Marvel's father of superheroes

Chapter 25 For Dad

The power of manifestation.

The name Mike calls the power within him.

When it is exhausted, the materialized object will disappear.

However, Mike used the power of cards to advance the process of 'consumption'.

In other words, when the card is made, all the power to maintain the embodiment has been poured into the card.

In this way, his combat ability and time were greatly improved.

The power and consumption of materialized objects are related to the proficiency of materialization. Therefore, Mike prefers, or more accurately, selects some convenient and fully functional items for targeted materialization, in order to improve his proficiency. degree, thus enhancing the power of the materialized object.

He divided objects into three categories.

The first category is the Death God's Zanpakutō.

The second category is the Noble Phantasm in Fate.

The third category is props that have magical functions but do not belong to the same series, and stopwatches belong to them.

However, due to the power of embodiment in his body and the level of power, the embodied item can only embody part of the power of the original item.

For example, the Zanpakutō can only manifest itself as the Hakkai, but the Swastika cannot yet materialize.

Come to think of it, if you want to do it, you can only wait until you reach level 2 or higher.


Looking at his current level progress bar, Mike said that he was very calm.

Holding the blank card between his hands, Mike took a gentle breath and began to materialize items and fill the card.

After a while, the blank card was replenished by something materialized.

On the front is a short knife, and on the back is some information specially written by Mike.

Name: Sharpshooter.

Item introduction: This is a Zanpakutō, which has the same lethality to souls. When the words of liberation are spoken, its true power will be exerted.

Liberation language:

First explanation: Shoot him, sharp gun!

Note: The blade can be freely retracted, changed in length, and enhanced in attack speed and power. This is an amazing thing.

There was a flash of light in his hand, the card disappeared, and the power of embodiment in Mike's body had bottomed out.

In order to increase the existence time of the embodied object, he had to use up all the power in his body.

"I can only make one card a day, and I used up more than a dozen when I went out with Logan. I have to replenish it quickly!"

After closing his eyes and looking at the cards in his mind, Mike sighed.

He is like a squirrel who keeps stocking up on cards because it brings him a sense of satisfaction and security.And once a card is used, even if there are many cards left, there will be a sense of crisis...

Mike stretched and whispered: "Sleep!"


The next day, Mike and an excited Clark arrived in New York.

Today, their mission is to buy, buy, buy.

Because their previous home was bombed and all their belongings were destroyed, they had no choice but to buy new ones.

Daily necessities, clothes, as well as Clark's toys, and tools for school.

However, before buying these things, Mike first bought a pickup truck to use as his own means of transportation.

When they returned home after buying all these items, it was already evening.

In one day today, Bob and Mary have finished moving the things they packed yesterday, very efficiently.

However, because many things had been moved away, the house seemed a bit empty.

"I'm going to buy some furniture tomorrow, and Clark's room also needs to be rearranged."

Mike held his chin and whispered, picked up the things he bought today, put them away, and turned on the TV.

"Clark, watch some TV by yourself while I cook dinner."

"Oh!" Clark shouted to Mike while sitting on the sofa: "Dad, I want to eat braised pork."

Mike chuckled and started cooking.

After the warm dinner, the father and son sat together and watched TV for a while, washed up and went to bed.

Time flies away quickly...

It's been a week since Mike came home.

He has been quite busy this week.

Not only did he rearrange the home, he also took care of kindergarten for Clark.

The kindergarten is in a small town, about ten minutes away from his home, which is very convenient.

"Clark!" Mike pressed Clark's shoulder and said seriously: "Don't fight with other children! Do you understand?"

Clark nodded seriously and said hesitantly: "But what if they hit me?"

Mike had a headache.

Of course he felt distressed when his own child was beaten, but if Clark fought back and accidentally failed to control his strength...

Some bloody images instantly appeared in Mike's mind.

Mike touched Clark's head and said, "Why are you worried that they are going to beat you?"

Clark lowered his head and said worriedly: "I don't know."

Perhaps it is because I know that I am different from others that I have these worries.

Mike looked at the little guy distressedly and said forcefully: "Don't worry! If they beat you, I will beat their parents!"

"Chuck!" Clark smiled happily and nodded his head.

Mike smiled at Clark and said, "Go to bed. Dad will wake you up tomorrow."

Clark nodded, jumped happily and ran back to the room.


Mike sighed, hoping Clark's first day of school went well.


The next day, at the gate of the kindergarten.

"Daddy, goodbye."

Clark waved to Mike very sensibly and followed the teacher into the classroom.

Mike smiled and sighed worriedly after Clark disappeared from sight.

Clark was going to school for the first time and he was too worried.

Mike turned around and left, but he didn't see Clark standing quietly at the door looking at Mike's back. It wasn't until Mike disappeared that his little face shrugged.

Seeing that the little guy was unhappy, the female teacher holding Clark's hand smiled. She would always see this situation before this time.

"Is that Clark?"

The female teacher, who had a few freckles on her face and looked very sunny, touched Clark's black hair and knelt down to look into those sky-blue eyes.

Such beautiful eyes.

The female teacher praised in her heart and said, "Don't be afraid. There are teachers here and there will be many children. You will be very happy."

Clark nodded and suddenly said to the teacher: "You are so gentle, teacher."

The female teacher pinched Clark's little face happily and said, "You are really good at talking."

"Teacher, do you have a boyfriend?"

"No!" He looked at Clark funny and said, "What? Do you want to be the teacher's little boyfriend?"

This kid is so cute.

"How is that possible!" Clark took a step back and said, "You are too old for me!"

Love is so...

The female teacher had a look in the corner of her eye and swallowed back the sigh in her heart.

Clark said seriously: "I do it for my dad! I want to find him a girlfriend!"

Before the female teacher could be moved, she heard...

"Every time he brings those beautiful sisters back, I only see them once. It's such a pity."

The corner of the female teacher's mouth twitched: "You are so sensible."

I added silently in my heart - scumbag.

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