Marvel’s Master of Heavenly Magic

Chapter 22: Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters

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“Professor, you can’t blame yourself. You didn’t do it on purpose. Just as the principles you once taught us apply to you as well,” Wolverine said with a sigh, offering comfort.

In the past, mutants were feared by humans not only because some used their abilities for criminal activities, but mainly because when mutants first manifested their powers, their fear often led to uncontrolled abilities that harmed their loved ones and innocent people around them.

Whenever these young mutants were brought to the school, the Professor would provide psychological counseling to help them muster the courage to live their lives anew.

In truth, the Professor himself had experienced similar issues. His own uncontrollable powers, due to epilepsy, had led to a tragic incident, and he felt more pain than anyone else.

“I’m not a child. I must take responsibility for my mistakes. I can’t make up for those who are dead, but I can try to make life better for those who are still alive,” the Professor said, looking at the group of children with a smile.

If it weren’t for these children, who gave him hope, he might never be able to face his painful memories and would remain lost until death.

“But Professor, so many years have passed. The school might have been taken over by the government by now,” George pointed out.

The location of Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters was indeed well-chosen. Situated on the outskirts of the Bronx in New York, it wasn’t too remote but also a fair distance from the event-prone Manhattan. Even during the Chitauri invasion, it wouldn’t have been directly affected.

The Bronx, located in the northernmost part of New York, was the city’s most chaotic area, predominantly inhabited by African and Latin American descendants. If Hell’s Kitchen was the most troubled area in the affluent part of Manhattan, the Bronx was the most troubled area in all of New York.

With numerous gangs and a high crime rate, it was the perfect place for George to operate under the radar and make money without attracting government attention, even if it meant committing some crimes.

However, after so many years, it was hard to believe that such a large estate would still be vacant.

Professor X wiped away his tears and explained:

“Although I am being hunted, it’s not an official manhunt. The government doesn’t want to escalate the situation and lacks sufficient evidence to arrest me. Therefore, my official identity still exists, and most of my assets, including the castle, remain intact.

I just cannot make an appearance or access any of my assets, or the government would follow those leads and capture me…”

“I see,” George said, though he wasn’t entirely clear on the details, he understood the general situation after Professor X’s explanation.

In secret, Professor X was the head of the mutant school, but publicly, he was a renowned figure as the heir to the Xavier family—a prominent capitalist. In some ways, his influence was even greater than that of Stark Industries.

Stark Industries’ rise was largely due to Tony Stark’s father, Howard, who had not been a major player before. In contrast, the Xavier family was an old aristocratic lineage with deep-rooted traditions.

Without concrete evidence, publicly arresting the Xavier family heir and seizing their assets would provoke a sense of crisis among all the old capitalists.

“Because if today you can seize the Xavier family’s assets without evidence, tomorrow you could find a reason to seize them again. This would create widespread fear,” George remarked thoughtfully.

Could the government present solid evidence against the Professor for the murders? Certainly not. The Professor's actions, driven by an epileptic seizure and uncontrolled psychic power, resulted in deaths that were not clearly linked to him even on surveillance footage, which only showed people suddenly collapsing. There was no concrete proof that he was the perpetrator.

Moreover, confirming that the Professor, who had previously assisted the government and received numerous awards from the President, had committed such mass killings would implicate the government as well. It would harm their reputation and potentially impact the President significantly.

Thus, the only course of action was a covert arrest and detention, with the entire incident deliberately downplayed.

“If that’s the case, it’s indeed a good option,” George concluded after careful consideration, agreeing with Professor X’s proposal.

The Westchester incident happened twenty-five years ago, in 1984, when Tony Stark was just fifteen, newly enrolled in MIT’s Electrical Engineering program. Captain Marvel Carol Danvers hadn’t yet become a pilot, Nick Fury was still a regular SHIELD agent, and Peter Quill, Star-Lord, was only six years old with his mother still alive.

Given this timeline, it was likely that the mutant school was still unclaimed and untouched.

It was probable that the government’s search teams had never even discovered the basement of the school.

“I have no objections, as long as the children are safe,” Gabriella said, raising her hand in agreement. She felt that if the Professor and George thought it was feasible, it must be fine. As a Mexican nurse with limited experience, her role was to care for the children, not to voice unwarranted opinions. She was clear on her place.

Seeing that everyone agreed, Wolverine also stopped opposing the idea. He actually wished he could visit the school again; it had once been a sanctuary for him.

As for Caliban, he would follow the Professor and Wolverine wherever they went, regardless of the specific location.

The truck then changed direction, heading towards New York.

Due to the number of children and their lack of identification, they avoided entering the city, instead purchasing supplies in small towns along the way and resting in remote areas.

After two days of travel, they finally arrived in the Bronx, the northern part of New York.

Perhaps because he faced his own situation more directly, the Professor’s condition slightly improved. Although he couldn’t use his powers like before, he could occasionally influence ordinary people’s thoughts without much trouble.

This made their journey much smoother.

To avoid being tracked, they frequently changed trucks. They sold each truck to a second-hand market and bought a different model from another market, continually switching vehicles.

Upon reaching the Bronx, they didn’t immediately go to the Professor’s old school. Instead, George and Wolverine disguised themselves and went to scout the area.

As expected, the school was vacant and had not been occupied. However, the long absence of residents had left it in a state of disrepair.

After confirming the school was safe, they waited until nightfall to quietly move the children into the school and settled into the castle’s basement.

The basement of the castle had two levels, including the Professor’s cerebral amplification room and the former X-Men training room, along with a dozen empty rooms. It was more than enough to accommodate everyone comfortably.

(End of Chapter)

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