Marvel’s Master of Heavenly Magic

Chapter 37: The Star of Slytherin

Support me and be 20 chapters ahead of webnovel:

Wednesday morning, Herbology class.

As expected, George earned Slytherin another ten points.

His body, having spent years assisting an old wizard in selling potions, was already familiar with herbs and potions. Combined with his primary body’s computer support, the first-year curriculum was no challenge for him.

In the afternoon, George left the castle on his own, following a path leading to the Forbidden Forest and heading toward Hagrid’s hut.

It was early July, the most pleasant time of the year—neither too hot nor too cold. The path outside the castle was lined with wildflowers, and the lush green grass stretched all the way to the shores of the Black Lake.

If one walked a little further along the grass toward the lake, they might spot a few older students sitting on the slopes, chatting or even engaging in romantic exchanges.

Students abroad matured early, and Hogwarts’ witches and wizards matured even earlier. Many were already dating by their second or third year, unlike Ron and Harry, who were part of the minority, only starting to develop feelings in their fourth or fifth year.

George, not wanting to disturb the young couples, continued on his way, passing through the Quidditch pitch and crossing a long stone bridge.

Finally, at the edge of the seemingly endless forest, he spotted Hagrid’s oversized wooden hut, which was about two to three times larger than a normal one. In front of the hut were rows of enormous pumpkins.

“Woof! Woof!”

As soon as he approached the hut, a large black dog suddenly jumped out from the side, barking aggressively at him.

George locked eyes with the dog, activating his mental powers. The dog hesitated for a moment, then began wagging its tail.

“Fang, stop!”

At that moment, the door to the hut opened, revealing Hagrid’s massive figure.

“Oh, it’s you, young master! Welcome! I just made some rock cakes. You can have some with our other guest.”

“That’s an honor,” George said, his expression showing slight surprise. He hadn’t expected Hagrid to have another visitor today.

“Ginny? What are you doing here? Don’t you have class this afternoon?”

Stepping into the hut, George saw Ginny Weasley sitting on a stool that was even taller than he was.

As far as he knew, Gryffindors only had Thursday afternoons off, and today was Wednesday.

“You’re right, George... I should get going to class,” Ginny replied, clearly flustered. She quickly jumped off the stool and hurried out of the hut.

Hagrid, placing a plate of freshly made rock cakes on the table, chuckled. “That little lass was here to ask me when Harry usually comes by. But you scared her off. Guess you’ll have to help finish her portion.”

“Mm, these rock cakes smell great. Too bad I just ate lunch in the Great Hall. I’m completely stuffed... such a shame,” George said, patting his round belly, pushing the rock cakes back with a look of regret.

Hagrid’s rock cakes were made to suit his own teeth—hard enough to be used as bricks. George had no intention of risking his own teeth on them.

Seeing George’s clearly full stomach, Hagrid didn’t push the issue. He regretfully grabbed the rock cakes and devoured them in a few quick bites.

“Next time, make sure you leave some room.”

“Hagrid, I’m really interested in magical creatures. I’ve read a few books on the subject, and I have some questions I’d love to ask you,” George said, hiding a smile before getting to the real reason for his visit.

Though George could communicate with magical creatures using his mental powers, it didn’t necessarily mean he could tame them. It merely gave him an advantage over most wizards.

*Chapter 37: The Star of Slytherin*

Just like the renowned Magizoologist Newt Scamander, who was said to have been born with a natural ability to communicate with magical creatures.

However, Newt's success in taming so many powerful creatures wasn't just due to his innate abilities; it was his deep understanding of their habits and behaviors that allowed him to handle them so effectively.

“You’re interested in magical creatures? That’s fantastic! I’ll tell you everything I know,” Hagrid replied enthusiastically.

Hagrid, being simple-minded, was thrilled to meet someone who shared his passion for magical creatures, and he immediately began talking non-stop.

George listened attentively while his primary body, on the other hand, took detailed notes.

Learning about magical creatures served two purposes for George: one, to tame powerful creatures for his own use, and two, to take advantage of the Forbidden Forest’s resources.

Many rare magical creatures were valuable because every part of them could be used to craft magical items or create potions. And many of these rare creatures could be found in the Forbidden Forest.

For example, Acromantula venom was worth 100 Galleons per pint, and there were at least a hundred Acromantula in the forest.

When it came to making money, despite the claims that potion masters were the richest, it was actually Magizoologists who had the potential to earn the most.

However, most Magizoologists loved magical creatures and were unwilling to exploit them for profit. Plus, becoming a Magizoologist wasn’t easy—without considerable strength, one could easily be devoured by the creatures they sought to study.

Newt Scamander was born with the ability to communicate with magical creatures, while Hagrid benefited from his half-giant heritage.

Yet, the pursuit wasn’t just about money. Sometimes, certain things couldn’t be bought with gold but could be traded for with rare magical creatures, making them a valuable resource for negotiations.


In the morning, George attended Transfiguration and Defense Against the Dark Arts, followed by Charms in the afternoon, and a History of Magic class in the evening.

By the end of the day, George had earned another forty points for Slytherin, pushing the house’s score far ahead of the others, proving that his boast on the first day had not been empty.

Because of this, George began to gain the title of “The Star of Slytherin,” a rising talent in his house.

In truth, Slytherin had never struggled with house points each year. Combined with Snape’s favoritism, they usually won the House Cup.

Last year, however, Hermione Granger’s intense point-earning had nearly outpaced them. Even with Harry and Ron’s antics dragging Gryffindor down, and despite Snape’s point deductions, the gap wasn’t large enough, allowing Dumbledore to award bonus points during the Philosopher’s Stone incident and clinch a win.

But this year, George was earning points at a rate faster than Hermione. Not only was he acing his classes, but even in History of Magic, he was able to score points—something Snape wouldn’t deduct from. Even if Dumbledore tried to help Gryffindor, closing a gap of several hundred points would be too obvious.

Snape shared George’s perspective.


*Friday morning, Potions class.*

“Can anyone tell me the ingredients needed for a boil-cure potion? George, why don’t you answer?”

By the fifth time George stood up to answer a question, he felt slightly embarrassed.

“Powdered root of asphodel, infusion of wormwood, and porcupine quills, Professor,” he responded.

“It seems not everyone is an idiot. Five points to Slytherin,” Snape said, scanning the room. The rest of the students lowered their heads in silence.

“Now, we’ll begin brewing this potion. Let’s hope you aren’t all as incompetent as usual.”

As George followed the steps to brew the potion, he couldn’t help but notice how different Snape was from Professor McGonagall.

Snape’s questions, though slightly advanced, were answerable only by students like George, who could easily consult his books. For most first-years, these questions were too difficult.

You could argue Snape was showing favoritism, but George was the only one capable of answering. Even Dumbledore couldn’t complain too much.

Still, George was certain that Snape intended for him to earn as many points as possible. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have asked him five questions in a single class. And if George managed to successfully brew his potion, he would likely earn more points.

As expected, the moment George finished his potion, Snape, like a large bat, appeared by his side.

“An excellent potion. Five points to Slytherin.”

(End of Chapter)

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