Marvel’s Master of Heavenly Magic

Chapter 42: The Most Suitable is the Strongest

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"If that's the case, then there's no problem."

Hearing Snape's reply, George nodded without hesitation.

After all, the whole point of going in circles was for this exact reason.

With Lockhart, all he could learn was the Forgetfulness Charm; everything else was a mess. For Dark Magic, he still needed Snape.

And with private lessons every week, it was practically like becoming Snape’s personal student. Over time, they could develop a bond, and maybe he could even take Snape as his godfather.

Shamelessness knows no bounds. For the sake of improving his power, becoming a godson wasn't out of the question.

Seeing George agree so readily, Snape was momentarily stunned. For some reason, he felt like he’d fallen into a trap. But after thinking it over, it didn’t seem to matter. A genius from his own house? He was already inclined to show some favoritism.

After informing Snape, Madam Hooch took George back to the lawn outside the castle.

As soon as George returned, he was surrounded by young wizards, all asking what Madam Hooch had taken him away for.

He didn’t hide the truth entirely and directly stated that he had met with Headmaster Snape and had been exceptionally admitted into the Slytherin Quidditch team, though he didn’t mention the private lessons.

This news naturally caused quite a stir. The Slytherin students were immediately smug, while the Gryffindors were left somewhat disheartened.

"I thought I could beat him in flying class, but it turns out I lost in that too," Ginny sighed as she watched George being swarmed by the others.

Colin, standing next to her, didn’t seem too upset. Instead, he raised his camera and started snapping photos.

"There's no helping it; he’s George. He works really hard, too. I heard he's always the last one to leave the common room at night, and he’s also our friend."

"You're right. At least it’s George, not someone else."

Ginny's face softened with a faint smile.

George didn’t just outshine them by a little; he completely dominated in every aspect, and he worked so hard that it was hard to feel any jealousy.

After the flying class ended, Madam Hooch, watching George walk to the Great Hall with the other students, collected all the brooms with her wand and murmured to herself:

"No, I need to talk to Bagman about this. Maybe we can finally change the tide for England in international Quidditch."

Ludo Bagman, currently the Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports at the British Ministry of Magic, was a former Quidditch player Madam Hooch knew before retiring and taking up teaching at Hogwarts.

In recent years, England's Quidditch team had been consistently losing, almost becoming one of the lowest-ranked international teams.

With a once-in-a-millennium talent like George on the team, perhaps they could turn things around.

As for George being too young and still in school?

Recently, a fifth-year student named Viktor Krum from Durmstrang had been exceptionally admitted to the Bulgarian national Quidditch team because of his extraordinary talent as a Seeker. George could certainly do the same.

In fact, she believed George's talent in Quidditch far surpassed that of Viktor Krum.

"With George joining the Slytherin team, it's the perfect opportunity to invite Bagman to watch this year’s Hogwarts Quidditch matches in person."

By evening, word of George’s exceptional admission to the Slytherin team had spread throughout the school, along with tales of the high-level moves he had performed during flying class.

Many Quidditch-obsessed young wizards were quite familiar with those well-known moves.

This elevated George’s reputation not only within Slytherin but throughout the entire school.

Even the older Slytherins spoke to him with more respect.

Of course, not all Slytherins were thrilled about it—like Malfoy, who had just managed to buy his way onto the team with his father's money. But clearly, aside from sulking, there was little he could do.

Saturday came quickly. Early in the morning, George was summoned by Snape for his tutoring session.

Every Saturday morning, Snape had promised George a private lesson.

“Today, I’m teaching the Knockback Jinx. It’s a basic spell, but don’t underestimate it. If used properly, even a simple spell can be more powerful than advanced ones.

For example, if you use the Knockback Jinx skillfully, you could even repel a dragon.”

Under Snape’s strict but detailed guidance, George gained a deeper understanding of Dark Magic and magical combat.

Previously, he believed that the Avada Kedavra curse and Fiendfyre were the most powerful spells—one guaranteed death with a hit, and the other could engulf and destroy entire cities.

But through Snape's explanation, he realized that wasn’t always the case. The strongest spell is the one that’s most suitable for the situation and opponent.

Sometimes, a simple spell could be more effective than something as deadly as Avada Kedavra or Fiendfyre.

Against small, nimble enemies, the Killing Curse might miss entirely, and a wide-area but less powerful spell like the Freezing Charm would be more effective.

Similarly, magical creatures like dragons, which have high resistance to magic, might shrug off the Killing Curse or Fiendfyre. However, a targeted spell like the Conjunctivitis Curse, which attacks the eyes, could be far more useful.

The Knockback Jinx works in much the same way. Since it uses magical power to create a physical pressure in front of the caster, it bypasses magical resistance, making it hard for even highly resistant creatures to block.

In fact, a skilled wizard like Dumbledore could potentially knock a dragon back with a well-cast Knockback Jinx.

In the afternoon, Snape personally took George to the Quidditch pitch outside the castle.

However, when they arrived, it wasn’t just the Slytherin team there. The Gryffindor team was also on the field, and something was clearly wrong.

The Slytherin players were laughing uncontrollably. Captain Flint was bent over, laughing so hard he was supporting himself with his new broomstick. Malfoy was on all fours, pounding the ground with his fists.

On the other side, the Gryffindor players had gathered around Ron, joined by Hermione and Colin, who was taking pictures. Ron, at that moment, was vomiting shiny, giant slugs.

“What’s going on?” Snape asked, his face dark.

The Slytherin players quickly straightened up when they saw Snape. Captain Flint hurriedly explained:

“Headmaster, I came to the pitch with the note you signed, but Wood wouldn’t let us use it. Then their second-year, Ron Weasley, tried to hex Malfoy, but the spell backfired onto himself.”

“The pitch belongs to the Slytherin team today. Ron Weasley used magic to attack another student. Gryffindor will lose ten points.”

Snape delivered the punishment without emotion, but when he saw Harry standing next to Ron, his face twisted with disdain as he added:

“Potter, you were standing right there. Why didn’t you stop him? Do you think letting him make a mistake makes you look better? Another ten points from Gryffindor!”

Harry, already frustrated from the loss of points, stood frozen in disbelief after hearing Snape’s additional punishment.

Seeing Harry’s reaction, George couldn’t help but twitch his lips. Honestly, he felt a bit sorry for Harry.

But there was nothing to be done. After all, he wasn’t “Harriet,” was he?

(End of Chapter)

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