Marvel's father of superheroes

Chapter 228 Father and Son Game (Please subscribe!)

Clark picked up the watch and put it on his wrist. Just a thought came to his mind, and the same suit as Jor-El appeared on him. But what was different from it was that there was a dark red cloak swinging gently behind Clark. With.

Clark looked at the suit on his body, a smile appeared on his face.

This is a gift from home.

"Karl, it looks great on you."

Jor Al looked at it and nodded with satisfaction.

"Thank you."

Clark responded, turning to look at Mike, his eyes twitching.

I saw Mike reaching out and pressing one by one, and those battle suits in the shape of watches disappeared.

Clark smiled and shook his head, but Jor Al looked at this magical scene with some amazement.

Is this the magical ability that the other party said?

Mike happily looked at a watch on his hand, took it to his hand, and instantly felt that something was connected to him.

With a thought, a suit identical to Clark appeared on Mike.

Mike glanced at it, and just thinking about it in his mind, the suit on his body changed.

After a few seconds, Mike's suit changed its appearance.

This is a black battle suit. Except for the S logo on the chest, which has a gray background, other parts are black. Even the cape behind him is black.

Mike laughed and explained to the two of them: "I'm older and not suitable for Clark's bright colors."

Qiao Al smiled slightly, and when he saw the logo on Mike's chest, he couldn't help but said: "Thank you."

"I want to thank you for giving me such a great gift."

Mike touched the suit on his body and said happily, and then said to Clark: "Want to try it?"

Upon hearing this, Clark's eyes lit up and he nodded, looking eager to try.

"We have to get out of here first." Mike said, winked at Clark, and smiled: "SHIELD's visit was in vain again."

Clark raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said to Jor Al, "How do you drive this spaceship?"

"I have direct control."

Jor Al said lightly, and the spacecraft began to tremble slightly.

The hatch closed, and the spacecraft rushed out from under the ice like a giant beast that had broken free of its restraints.

Huge pieces of ice slipped from the spacecraft and hit the ground with a roaring sound. They collided together and shattered. When blown by the strong wind, the fine ice particles flew freely, and the whole world became white. .

From the SHIELD camp in the distance, a large number of people rushed out after hearing the noise.

They looked at the spacecraft flying up from under the ice, their mouths wide open, and they were stunned.

Is this what they are looking for?

Why did it fly away suddenly?

We haven’t even started exploring yet, and it’s over?

Where does this thing come from and where is it going?

A series of question marks appeared in their minds.

The next moment, the spacecraft left quickly.

In just the blink of an eye, it turned into a small dot in their field of vision and then disappeared.

When the spacecraft landed again, it was far away from SHIELD's camp and once again hidden in the ice and snow of the Arctic.

The hatch of the spaceship opened, and two figures came out.

Looking at the backs of the two of them, Jor Al, who couldn't escape from the spaceship, had a look of anticipation in his eyes.

Clark was stronger than his tone, and he wanted to know how strong he would be now.

The only way to quickly determine now is the upcoming battle.

The cold wind howled, Mike and Clark stood opposite each other, the cloaks behind them swinging in the wind, like rolling clouds.

"bring it on!"

Mike waved to Clark.

Clark flicked his wrist and said to Mike: "I'm not welcome, Dad."

Following the words, the red cloak behind Clark instantly stretched into a blurred red line and disappeared.

The next moment...


With a loud bang, Clark's fist fell on Mike's raised arm, the shock wave swept around, and spider web-like cracks appeared on the ice beneath the two of them.


Mike's feet rubbed against the ground, and his body flew backwards. Two ravines appeared under his feet, broken ice splashed everywhere, and ice mist formed by broken ice appeared wherever he passed.

Mike looked at Clark, grinned, and disappeared in a flash.


There was an explosion, and the ice mist was blown away by the strong wind as the two collided.

"Nice job, boy."

Mike looked at Clark who was wrestling with him, smiled and said.

Clark: "I..."

Before he finished speaking, a fierce knee hit Clark's chest, sending him flying into the sky.

Clark grinned, looked at Mike who had disappeared, then turned around and punched him.


Mike squeezed Clark's fist, noticed Clark's eyes lit up, raised his eyebrows, and threw him away.

The scorching heat vision swept across, tearing a rift in the earth.

Mike shouted: "Isn't it too cruel to use this trick?"

Clark curled his lips and said, "You were the one who deceived me first."

The two shook hands and disappeared from the spot at the same time.

Boom, boom!

A huge sound was heard in the air like thunder exploding, and only two figures, one red and one black, could be seen attacking each other in mid-air.

Wherever it passed, strong winds and impacts wreaked havoc on everything around it.

The earth cracked, icebergs collapsed, and large craters like spider webs appeared one after another.

Suddenly, the two of them were fighting in mid-air, falling to the ground like falling meteors.


An iceberg was shattered by the two of them, and when it turned into broken ice cubes flying everywhere, the two of them fell hard to the ground.


The ground seemed to have been penetrated by the two of them. A huge pit of tens of meters appeared under the two of them. The cracks were like the giant mouth of a monster, spreading into the distance.

A few seconds later, the father and son stood up from the ground, hugged each other, and couldn't help laughing. When the two saw the mess around them, Clark said with embarrassment: "It seems like we went too far. .”


With a roar, a small iceberg full of cracks collapsed, and a frightened polar bear not far away was awakened and ran away screaming.

Seeing this scene, the father and son looked at each other and coughed lightly.

They seem to have damaged the environment here.

After groaning, Mike put away his suit and said to Clark, "Make some repairs?"

Clark was stunned for a moment: "How to do it?"

A card appeared on Mike's fingertips and he smiled and said, "I'll do it."

Name: Kuzan.

Character introduction: Admiral of the Navy, user of frozen fruit ability, powerful, known as Aoki Pheasant.

Note: The sun is nice today. Do you want to go cycling together?

The card turned into a point of light and dissipated, and a shadow appeared behind Mike.

He was tall, wearing a navy coat, and a green eye patch on his forehead. His eyes were half-closed, as if he could fall asleep at any time.

The shadow turned into a point of light and rushed into Mike's body.

Mike closed his eyes and felt it, then stretched out his hand and pressed it to the ground.

With a soft breath, frost appeared under his hands and spread into the distance.

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