlled by you." Rega smiled slightly.

Hearing Rhaegar say this, Natasha smiled and narrowed her eyes.

"Okay, now that it's determined, let's get started. Let's start with the first word today."

"Eager?" Natasha said softly.

The moment Natasha said it, an order that seemed to come from the depths of her soul instantly spread throughout Rega's body with an irresistible majesty.

Rhaegar immediately gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, clenched his fists, breathed heavily, and tried hard to fight against that feeling.

After a while, under Natasha's worried eyes, he gradually calmed down and slowly opened his eyes.

"How do you feel?" Natasha asked.

"Fortunately, it has passed. After all, there is only one word, and the power can still be withstood." Rega took a long breath.

"Well, let's stop here now, and we will continue later," Natasha said softly, "After all, this is a process and you need to take your time."

Rhaegar nodded, "You are right. Although I want to solve this problem immediately, this kind of thing cannot be rushed."

In fact, Rega knew that doing so was just a way to stop the boil. He could only strengthen his mental power through continuous practice and thus develop resistance to these words to a certain extent, but in the end he could not cure the root cause.

Hydra does have a skill in mind control. The series of words used to control the Winter Soldier cannot be simply forgotten or erased, because each trigger word has many extended memories.

For example, for the Winter Soldier, "desire" is a command. If this word is deleted, the Winter Soldier will forget all the memories and emotions related to "desire". Such a result is very terrifying for a person. of.

However, Rhaegar suddenly remembered a hero who appeared in Marvel in the later period, Black Panther. His hometown Wakanda had a lot of black technology, and the Winter Soldier Bucky later went there for treatment. Maybe they could help him.

However, Black Panther has not shown up now, and Rhaegar is not familiar with him. Although there is no problem in terms of strength when fighting alone, after all, it is Black Panther's home field, and various methods are endless. If there is another vibranium cage, , Rhaegar has no confidence that he can break it.

The most critical problem is that due to his status as a time traveler, Rhaegar will not trust anyone to look into his brain, not even Natasha.

Therefore, this path does not work either.

Currently, the only people who know about the brainwashing system of the Winter Soldier are a few high-level executives of Hydra, and because they were in a cage on the space carrier, they were unable to stop Loki immediately. Otherwise, he would have tried to control Thunder with a spell. Plus, it’s almost impossible for an ordinary person.

However, considering the series of things I need to do in the future, this control issue is still a troublesome one.

"What are you thinking about?" Natasha noticed Rhaegar's brows furrowed and asked softly.

"Something about Hydra."

"what happened?"

"It's nothing, it's just that this organization bothers me too much and I want to eliminate it as soon as possible." Rega smiled and lied.

In fact, he just thought of the scepter that Loki brought when he came to Earth.

After the Battle of New York, he failed to seize the scepter immediately due to fainting. When I went to look for it later, I found that the scepter had fallen into the hands of Hydra, so it might be conducting human experiments to create two superpowers, Wanda and Quicksilver.

In view of this, Rhaegar doesn't want to take back the scepter yet. Even if he wants to, he doesn't know where the scepter is.

"Hydra is a huge monster. You can't defeat it with your own strength."

"I know, but I have your help and patience."

"So, your next goal is to deal with Hydra?" Natasha asked.

"Well, this is a knot in my heart. If the Hydra is not eliminated, I will have no peace." Rega's voice seemed a little cold.

"What are you going to do?"

"Let's start with something simple. There are a lot of bugs inside SHIELD."

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