Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 63

Chapter 64 Prosperous Profits


“This S.H.I.E.L.D. is really immortal. Fortunately, I didn’t turn off the promotion, otherwise I would have been discovered!”

Just now, when he left 121st Street, he had a feeling of being watched. Just in case, he accelerated and turned around immediately. Sure enough, he saw a drone not far away that was too late to hide.

So several Shenfeng Shadowless Curses passed in a row and split it into scrap metal.

Putting away his wand, Jerry did not stay in the air, but rushed into the alley below on his broom.

Next, he intends to continue through the alley below. Although the speed will be slower, it is more secure.

After flying for ten minutes, he finally returned safely to the street where Mrs. Bai Li parked.

Putting the broomstick, narcotic sniper rifle and wizard suit into the guitar bag, Jerry calmly walked out of the alley.

Reached out to open the trunk, put the guitar bag back in place, opened the door with an unlocking charm, sat back in the previous position, and waved the wand:

“Recover quickly!”

Everything is back to the way it was before.

“What’s wrong with me?”

Teacher Bei Li opened her eyes slowly, showing a confused look, why does she seem to be asleep?

“Teacher, you seemed to be so worried about Dad just now that you fainted from excitement?”

Jerry explained with a serious look.

“is that so?”

Miss Bailey was stunned for a moment, but she quickly thought of something, and immediately opened the door and got out of the car to look in the direction of Greyburn School.

But at this time there was no sound of artillery roaring.

“Teacher, if you are really worried, you can call Dad!”

Jerry pressed the car window and made a suggestion to Miss Bailey.

And Teacher Bai Li also woke up like a dream, and quickly took out her mobile phone and called.

After talking on the phone, Mrs. Bai Li heaved a sigh of relief and sat back in the car:

“It’s alright, your father said he’s alright, and now he’s on his way to take the wounded to the hospital, and he may be late before going home!”

“That’s good!”

Jerry, who had known the situation for a long time, smiled and nodded.

“Hey, is Elsa asleep too?”

Miss Bailey never heard Elsa’s voice and turned her head to look behind.

“Yeah, maybe the amusement park is tired today!”

Jerry just didn’t lift Elsa’s Sleeping Curse, so Elsa is now lying in the back, snoring and sleeping.

“Then let’s go back first!”


After placing Elsa’s head on his lap to make her sleep more comfortable, Jerry silently opened his strange panel.

After fighting so hard this time, and saving so many people and soldiers, the number of Little Red Stars should not be low.

“fifty thousand!”

Although he knew that there would be no less, when he saw the number of little red stars on the panel, he almost couldn’t hold back his voice.

You know, he worked hard for a month before, patrolling everywhere on a broomstick every night, doing good things and fighting crime, and he only accumulated 20,000 little red stars in total.

However, today he earned 30,000 in one night, and he was not considered the main force, which really surprised him a little.

It seems that he still has to participate more in such a dangerous event, so that the panel can give him more Little Red Stars!

In fact, Jerry still hasn’t fully understood what is going on with this little red star reward system on the panel.

Originally, he understood whether it was something similar to the power of cause and effect and merit.

But if he does bad things, it doesn’t affect him, even if he creates disasters and saves himself.

Moreover, he also discovered that the way he obtained this little red star had a strange feature.

That is, although it is said that good deeds are rewarded with little red stars, it is not entirely like this.

For example, he helped the grandmother to cross the road, and there was Little Red Star, and he helped the grandmother throw garbage, and there was Little Red Star.

But if he gave money to the old grandmother, then there would be no Little Red Star, and if he gave money to the roadside beggars, there would be no Little Red Star.

And sometimes, for the same thing, the amount given by Little Red Star is different.

For example, in the same robbery incident, the robber is holding a knife and the robber is holding a pistol. The robber is a thin man and the robber is tall, so the number of little red stars he will give after solving it is also different.

Anyway, it’s crazy!

It seems that he has to participate in person, and the stronger and more dangerous the enemy, the more people he saves, the more his number of little red stars will grow.


Eight in the morning,

Teacher Bai Li, who was only wearing a baggy men’s white vest, yawned and walked out of the room.

When talking to Haas yesterday, Haas said that he might be busy tonight, so Mr. Bailey did not leave after sending Jerry and Elsa home.

She woke up early today, planning to cook some oatmeal for her two children, then bake bread and fry an egg.

Maybe she will be a mother of two children in the future, and she can no longer sleep in carefree like when she is alone at home.

However, as soon as she walked into the living room, she was stunned:

“Jerry, you… wake up so early?”

“Good morning, Mr. Bailey! I’m used to getting up early. By the way, I’ve made breakfast. It’s a Chinese-style breakfast. I don’t know if it suits your taste!”

Jerry, who was sitting on the sofa, put away the magic book in his hand, and said with a smile to Teacher Bai Li, who was stunned there.


Teacher Bai Li looked at the table of the rich breakfast, and pointed to the direction of the bathroom in a dazed way:

“That… I’ll go take a shower!”

“it is good!”

Jerry nodded.


Suddenly, Teacher Bailey’s exclamation came from the bathroom. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

“What’s wrong?”

Jerry hurried over.

I saw Teacher Bai Li pointed at the clothes basket next to the washing machine in the bathroom, and muttered a little overwhelmed:

“What about the clothes I changed yesterday?”

“Oh… When I washed my clothes in the morning, I washed them all by hand. Now they are drying on the balcony. Teacher, you should put on Dad’s clothes first, and they should be dry in two hours!”

Jerry just remembered that when he used the housework magic in the morning, Teacher Bailey and the clothes they had changed yesterday had washed themselves clean under the effect of magic, and then hung them on the balcony.


Teacher Bailey looked at Jerry. She was extremely suspicious now that she would enter this home by herself and take care of the two children by herself or be taken care of by the children.

“Okay, teacher, you have to hurry up, the breakfast will be too cold for a while and it won’t be delicious!”

Jerry instructed, and went back to the living room to read.

In fact, Jerry has now faintly discovered that this teacher Bailey does not seem to be very good at cooking and housework, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to expect her to take over the cooking and housework in the future.

It’s not that Teacher Bailey doesn’t want to, but if she’s not very good at it, Jerry thinks it’s better to do it himself.

After all, he wasn’t used to eating oatmeal and toast in the morning.

Moreover, now that he is proficient in housework magic, it really doesn’t take much time, and he can do it with a wave of his wand.

“It seems that in the future, I will have to take care of one more person in this family. Perhaps, this is the real thing. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility!”

At home, the more people you meet, the more work you always do.


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