Marvel’s Master of Heavenly Magic

Chapter 13: George’s Final “Gift”

Support me and be 20 chapters ahead of webnovel:

Since realizing that his mutant abilities are only at Level 2, he had been contemplating how to maximize their potential.

He couldn’t do what Magneto did, such as making countless bullets or even missiles halt and rebound, nor could he lift thousands of tons of weight, fly using magnetic force, or alter the Earth's magnetic field.

However, he thought that the way the experimental base instructor trained him to use a dagger for killing was rather inadequate.

[At this point, I hope readers will note our domain Taiwan Novel Network → 𝗍𝗂𝗋𝖺𝗇.𝖼𝗈𝗆]

Using a dagger seemed less effective than using needles; at least the number and speed of needles could be controlled much more quickly. Though less powerful, attacking vital points like the seven apertures might still yield satisfactory results.

After much deliberation, he believed that to fully harness the power of magnetism, firearms were essential.

The bullets fired from guns, whether in terms of speed or damage, far exceeded his control over any blade. By slightly altering the trajectory of the bullets, he could become a sharpshooter surpassing human limits.

Currently, he was using a submachine gun, but if his abilities improved further, controlling the trajectory of heavy machine gun bullets would be truly impressive.

He could become a one-man army, capable of taking down all the guards in the entire base.

"Move quickly!"

Having emptied most of the two magazines, all the guards in the cafeteria were down. George waved to Gabriella, who looked astonished, and the puzzled little wolf girl.

"Lora, let’s go."

Recovering her senses, Gabriella hurriedly led the little wolf girl towards George.

She certainly recognized Test Subject 757; however, unlike other mutant children, this adult mutant, created directly, did not require their care but was instead managed by specialized personnel.

Since he was willing to help, he must be an ally, not an enemy.

With Gabriella and the little wolf girl in tow, they sprinted and soon caught up with the other children. However, George remained cautious, knowing that the base’s defenses were far from over.

The current situation was unexpected for the opposition, and they had not fully responded yet.

Moreover, there could be more advanced and destructive weapons in their arsenal.

Despite his recent impressive display with two submachine guns, which quickly took down a group of guards, this was largely due to the little wolf girl drawing the fire and his surprise attack.

To be honest, encountering a sniper in his current state would be a major problem.

Specialized Barrett heavy sniper rifles, using high-penetration bullets, could pierce through thick concrete walls with a single shot. If targeted from a distance, his magnetic abilities might not be able to deflect the bullets, leaving him potentially unable to react in time.

So now was not the time for complacency.

Fortunately, their journey didn’t encounter any unexpected snipers or the clone of the Diamond Wolf, and they successfully reached the outside of the experimental base.

"Do you know the approximate locations of the most important laboratories and data rooms in the base?"

After placing the children in the truck’s cargo area, George did not immediately board but instead asked Gabriella.

Gabriella, though somewhat confused, quickly pointed out the two locations.

"Over there and over there."

"Perfect. Let’s leave them a parting gift."

George opened his bag and took out several grenades he had collected from the guards' bodies.

Besides grenades, his bag also contained some cash he had scavenged to avoid being penniless after their escape.

"Hope you like it."

Using his abilities, he controlled the grenades and accurately directed them towards the two locations Gabriella had indicated, simultaneously pulling the pins in mid-air.

Moments later, the area was engulfed in a violent explosion, turning those two locations of the experimental base into a sea of fire.

"Let’s go!"

Having achieved his goal, George finally got into the truck with Gabriella, who was gaping in astonishment.

His objective was simple: if he could kill the high-ranking officials of the experimental base, that would be ideal. If not, creating chaos, destroying crucial research data, and slowing down their pursuit would be sufficient.

And he had indeed achieved his goals.

An hour later, a furious Dr. Weiss slapped Commander Donald across the face and roared:

"Useless! I sent you to handle those low-level nuisances, and look what you've done. Most of them escaped, and you've destroyed so much of my critical data. If it weren't for X-24 being unharmed, I'd have you thrown into the incinerator right now!"

"Boss, it was my mistake. I didn’t expect the nurses would actually help them escape," Donald replied, showing no sign of the pain on his face and merely bowing respectfully.

Dr. Weiss took a deep breath, calming his tone before ordering:

"The situation is what it is. I don’t want to hear your excuses. I need you to capture those escaped mutant children as quickly as possible and deal with them. They must not be discovered by other organizations."

As one of the world's renowned companies with connections to many terrorist organizations, he knew that the world was complex, especially with a giant like SHIELD lurking around.

If SHIELD discovered the existence of mutants, they would trace the leads back to him, which would be a significant problem.

Until he could mass-produce mutants, he wasn’t ready to go up against SHIELD.

"Report any developments immediately. If necessary, I will bring X-24 to assist, which will also serve to test X-24's combat effectiveness."

"Understood, Boss!"

Donald nodded and left the partially destroyed laboratory to assemble his team.

"What's the status of the investigation?"

"Commander, based on our findings, it appears that Test Subject 757 was responsible. According to—"

A team leader quickly summarized the investigation results.

Donald frowned upon hearing this:

"It's him? Just a Level 2 mutant, and he has such power?"

During the previous battle, he had been in command and knew the situation well.

Although the mutant children managed to escape with the help of several nurses, he quickly reassigned personnel to stabilize the situation.

If nothing had gone wrong, they should have been able to corner all the escaping mutant children in the cafeteria. But suddenly, after a burst of gunfire, his subordinates went silent.

He was about to lead a larger team to pursue them when the explosion forced him to return immediately.

The explosion occurred near the boss's laboratory, so he had no choice but to go back.

"It seems accurate. Captain Beers, who was responsible for dealing with Test Subject 757, was killed. Although he destroyed all surveillance on the way, our trace analysis experts still found evidence of his path to the cafeteria.

However, from analyzing the bodies, most were killed by gunshots, with very few killed by knives. The gunshots were all lethal."

The team leader explained.

"A sharpshooter? But he doesn't seem to have that kind of ability."

Donald furrowed his brow in confusion.

Mutants with sharpshooting potential usually had either super vision or special dynamic tracking abilities, among other traits. According to his knowledge, Test Subject 757 had telepathy and magnetic control abilities.

"This might be something to ask the boss about."

He only understood combat strategy, while researching mutant abilities was the boss’s domain.

But considering the boss’s ongoing anger, he decided to drop the issue.

After all, even if someone was a sharpshooter, without specialized training, it wouldn’t be a significant concern.

(End of Chapter)

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