Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 74

Chapter 75 Plans Can’T Keep Up With Changes


And Jerry was waiting for this opportunity.

Quirrell was able to deceive everyone and unleash the troll on the ground floor, which meant that he must have a space item on his body that could hide the troll.

More subtly, Quirrell avoided everyone, giving Jerry an opportunity.

The only difficulty is that Quirrell’s strength is definitely professor-level. With his current magical strength, even if it is a sneak attack, it is impossible to silently defeat Quirrell and obtain that piece of space equipment from him.

What’s more, Quirrell had Voldemort’s soul on the back of his head.

Although Voldemort is in the state of remnant soul at this time and can’t do anything, it is Voldemort after all, who knows what terrifying means he has.

He wants space equipment to be good, but he doesn’t want to die for space equipment.

But just when he was about to give up, when he used magic to heal the soldier, he saw the anesthesia sniper rifle, which made him hope again.

Quirrell and Voldemort are absolutely vigilant about magic, and they must be very experienced in dealing with magic attacks, but they certainly don’t have much experience with modern weapons, and they don’t even know it.

The key point is that the range of the army’s special anesthesia sniper rifle can reach a distance of a thousand meters. He can make a sneak attack in a place where the opponent can’t see it. Even if there is an accident and he doesn’t get Quirrell, he still has time to run.

Besides, this is Hogwarts. There is Hogwarts in Dumbledore Town, and Quirrell, who is a Death Eater, doesn’t dare to do anything even if he notices it.

If it is successful, maybe not only a space equipment can be harvested, but also some private property of the space equipment Riquilo, which is completely multiple birds with one stone.

Seeing Quirrell’s figure disappearing into the fifth classroom, Jerry rushed out of the classroom at the entrance of the stairs, quickly evacuated in the opposite direction, and ambush a very suitable sniper spot that he had found in the past few days.

This sniper point is a corner position 600 meters away from the entrance of the stairs, and it is also a visual blind spot.

If someone goes downstairs, you can see Jerry’s position, and Jerry can see each other, but if someone goes upstairs, then that person will have his back completely to Jerry, and Jerry can lean against Aim the sniper rifle at the opponent’s back.

When Professor Quirrell released the troll, he would definitely return to the auditorium on the first floor to report the news, and he could give him a sneak peek.

After setting up the sniper rifle, Jerry looked through the scope of the sniper rifle and stared intently in the direction of the stairs.

With the blessing of Superman mode, and in addition to the fact that he has also practiced a few times in the Room of Requirement in the past few days, there should be no major problem with the accurate head.


After about ten minutes of waiting, Professor Quirrell’s back finally appeared in the sight.


Jerry pulled the trigger decisively.

A narcotic sniper bullet spewed out from the muzzle, and in less than two seconds, it passed a distance of 600 meters and hit Professor Quirrell’s **** without any response at all.

Professor Quirrell, who had just released the stunned troll in the fifth classroom, was about to take the stairs back to the auditorium on the first floor for the next step.

Suddenly, he felt a numbness on his butt, and then a strong and unstoppable drowsiness surged into his heart. Before he could continue to lift his steps, his body swayed and fell to the ground.

With one hit, Jerry didn’t stop at all. He decisively retracted the gun and retreated, then hid in an abandoned classroom nearby and hid the sniper rifle in a pile of debris in the classroom.

He didn’t go forward to search Quirrell’s body now, because Quirrell was dizzy, but Voldemort wasn’t dizzy, and Voldemort shouldn’t have any attack power now, but it’s better to be careful in everything.

Hiding in the abandoned classroom, Jerry quietly listened to the movement outside.

Sure enough, about five minutes later, the roars of trolls and the sound of smashing wooden doors with large sticks began to be heard in the distance.

Jerry’s plan was very simple. Apart from stunning Quirrell with an anesthesia sniper rifle, he would not come forward directly, but planned to borrow a knife to kill him.

Quirrell has a knack for dealing with trolls, but that doesn’t mean he can tame them. What would happen to the awakened troll when he encountered Professor Quirrell lying unconscious on the ground?

I think in the face of a wizard who stuns himself with magic, the troll must be happy to reward him with a few big dicks, or a few big sticks!

If Quirrell was killed by a troll, Voldemort’s remnant would have to escape Hogwarts, and he might finally show up to steal Professor Quirrell’s box.

An excellent Slytherin who missed dinner time because of his fascination with books, found the troll and Professor Quirrell killed by the troll on his way to the first floor.

Look how normal this is.

Dumbledore was still in the Great Hall at this time, and he was not afraid of being discovered.

While wizards have investigative spells that rewind the magic that a wand cast before, they don’t have enchantments that can rewind the whole thing.

Besides, Jerry didn’t use magic at all in this sneak attack, but used a sniper rifle with no regard for magic. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

As for whether Quirrell’s death will affect the subsequent development of the plot, Jerry thinks, what does it have to do with him?

Dumbledore wants to use the Philosopher’s Stone incident to train Harry, that’s Dumbledore’s business, he only needs to become stronger by himself, and then build a space equipment first.

However, although the plan is perfect, it is always difficult to keep up with the changes.

Just as Jerry was in the abandoned classroom, quietly waiting for the unconscious Professor Quirrell to be killed by the troll, a familiar scream suddenly forced Jerry to temporarily change his plans.

“Why is Hermione here?”

Jerry, who heard the screams, was stunned.

Yes, there is indeed a scene in the movie where Hermione hid in the women’s bathroom on the basement floor crying because she was mocked by Ron for not having any friends.

Later, he was found by the troll and almost killed, but fortunately, Harry and Ron arrived in time to stop the troll together.

However, when he was eating in the auditorium at noon today, he obviously went to Hermione to confirm it.

In the morning spell class, Ron did feel embarrassed after being corrected by Hermione because of the floating spell, and he said two excessive words, but because of the good friend Jerry, Hermione was not as sad as in the original book, although he was also Somewhat depressed.

And in order to prevent accidents, he also talked to Hermione at noon, and enlightened her well.

However, now why did Hermione appear on the basement floor again, what was the situation?

Because of Hermione’s appearance, Jerry had to temporarily change his plan,

But thinking about it, this is actually not bad, at least it looks more real, and this time, he saved Hermione and Professor Quirrell, and he will definitely be able to get another wave of reputation.


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