Marvel's Explosive Fruit

Chapter 66 Meeting Coulson

Looking at Coulson who was recovering as good as ever, Rhaegar said with a smile on his face. .biquge

"Rhaega, Natasha." Coulson still looked warm.

"Have you recovered?" Natasha was happy but also a little surprised. "It seems that Fury really didn't lie to us this time."

"Although the operation was a bit troublesome, I survived in the end." Colson said with a smile.

"Not bad. It looks like you are in good health. Being alive is the greatest happiness." Rega nodded and did not dwell too much on this matter. "Please sit down."

"I heard you wanted to see me." Coulson looked around Rhaegar's new residence. He had never been there before and found that the layout was very simple.

"I was supposed to go see you, but I don't know where you are, so I have to ask you to go there yourself."

Rhaegar opened the refrigerator and took out a bottle of beer and handed it to Coulson.

"Thank you," Colson took the beer, "I wonder what you want from me?"

Rhaegar sat down opposite Coulson, his expression very serious.

"Fury should have told you the relevant news."

"Well, let's work together to bring down Hydra." Coulson nodded.

"Hydra is an extremely difficult organization with a long history. Cut off one head and two will grow. This is not just a saying. Whether it is attached to other organizations or independent, it has already It has existed for so many years and may continue to exist. Its vitality can be said to be extremely powerful.”

"But it can't be avoided this time, can't it?" Coulson immediately asked.

"It can only be said that our chances of winning are greater this time." Rega was not as optimistic as Coulson. "To eradicate it, the difficulties we encounter are much greater than we imagined."

Rega took a breath and adjusted his mood, "I came to you today mainly because I want to discuss something with you."


"In the eyes of the outside world, you are dead now. Fury shouldn't waste such a good opportunity." Rhaegar looked at Coulson. "Has he assigned you a new mission and asked you to take advantage of this?" Advantages, engaging in some activities underground?”

Coulson looked at Rhaegar, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. It was indeed true, and Fury had only given him this task not long ago. How did Rhaegar know?

Perhaps Fury told him, after all, the two parties now share information to a certain extent.

So Coulson didn't deny it.

"Yes, Fury asked me to form a team to investigate and deal with some issues that SHIELD cannot investigate openly."

Rega's eyes lit up, it was indeed so.

"So, are your team members confirmed?"

"That's almost it. If there are no accidents, it should be these people."

"Can you tell me who they are?" Rhaegar then asked.

Coulson glanced at Rhaegar a little strangely, why was he so interested in my team members, but he couldn't ask directly, so he said patiently.

"Two senior agents, Ward and May, two young but talented scientists, Fitz and Simmons, and a young female hacker, Skye, but she has not yet officially joined SHIELD."

Ward, Rhaegar finally heard the name he wanted to hear.

This Hydra agent is very skilled and was raised by his adoptive agent father. Under his influence, he is also a member of Hydra. This person has a very serious psychological disorder. Although it is not visible on the surface, he will gradually become aware of it as time goes by. Moreover, he sometimes behaves very kindly and will take measures he deems appropriate when encountering certain situations, instead of blindly following the orders of his superiors.

But Rhaegar didn't care about this. Ward was a senior agent of Hydra, and the lives of his men were unknown. It would be better to eradicate such people as early as possible.

There is also his unknown adoptive father, who is also on Rhaegar's must-kill list.

"Is there any problem?" Coulson saw Rhaegar's eyes flashing and asked.

Natasha also looked at Rhaegar with a strange expression.

"It's nothing, I just think you are recruiting young people. Aren't you afraid that something will happen?"

"Aren't you also very young?" Colson pointed at Rhaegar.

Rhaegar looked stunned, then laughed.

Then, Rhaegar suddenly stopped laughing and said, "Colson, I need to remind you."


"SHIELD is not safe."

"I know this."

"It's not safe around you."

Colson's eyes suddenly tightened.

"What does it mean?"

Rhaegar said nothing.

"You know who has the problem."


"Who is it?" Coulson asked quickly. This was related to the safety of future operations and the survival of SHIELD, so he couldn't help but be nervous.

Rhaegar pondered for a long time, and just when Coulson couldn't bear it any longer, he slowly said, "Your newly recruited agent, Ward."

"What?!" Colson's voice suddenly rose much higher, and he stood up immediately in desperation.

He struggled back from the line of life and death. Fury had just given him a task. Unexpectedly, the first thing he did was to recruit a Hydra member.

"How is that possible?" Colson felt a little unbelievable.

"That's the truth, you know, I don't have to lie to you."

After a while, Coulson recovered from the shock, "Besides, who else do you know?"

"There are no more in your team," Rhaegar shook his head, "As for the others, I can't tell you yet. It's not that I deliberately concealed it, but I don't know their names, so even if I want to tell you, Nothing can be done.”

It's not his fault. After such a long time, Rhaegar has almost forgotten many things. It was only after Coulson said it just now that he remembered Ward's name, let alone the others.

He only remembered that in addition to these two people, there was also a former member of the World Security Council, a young man who seemed to be the son of a dead Hydra executive, and the first generation leader of the Inhumans. , other than that, he has almost forgotten some details.

More importantly, he needs to find the location of the dead Kree. Only in this way can he find the aliens and then find the portal.

Coulson felt a little strange. He didn't even know the other person's name. How did Rhaegar know that these people were Hydra?

However, he did not ask further. Everyone has their own secrets, and it is always not good to get to the bottom of it.

"Then what do you need me to do?"

"So far, nothing is needed. It's business as usual. Just continue with your work and don't show any doubts." Rhaegar leaned on the sofa. "If you encounter any problems during this process, you can You can come to me at any time and I will help you. At the same time, I can also take this opportunity to see who is Hydra."

Coulson nodded.

"After discovering them, I will tell you who the mole is. When the time is right, you can lead out the person behind the scenes and you can take action."

"What about you?" Coulson keenly noticed the flaw in Rega's words.

"After the victory in this battle, SHIELD should be completely cleaned up. The remaining matters are very involved. To put it bluntly, they are probably beyond your ability. Leave those matters to me."

Coulson frowned.

"Of course, I don't dare to guarantee that I will succeed. If I need your help then, I will contact you in time. I just hope you don't refuse." Rega added.

Hearing Rhaegar say this, Coulson's expression softened slightly.

"This time we not only have to fight for strength, but we also have to be patient. Don't act too hastily, otherwise we will alert the snakes and make them hide even more secretly," Rhaegar continued, "Hydra has a huge organization and many people. We must eradicate all of them. It’s not very realistic, but as long as these snake heads are knocked out, the people below will be killed and scattered, and the threat will be much smaller.”

"I understand that." Colson nodded.

"In that case, I wish us a happy cooperation!"

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