Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 94

Chapter 94 Wizard Is A Girl


After a while, when the body was completely transformed, Jerry resolutely felt that his familiar body suddenly became very unfamiliar.

The originally short brown hair began to grow longer, thicker and messier.

The upper body bulged slightly, and the steel-like muscles he had cultivated disappeared at this time, and the powerful physical strength that did not belong to an adult became similar to that of an ordinary little girl.

And the lower body, it is even more difficult to describe!

In short, Jerry, who is now under the pile of clothes, has completely changed into Hermione’s appearance.

Pushing away the clothes covering his body, instead of picking up the hat and mask that fell into the pile of clothes, he pretended to be annoyed and rushed out of the clothes store on a broomstick, and came into the air again.

Just now, because Jerry was knocked flying, the Freezing Curse naturally disappeared, and the rockets suspended by the Freezing Curse also exploded in mid-air, waking up the sleeping residents and reporters squatting on the street.

Especially the most persistent Lucy, because she has been chasing Jerry’s trajectory, she is not far from the explosion.

Before the explosion, she could see Jerry in the air from a distance, as if he was hit by something and fell, and immediately let the driver drive towards the street where Jerry fell.

And when Jerry rode the Nimbus 2000 out of the clothing store, Lucy’s car just arrived at the door of the clothing store.


When the flash came on, Jerry had just taken off on a broom, without wearing a wizard hat, and the side shot of his long hair scattered was clearly photographed by Lucy.

“Katcha, Katcha, Katcha!”

After Jerry’s figure completely disappeared in mid-air, Lucy whispered with glowing eyes:

“I didn’t expect, I really didn’t expect that the wizard turned out to be a girl, this is big news, tomorrow’s headlines will be!”

Also, Lucy thought about it, every time the wizard appeared, he wore a mask with only two eyes exposed, wearing a wide wizard robe, and he couldn’t tell whether it was a boy or a girl at all.

However, most people subconsciously regard the wizard as a boy.

And he never denied it.


Jerry silently gave a thumbs up to the female reporter’s photo shoot just now.

He knew that there were a lot of reporters lurking in Hell’s Kitchen, preparing to secretly take some photos and videos of him fighting crime, so he just temporarily decided to use the compound decoction to transform himself.

He didn’t expect to be photographed with such a face as soon as he came out, which is exactly what he wanted.

In fact, even if these reporters did not take pictures of him at this time, I believe that the satellites in the sky of S.H.I.E.L.D. can still take pictures of him.

Not only looks different, but even gender is different, will S.H.I.E.L.D. still suspect his identity as a wizard?

From today onwards, people all over the world know that the wizard is a girl and the appearance of the wizard, at least in a short period of time, no one will doubt his identity again.

However, this is not a long-term solution.

After all, the compound potion can only last for one hour of transformation, and with the change of age, his male characteristics will become more and more obvious.

But it doesn’t matter, he just needs to hide it for a few years.

Because his strength will only get stronger and stronger, and when he is strong to a certain extent, there is no need to hide anything.

Moreover, Hermione was not fabricated out of thin air by him, and it was not impossible to bring Hermione to the main world in the future.

“Next, we have to deal with those guys who dared to attack me!”

Riding a broomstick, Jerry did not rise too high, but chose to quickly shuttle between the buildings below, rushing towards the building that had just attacked him.

At this time, in fact, he used the Illusory Body Charm to be more secure, but he didn’t want to let others know about his ability to be invisible.

And there are only a few Muggles on the other side, even if he doesn’t need the illusion spell, he can easily solve it.

Modern weapons can indeed cause danger to wizards, but that refers to the case of sneak attacks. Once discovered by wizards, it is too difficult to kill wizards with firearms.

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Especially Jerry is not an ordinary wizard. He is not as ignorant of modern weapons as other wizards. He knows how to avoid danger and solve opponents more easily.


“It’s really a monster, and even armor-piercing bullets can’t penetrate his defense!”

The leading brawny man in a suit used a binoculars and saw Jerry riding a broom. Except for the hat and mask falling off, he rushed out again without any damage, and he couldn’t help frowning.

However, he did not give up. Although the opponent’s defense was strong, he was not invincible.

First of all, since the opponent tried his best to prevent the rockets from exploding, it means that the rockets were still a threat to him, and the armor-piercing bombs did not break through the opponent’s defense, and also smashed the opponent into the room below.

So as long as you cooperate well, it is not impossible to kill each other.


“He’s been evading, and there’s a building in front of me, so it’s hard for me to target him. But when he gets closer to within 100 meters, without the blockage of the building, I can definitely hit him with my skills!”

The red-haired woman kept moving her sniper trying to target the erratic Jerry.

“Okay, after Dana hits the target for a while, you chase it with a bazooka, and you use a drone to self-destruct and explode!”

Hearing the answer from the woman in red, the leading brawny man in a suit first turned his head and said something to the brawny man who was carrying the bazooka, and then gave an order to the young man next to him who was manipulating other drones.

Both nodded.

However, just as Jerry passed through the high-rise buildings, within 100 meters of them, and there was no obstruction, he suddenly waved his wand and a cloud of smoke enveloped him.

“Sample, still want to meow me!”

Looking at the four people on the roof of the building in front of him, Jerry let out a sneer, and after releasing the smokescreen spell, he waved his wand again:

“Bright as day!”

Suddenly, in the dark night, streaks of dazzling light like a small sun suddenly shot out from the smoke, and the four people who were staring at the smoke screen subconsciously closed their eyes on the spot.

Bright as day, the advanced magic spell with fluorescent flickering can emit a dazzling light similar to the sun.

The one in Jerry’s current space box, the sphere floating in the air like the sun, was created by combining alchemy with the magic of “bright as day”.

“All petrochemical!”

Taking advantage of the moment when the four of them all closed their eyes, Jerry rushed out of the smokescreen, turned around to the side of the four of them, waved his wand, and threw a full-body restraint spell on the strong man with the bazooka.

Sniper rifles can’t penetrate his armor spell, but bazooka is hard to say, so it is most important to solve the most threatening bazooka first.

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