Marvel’s Master of Heavenly Magic

Chapter 24: Heading to King’s Cross Station

Support me and be 20 chapters ahead of webnovel:

"If you hadn't said it, I would have suggested the same thing. If it were the past, the Professor would never have agreed to let the kids engage in battle so soon, but now... I think he would be eager for them to have more ways to defend themselves," Wolverine said without hesitation, agreeing to George's suggestion.

In the past, at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, Professor X’s philosophy was that students were just that—students. The school existed for them to learn to control their abilities while also gaining other knowledge. What they chose to do in the future, what careers they pursued, and what kind of people they wanted to become, was entirely up to them. Only when they became adults and chose to stay at the school to become X-Men would they undergo combat training.

But now, the situation was vastly different. To survive, even the youngest needed to learn to develop their powers and defend themselves. If every child could be as strong as Laura, and they worked together, they wouldn't fear the relentless pursuit of Alkali Genetics.

"Good, then let's get some rest," George said.

After finishing their inspection of the two-level underground base, George and Wolverine returned to their rooms for a well-deserved rest. The last few days had been a constant rush, and neither of them had slept properly. Now, finally, they could relax and get a good night’s sleep.

Four days later...

George followed his usual routine of gathering intel in the Bronx, then spent his time buried in studying magic. By night, he focused his energy on his avatar in the Harry Potter world.

While his main body in the Marvel universe was busy planning a prison break, his avatar hadn’t been idle either. Between occasionally hosting Tonks and her colleagues who dropped by for meals, most of his time had been spent studying magical theory and practicing new spells.

Today, however, was different. It was September 1st—the day he would be heading to Hogwarts.

"Peggy, let's go!" George said, placing the cage containing his massive owl onto his cart. He locked up his shop and pushed the luggage-laden trolley out into Knockturn Alley.

"Peggy" was the name he had given his owl, as it had an insatiable appetite. If it weren’t for the inheritance he’d received from an old wizard, he wasn’t sure he could afford to keep such a large pet. Despite being a big eater, Peggy was quite useful.

In preparation for his time away at school, George had spent the past few days selling off all the potions and herbs in his shop that he wouldn’t need. Many of the wizards who frequented his store weren’t the friendliest sorts. Were it not for Peggy sitting atop the rafters, glaring down at them, some might have tried using Confundus Charms to trick him into giving away his valuable potions for free.

Pushing the cart, which was taller than he was, George left Knockturn Alley and entered Diagon Alley. A few hundred meters later, he came to an ordinary-looking brick wall. Taking out his wand, he tapped a few specific bricks, causing the wall to tremble and reveal a wide archway.

Pushing the cart through the arch, George found himself inside the Leaky Cauldron, the famous wizarding pub that also served as an inn. He’d eaten there a few times before, but in all honesty, the food wasn’t great, and the place was a bit dirty and cramped.

Giving a nod to the bartender, Tom, George didn’t linger and instead headed straight for the Muggle street outside the pub. He stood by the roadside, waiting patiently.

Originally, he had planned to take the Muggle underground to King's Cross Station. However, when Tonks and her colleagues had dropped by for dinner the other night, they insisted on driving him there.

After waiting about ten minutes, a classic dark green car pulled up beside him.

"Hey, George! You're ten minutes early!"

Tonks opened the car door and got out from the passenger seat.

George smiled and replied, "I like to be early for everything; that way, I don’t end up in a rush."

"That's a good habit, one I’ve never been able to stick to," Tonks laughed heartily, helping George load his luggage into the trunk. Her carefree and energetic personality showed in her quick and lively movements.

"Undetectable Extension Charm?" George’s face showed a hint of surprise as he watched Tonks easily fit his mountain of luggage, along with his large owl, Peggy, into the tiny car trunk.

The Undetectable Extension Charm was a magical spell that could significantly expand the internal space of an object. Wizards proficient in this spell could even enlarge a small suitcase to the size of a city. A famous example was Newt Scamander, the renowned magizoologist, who had such an enchanted suitcase.

However, the charm was technically illegal for private use under wizarding law. It could only be employed on publicly sanctioned items with the Ministry of Magic's approval, such as the magical tents used for housing spectators during international Quidditch matches.

Of course, despite the restrictions, most wizards found the spell too convenient to resist using. As long as they weren’t caught by an Auror in the act, there wasn’t much trouble.

"It looks like you've been learning diligently lately. Yes, this trunk has an Undetectable Extension Charm on it, but don't worry—it’s completely legal. This car is an Auror-issued vehicle from the Ministry," Tonks said proudly, closing the trunk with a grin and winking at George.

Although she was still a trainee Auror, Tonks’ exceptional performance had already earned her the privilege of using a Ministry vehicle.

"Impressive!" George gave her a thumbs-up in response.

Outwardly, Tonks was 19 years old, and George was 11, making her the "big sister." But in reality, while Tonks was 19 mentally, George's true mental age was well into his 30s, far more mature than she was.

"Good morning, George," greeted a young wizard sitting in the driver's seat. He was dressed in a bright green velvet suit and gave George a friendly wave.

"Hey, you’re off to Hogwarts now. Guess we won't be able to mooch any more meals from you for a while," the wizard teased.

"Good morning, Aldo. Don't worry, I’ll be back during the holidays. It's only a few months," George replied with a smile.

George knew Aldo well. He had come by several times with Tonks to enjoy George’s homemade Chinese food, which Aldo had grown particularly fond of. Aldo was also one of Tonks’ classmates, now a fellow trainee Auror at the Ministry of Magic.

It was clear to George that Aldo was interested in Tonks, though she only saw him as a close friend. Love couldn’t be forced—Tonks preferred the older, wiser type, like Lupin, rather than the dashing, young Aldo.

"Don’t listen to him. Hogwarts is a fantastic school, and you’re going to love learning magic there," Tonks said, turning around to swat Aldo on the back of his head. She then faced George, her expression softening.

Aldo, rubbing the back of his head, wasn’t bothered by the playful hit. He’d grown used to Tonks’ antics. With a practiced motion, he started the magical car and began driving towards King's Cross Station.

(End of Chapter)

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