Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 48

Chapter 49 First Use Of Cooking Magic


“Going to play, how could it be? I was summoned by the mysterious devil. I went downstairs to get super super super powerful magic beans that can increase my magic power!”

Looking at Elsa who was holding her waist, Jerry explained with a serious look.

“Super super super powerful magic beans?”

A puzzled look appeared on Elsa’s face.

“Look, this is it!”

Jerry took out a pre-prepared box of Bibi Da flavor beans from his pocket.

“Wow~, there are really super super super powerful magic beans!”

Elsa snatched the Bibi Duo Beans from Jerry’s hand, and saw the beans with colorful jelly beans inside, and her eyes immediately began to glow green.

Because the tooth replacement period is not over yet, Elsa is strictly forbidden to eat any candy by her father Haas, and she has not eaten candy for a long time.

“Father comes back at night, don’t tell him that I went out to get super super powerful magic beans for you, otherwise he will be unhappy!”

Jerry closed the door and explained to Elsa softly.

On his way back just now, when he recalled that when he was talking to Haas, the other party’s expression seemed a little wrong, and then he suddenly realized that there might be a problem with his own voice.

Also, although he was covered, he was a father and son after all. How could Haas be unfamiliar with his voice.

The most important thing is the size, which is the most unconcealed thing he can’t hide now.

So just in case, Elsa is going to make up the funnel.

“Don’t worry, Jerry, I won’t tell Haas the Great Demon!”

Elsa patted Jerry on the shoulder, then jumped back on the sofa with Bibi Duo Beans to watch TV.

Jerry secretly went down to buy her candy, how could she tell her father about such a thing, if her father knew and taught Jerry a lesson, she would have no more candy to eat.

“So sweet and delicious!”

Aisha threw a Bibido flavored bean into her mouth, and her eyes lit up immediately. It seems that she ate the toffee flavor.

Jerry shook his head and put the guitar bag with the broomstick and wizard suit under the bed in his room.

Bibi Duo Flavored Beans are not candy, just beans in different flavors, so it won’t have any bad effect on Elsa’s teeth.

“By the way, super super super powerful magic beans have many flavors, pay attention when you eat them!”


As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a vomit from the sofa. Obviously, Elsa had eaten something incredible.

After a brief shower, he checked the time, it was five o’clock, and Jerry came to the kitchen to pick up an apron and put it on his body, and started to prepare dinner.

When passing the living room, he saw Aisha staring at the box of Bibi Duo Flavored Beans, looking like she wanted to eat but didn’t dare to, so he couldn’t help shaking his head with a smile.

Pulling the sliding door between the kitchen and living room, Jerry pulled his wand from under his apron.

“Let me try it, this “Practical Home Cooking Magic” is really not practical!”

With a wave of his wand, the thawed old hen in the pool immediately flew up and landed on the cutting board, and then rushed over with the kitchen knife, and began to swiftly chop it into chicken pieces of uniform size.

At the same time, the garlic cloves flew up and shed their skins automatically, the **** was cut into pieces by a fruit knife in the air, the iron pan was heated, and the cold oil was poured into the pan. The whole kitchen seemed to have self-consciousness in an instant.

In less than ten minutes, a plate of braised chicken, a plate of garlic lettuce, a plate of fried shredded pork with potatoes, and a large bowl of tomato and egg soup were placed in front of Jerry.

And the pots and pans used in the kitchen also began to clean themselves.

“It’s really useful!”

Normally, if he did the knife by himself, it would take at least an hour for the three dishes and one soup, not including the time to wash the dishes and clean up the kitchen after burning.

But now, he just stood there, waved his wand, recited two spells, and made a dinner in less than ten minutes.

It saves trouble and worry, saves extra time, and can read magic books for a while, which is really practical.

In fact, at the very beginning, he naively thought that as long as he learned Transfiguration, he could turn his wand into a lot of delicious food directly.

But he didn’t know until he really started learning about transfiguration.

Transfiguration is not as simple as he imagined. As a separate course, it involves a lot of advanced magical knowledge and has many branches.

For example: Transmutation, Body Shapeshifting, Transfiguration, Expulsion, Invisibility, and Animagos Transformation, etc.

But also to follow the most basic Gamp deformation law.

It’s very clear that when you use Polymorph to change an item into another, the effect is not permanent, and once the time is up, it will return to its original state.

So, if you turn a stone into a piece of bread, that’s ok, but if you eat the piece of bread, after the magic effect ends, you won’t have the bread, but the stone in your belly.

But if you turn a cup of tea into that’s fine.

Because even if the magic is removed, it will not cause any harm to your body.

The final conclusion is that it is impossible to conjure a table of edible delicacies out of thin air by means of Transfiguration.

The way wizards use magic to cook, in fact, most of them are the method that Jerry uses now. All tools and ingredients are needed, but it saves a lot of time.

However, there is a limit to the use of this cooking magic, that is, the wizard’s own cooking skills have to pass the test.

Because the taste of the food you cook with cooking magic will be exactly the same as the taste of the food you cook yourself.

If you’re a kitchen novice, none of this cooking magic will work for you.

This is the same as some related housework magic, the effect of magic depends on the wizard’s own housework level.

Therefore, whether it is kitchen cooking magic or housework magic, it is a very simple and easy-to-learn magic, but if you want to have a good magic effect after casting, the wizard must have a certain level of cooking and housework.

Fortunately, on this point, Jerry is still quite confident.

His housework level and cooking level, after so many years of training, not to mention the 100th level, the 90th level is still there.

It was the first time to use the cooking magic, and the effect was unexpectedly good. Jerry was satisfied with the three dishes and one soup, and then left the kitchen after throwing another heat preservation magic.

Haas usually doesn’t get off work until around 6:30 to 7:00, and there is still more than an hour before he can read the magic book for a while.

There is no end to learning. If you want to use magic well, you have to spend more time learning, and you can’t relax.


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