Marvel's God-level Mage

Chapter 4? Situation and layout (please recommend and collect)

Chapter 4 Situation and Arrangement (Please recommend and collect)

Zhou Yang stood in the warm bathroom, even though it was already summer, Zhou Yang still turned the temperature of the hot water to the maximum.

The hot water droplets fell on his body, not only made him feel no discomfort, but made him feel very comfortable. Can you imagine that he hasn't taken a hot bath for decades.

Take a bath, take a bath in a place like Jotunheim, what to wash with, use ice to wash, in that kind of place where the highest temperature is only fifty or sixty degrees below zero, as soon as the water appears, it has been frozen into ice.

In other words, Zhou Yang is a magician, and he still has a little ability. If he were in another profession, he might be covered in mud now.

But no matter what, Zhou Yang's own physical fitness has already been trained in a place like Jotunheim. I don't know how much cold air has been accumulated in his body, and it is precisely by relying on this cold air that he can Only then did he successfully break through to the realm of the legendary mage.

But these are all things in the past, what Zhou Yang is thinking about now is some information he just got from Betty Ross.

He has now roughly figured out the time period he is in.

Just over half a year ago, Tony Stark was kidnapped in Afghanistan. A month or two later, he himself escaped from the terrorists and built the first set of steel armor.

After returning to the United States, he solved his biggest opponent, Obadai Stan, and everything in Stark Industries was in his hands. Not long ago, Stark had announced that he would host Stark Industries The expo and everything are under active preparation. For the time being, no accidents have happened, so based on this information, Zhou Yang roughly judged his own position in the history of the entire Marvel universe.

When we were in Jotunheim, Thor and his brothers did not come to Jotunheim to fight and kill. It would take a few years for Thor to be exiled to the earth. Dealing with Thor is indispensable.

Even if Zhou Yang wanted to avoid many things, he might not be able to avoid them. As long as he was on the earth, no, even as long as he was within the Nine Kingdoms, he might not be able to escape Heimdall’s sight. On the Rainbow Bridge, Zhou Yang will probably appear in Thor's eyes immediately.

This is a very troublesome thing, damn Odin, even if you want to train your own son, you don't need to use people like us for the forging stone.

Facing Thor, the god of thunder, Zhou Yang felt that he was far from qualified. Even in Jotunheim, he barely broke through the realm of the legendary magician through the power of Jotunheim's frost. However, after returning to the earth , although the realm has not fallen, but the magical power he can display has only reached the peak of ordinary magicians.

Maybe he can fight head-on with characters like Wolverine Logan, but in the face of Professor Charles, Magneto, such a powerful existence that can even lead to the destruction of all human beings on earth, it is not easy for Zhou Yang to guarantee that he will not die.

However, there are good aspects in this. The earth's magical elements are extremely inert, which works on Zhou Yang, and I am afraid that it will also work on Thor and others.

This is why people see that Thor's strength on the earth is not much stronger than Magneto and Professor Charles, because he cannot solve the problem that the earth's magical elements are too inert.

Although Thor's Hammer is extremely powerful, in addition to its own power, it also needs to leverage the power of the earth's magic elements for its own use, but this is also because the earth's magic elements are too inert, which leads to the power they can exert. Not so ideal.

This applies not only to Thor, but also to Loki and many others, including Thanos.

As far as Zhou Yang himself is concerned, he must re-open the realm leading to the legendary magician. It cannot be said that because the magic elements of the earth are too inert, he will restrict the magical power he can exert under the legendary magician. , he must find a way.

On the entire planet, the most able to help Zhou Yang solve this problem is the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

But that thing is not so easy to access. It can be said that in the original long river of time, the Rubik's Cube has been under the control of Asgard from the beginning to the end. Zhou Yang may be able to approach it, but he wants to keep it forever. It is basically impossible to hold it in his hand, so he has to think of other alternatives.

For example, the psychic scepter brought by Loki is the gem of reality that is still suppressed in the cracks of time and space. Maybe when he is strong enough, he can also go deep into the universe to grab the original stone of power. As for the gem of time, this kind has already Ownership is the most difficult thing to grab, but if there is a chance, Zhou Yang also wants to give it a try.

As for other alternatives, there are not without them, such as the super-light engine that created Captain Marvel back then, and the particle ark reactor created by Tony Stark to imitate the Rubik's Cube in the universe. These can all be fought for.

And even now, he can find a way to get the blueprints of these two things, the secret database of S.H.I.E.L.D., Tony Stark's office, and Zhou Yang can all try it out, especially in the near future. The Tucker Industry Expo is coming up, and it's a great opportunity.

But Zhou Yang still needs to solve the trouble outside. She is indeed Betty Ross, and she is the real Betty Ross, the daughter of General Ross and the ex-girlfriend of Bruce Banner.

On Betty Ross's desk was a photo of him and General Ross. Zhou Yang didn't even need to be sure that it was General Ross. He only needed to look at the general's uniform he was wearing to be able to identify Betty Ross.

So she is also Dr. Bruce Banner's girlfriend, to be precise, an ex-girlfriend, but she has already forgotten the existence of Dr. Banner!

The reason for this must be quite complicated. Zhou Yang didn't know what happened at the beginning, causing Betty Ross to forget this memory, and maybe General Ross did it deliberately, so he could find someone to help him seal off his daughter's relationship with Bruce. Dr. Banner's memory.

Others may not be able to see this point, but Zhou Yang is a powerful magician after all, and mental power is what he is good at. Even without close inspection, Zhou Yang only needs to scan his mental power to find out. Questions from the depths of Betty Ross' soul.

Dr. Bruce Banner has completely disappeared a few years ago, at least not in the United States. If we say a few years ago, as Dr. Banner's ex-girlfriend, Betty Ross will definitely have Surveillance by the US military exists, but now, she has completely forgotten about Dr. Bruce Banner. In order for her to live a peaceful life, her father no longer bothers her.

Zhou Yang doesn't know where Dr. Banner is now. He only knows that when S.H.I.E.L.D.A. found it later, Dr. Banner seemed to be in Nepal, India. Whether he is there now is still a mystery.

However, these are not the most important things to Zhou Yang. The most urgent thing for him is to solve his own identity problem, and to get back the things he left on the earth.

While wiping his hair, Zhou Yang came out of the bathroom. At this time, on the table in the living room, Betty Rose had prepared a shirt and shorts for Zhou Yang, and they were men's shirts and shorts.

"This is my ex-boyfriend's stuff. I hope you can leave as soon as possible." Betty Rose looked at the tall and strong Zhou Yang with a complex expression.

Winter has already tempered Zhou Yang's physique, and after he cleaned up his beard and long hair, a relatively handsome and tough face appeared in front of Betty Rose's eyes, although it wasn't quite the same. He is very handsome, but at least he is quite attractive, and he is no worse than her previous boyfriend. There is no one who is not handsome who can be liked by Betty Ross.

Although she was a little moved, Betty Rose was more regretful. She even couldn't believe herself. Just because of some curiosity, she brought a completely strange man back to her dormitory. She usually can't do this kind of thing of.

"No problem, but I need to make a call first." Zhou Yang twitched his mouth, he only hoped that the phone number hadn't changed all these years.

"Hmm!" Betty Ross moved away from her seat and asked Zhou Yang to make a phone call, "Can I ask you a few questions?"

"Are you asking?" Zhou Yang didn't care much. The main reason why Betty Ross tolerated him until now was because of Zhou Yang's ability to cast magic. Perhaps, even if she had already forgotten the relationship with Bruce Banner The past between the doctors, but the idea of ​​solving Dr. Banner's problems is always in her heart.

And although Betty Ross has temporarily forgotten Dr. Bruce Banner, she will still be able to think of him one day, but the future of the two of them is still impossible after all. As long as Dr. Banner is stimulated, he will transform into Hao Ke, how could Betty Ross bear such a huge figure!
Betty Rose didn't know that Zhou Yang had thought so much in a very short period of time. At this moment, she was very curious, and asked directly: "Are you really a magician? Is that person just now a magician? Can I I can't learn magic from you."

"You're too old." Zhou Yang reached out and picked up the phone on the table, then raised his eyebrows and looked at Betty Rose and said, "Your phone here can make international calls, right?"

"No problem, you can call." Betty Ross glared at Zhou Yang angrily. No woman likes to hear that she is too old. The illusion was completely shattered, and Zhou Yang unintentionally pointed to her age, which made Betty Rose feel depressed. She couldn't help but ask, "How old are you?"

"Don't think about it, it's much older than you." Zhou Yang chuckled, then looked away, and focused on the phone receiver in his hand. After he dialed the last number, a "beep beep" came from the phone. ", the phone rings.

Before Zhou Yang was brought to Jotunheim, he had a lot of property in the United States, and his own identity required him to hide behind the scenes, so an agent was introduced at the front desk to manage it.

It's just that Zhou Yang didn't contact the agent, and no one knows how she is doing now.

And not only that, Zhou Yang also has his own side behind the scenes, hidden in a certain uninhabited island in the Arctic Ocean, and this uninhabited island is also managed by someone, and both parties are also aware of each other, Zhou Yang disappeared for so long , no one knows how the changes in the middle.

And what Zhou Yang is contacting now is his third dark side besides these two aspects, and this is what he is most assured of.

It's not that this aspect is loyal to him, it's that he has blocked all their other paths, and they also have a very intuitive understanding of Zhou Yang's strength, coupled with the secrets Zhou Yang possesses, the other party wants to It is very difficult to betray him, and the most important thing is that they do not have much power under their control.

However, although they don't control much power, their identities are very important, especially after receiving Zhou Yang's support, they can even take over all the other two forces by secretly infiltrating them.

This is the last resort Zhou Yang arranged for himself, because when the decisive battle in the final period of World War II, Zhou Yang was worried that something might happen to him, maybe he would be frozen like Captain America Rogers, or be like the Red Skull. He was teleported to other planets, so he made arrangements in advance, but he didn't expect that he survived the final battle of World War II, but Heimdall gave him a hand.

The phone was always on, but no one answered it until a long time later. Zhou Yang knew it well. After all, he hadn’t heard from him for a long time. It’s good that the phone is still open. Of course, it’s impossible for someone to be on guard all the time. Need to call more times.

Zhou Yang put down the phone, but suddenly found that Betty Ross had disappeared. At this moment, there was the sound of splashing water in the bathroom. After all, Betty Ross had been drenched by heavy rain before, so it is normal to take a bath now, but Zhou Yang is a woman after all. A man, or a man who hasn't seen a woman in decades.

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(End of this chapter)

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