Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 68

Chapter 69 Amazing Skills


“In other words, the wizard’s body, strength, speed, and other aspects are not much stronger than normal people, but the vitality is definitely tenacious!”

Jerry was riding a broomstick and sighed as he watched Neville hit the ground from a height of more than ten meters.

If he remembered correctly, after Neville hit the ground, he only suffered some minor injuries, and was helped by Ms. Huo Qi to the school hospital for treatment, and he fully recovered in the evening.

If it’s a normal person, let alone a child, it’s a stronger adult, and if he falls from a height of more than ten meters, it’s probably not enough.

After fine-tuning the angle of his broomstick, Jerry dived and grabbed the falling Neville’s school uniform.


Seeing this, the little wizards below suddenly let out a burst of exclamation.

At this time, Neville’s weight combined with the strong falling gravity made Jerry, who grabbed him, lose his balance all of a sudden, and he was about to be carried off the broom.

Let the following Ms. Hooch and the little wizards scream again.

However, who is Jerry? He has not encountered such a situation before. He has also rescued those who committed suicide by jumping off the building before riding a broomstick.

As soon as he turned on the superman mode, his body shook violently, his feet hooked on the broom, and the falling force was immediately converted into a slamming force, pulling Neville on the broom for several consecutive hits. turntable.

After all the power was removed, he pulled Neville again and sat on the broom again.

“I said Neville, you should lose weight!”

Jerry, who had regained control of the broom, laughed while controlling the broom to adjust its direction and fly toward the ground, while Neville, who was being held in his hand, laughed.

At this time, Neville’s face had long been frightened, and he didn’t answer Jerry’s question. Instead, he cried out with a “wow”, with a lot of tears and snot.

If it wasn’t for Jerry to save him just now, he really thought he was going to die.

Riding a broom and steadily placing Neville on the lawn, Jerry turned over and jumped off the broom. The two were instantly surrounded by the little wizards.

Mrs. Hooch and the little wizard of Gryffindor were mostly concerned with comforting Neville, while the little wizard of Slytherin didn’t care about Neville’s life or death, but looked at Jerry with admiration.

Although most of Slytherin’s little wizards have been in contact with broomsticks since childhood, the top pair is flying in the yard, and the height is only about three or four meters.

Like something that almost hit a Muggle helicopter or something, just some self-proclaimed joke.

Little wizards who haven’t learned the Disillusionment Charm are not allowed to ride broomsticks in the Muggle world at all. Secrecy laws are no joke.

Unless, like the Weasleys, living in a very remote place.

Therefore, Jerry’s thrilling broomstick rescue operation just now was too powerful in their eyes. This is not bragging, but a real live broadcast.

Especially the action of the big turntable on the broomstick just now, it was an unheard of skill, it was so cool!

They even felt that even in previous years’ World Quidditch competition, they had never seen anyone who could make such a difficult skill.

Holding a broom with two feet and spinning in circles in the air, with one in hand, is this really something a human can do?

“Mr. Carmen has just rescued Mr. Longbottom who made a mistake with his superb flying broom technology. Very good, very good, I will give Slythering 10 points!”

Seeing that Neville was just a little overly frightened and his body was not damaged, Mrs. Hooch breathed a sigh of relief, and then watched Jerry announce loudly.

As a flying teacher, if Neville dies, she will definitely be held responsible, and her heart will never forgive herself.

So for Jerry’s behavior to save Neville, Ms. Hooch is also grateful from the bottom of her heart.

The key point is that Jerry’s skills on the broom just now made her impressed. It was the first time that he had such a level of riding a broom. This potential is definitely a good player on the Quidditch field in the future!


Slytherin added ten points all at once, and all the little Slytherin wizards, including little Malfoy, couldn’t help but applaud.

If a person is almost as good as you, you will try to compare with him, but if he is so good that it makes you feel a little hopeless, your thinking may gradually change.

At this time, Jerry made little Malfoy have some such feelings.

In terms of learning ability, Jerry is the best in all subjects, even the potions class he is best at can’t compare to Jerry.

In terms of magical ability, Jerry has been able to release all the spells in the textbooks in the Transfiguration and Spell classes, but he, who has a foundation, can’t master one-third.

In terms of fights, Jerry alone can beat him plus Goyle and Crabbe, and he is completely defeated.

Right now, even he felt that the only broomstick he could beat Jerry could see little hope of winning, especially since it was the first time the other party had contact with the broomstick today.

How does this compare?

He has always disliked Harry and fought against Harry because Harry had a great reputation for defeating the Dark Lord, but he didn’t feel like a genius.

He even felt that Harry was inferior to him in many ways, especially Potions class.

The most important point, as a wizard of the pure blood family, did not enter Slytherin, but went to Gryffindor, and would rather be friends with those Weasley of him as a friend.

“Well, I’ll just say Jerry is definitely the best!”

At this time, Daphne in Slytherin glanced at Pansy proudly.

Pansy looked at Jerry, who was still smiling under the applause of the crowd, and couldn’t help but nodded:

“I admit, he is indeed a little different!”

The little Gryffindor wizard on the other side heard that Slytherin was ten points. Although he was a little disappointed, he still applauded.

Because Jerry’s behavior just now really made them admire them very much, and the other party, regardless of his own danger, saved their little wizard of Gryffindor, what reason did they not applaud.

Gryffindor wizards have no virtue of being careful.

Ten minutes later, the class returned to normal again. Neville sat temporarily to rest because of the experience just now. The other little wizards were riding broomsticks and under the guidance of Mrs. Hooch, they started at a height of two or three meters. Try to fly.

At this height, and the soft lawn below, it is not a big problem even if it falls.

However, everyone’s performance is not bad, except for a few wobbly, others are quite stable.

“Slow down, don’t rush, yes, just keep your direction steady!”

Jerry rode the broom next to Hermione, carefully guiding her to fly, while Malfoy on the other side and Harry, who had touched the broom for the first time, froze again.

The two of you competed with each other there.

Although it was the first time Harry came into contact with him, he was very talented. He didn’t lose to little Malfoy in every aspect, which made little Malfoy very unhappy.

It’s okay to lose to Jerry, but he’s absolutely not convinced if he loses to Harry.


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