Marvel's Star Hamster

Chapter 30 Facts

Chapter 30 Facts
temporary military base
Researchers are working on two energy cannons that were transported in

This was what Coulson unloaded from the cannon beast cooked by Andy before retreating.

This cannon is as tall as half a person, and its whole body is brass-colored, with intricate patterns all over it.

The researchers examined the overall structure of the energy cannon in detail and found that the energy cannon is connected to the nerves of the cannon beasts, so those cannons can control the energy cannons on their backs to attack.

And the so-called energy cannonballs are actually transformed from the physical strength of the cannon beast.

Compared with the huge size of the cannon beast, if ordinary human beings expend their physical strength to launch energy cannonballs, the result can only be sucked into mummified corpses.

The researchers transformed an energy cannon and equipped it with energy supply equipment.

I found an open space and started experimenting with the attack capability of the energy cannon.

The current is collected in the energy cannon through the cable and transformed into orange energy. The lines on the cannon are lit up one by one, which looks very beautiful.

The orange energy continues to grow and take shape in the barrel, and the researchers press the start button to activate the energy cannon.

There was only a muffled sound, and the orange energy shells flew out from the cannon. The experimental target was hit hard by the energy shells and exploded into metal fragments all over the sky.

The experimenters were very surprised by the power of the energy cannon.

Among the existing weapons, there are standard equipment that can reach the power of energy shells, but it costs tens of thousands of dollars to take out one casually, and those equipments are all one-time use.

But this energy cannon is different. Its shells are energy shells, and there is no need to make additional shells. It only needs to provide sufficient electric energy for it to use.

In the case of equal destructive power, energy cannons use electric energy at an extremely low cost, while existing standard weapons need to be continuously manufactured at a high cost.

So replicating the energy cannon became their top priority.

Using instruments to scan the energy cannon in detail, its internal structure was presented to many researchers.

The researchers found that except for an energy conversion device inside, all the rest were that special pattern.

When the electric energy enters the energy cannon, these special lines are first lit up, forming an energy restraint stand. After the electric energy is converted into orange energy by the energy conversion device, it is captured by the energy restraint stand and condensed into an energy cannonball.

When the energy cannonball is fully formed, just press the launch switch to launch the energy cannonball and attack the enemy.

After careful study of the energy cannon, the researchers found to their embarrassment that although this energy cannon can be excited by electric energy, it is not a product of technology.

Neither the special energy pattern nor the energy conversion device has any technical content, but they can't reproduce it at all. They have tried many methods, and no matter what materials they use, they can't achieve the same level as the cannon. Like the special lines of the two, combined into an energy binding position.

And the energy conversion device is even more speechless, and researchers simply cannot understand how it works.

Only a few rings can convert electrical energy into orange special energy. Such a simple and crude method makes researchers suspect that this energy cannon is some kind of mysterious magical creation, otherwise how could it be so?

The helpless researchers had to give up and go to manufacture new energy supply devices.

The whole dead cannon beast that Coulson brought back before, the two energy cannons on its back should also be installed and adjusted, waiting for the battle with the monster army.

the other side

Coulson, who was sent by Nick Fury to find Sarah, also sent back news.

He found Sarah in a fast food restaurant
At that time, Sarah was discussing something with two reporters in the fast food restaurant. Because their behavior was too weird, the surrounding people called the police and reported the three of them.

After they were arrested by the police, Coulson also came after hearing the news and took the three of them into custody.

The three of them seemed to know the reason for everything, especially Sarah and the reporter named Ethan, and their reactions were even more intense.

"Can any of you tell me about the recent python and monster army in Los Angeles?"

Facing the three people who reacted fiercely, Coulson asked with a smile on his face.

Coulson's inquiry made the three people stop struggling, and signaled his subordinates to untie them.

Ethan, who was free, sat on the ground and told Coulson the story of 500 years ago.

The python that destroyed St. George's Hospital is called Braki, an evil python who wants to become a dragon and rule the world. Those monsters are his army to clear the way for him.

If Braki wants to become a dragon, he must get the Dragon Ball, and the Dragon Ball exists in Sarah's body.

As for those black-armored soldiers who couldn't be killed, only warriors who possessed the power of Dragon Ball could kill them forever. Ethan had mastered this power in his previous life.

Now Sarah will be 20 years old soon, and the dragon balls in her body will also mature. At that time, Blaki's monster army will appear here, crushing all the forces that stop Braki from snatching the dragon balls.

Although I wanted to say that Ethan and the others had read too many fairy tales, but after finally getting a clue, Coulson had no choice but to verify the story.

After consulting many mythological documents

Coulson finally found it in a Goryeo myth

It's not that different from Ethan's story.

It is recorded in the book that a giant white python named Imogi guards the world. Its behavior moved the heavens, and the gods decided to give it a dragon ball as a reward.

The dragon ball descended to the mortal world and was pinned on a baby girl. As long as the baby girl grows up to 20 years old, she can dedicate the dragon ball in her body to Imoji.

Braki, a black python belonging to the same family of pythons, got the news. It also wanted to turn into a dragon, but there was only one dragon ball.

An evil thought took root in its heart, Braki secretly formed a monster army, and attacked all the way to the capital where the girl lived.

In order to prevent the Dragon Ball from falling into the wrong hands, the girl committed suicide by jumping off a cliff.

Immogi and Braki had a big battle, and with the assistance of Immogi, a mage named Buchen sealed the entire monster army and defeated Braki.

This is a very traditional fairy tale, as always, justice triumphs over evil.

The black python and the monster army mentioned in the fairy tales have now been verified. Coulson rubbed his temples and brought Sarah and his party back to the temporary military base, waiting for the director's order.

After Coulson finished reporting the situation, Nick Fury stared at Ethan and the others with his only one eye.

As a super agent, he is proficient in a series of special methods such as psychology and micro-expression. He can evaluate a person from various aspects such as language, expression, and behavior.

The surrounding atmosphere became serious, and the guards also aimed at Ethan and the three of them with loaded guns, as if they would shoot immediately if they dared to move.

Nick Fury waved his hand to disarm the soldiers. Although the three of them were afraid under the soldiers' aim just now, it was only because of their fear of facing guns.

He didn't find any guilty evasion behavior of these three people, which made Nick Fury temporarily believe their words.

Now that Sarah was able to dream of her past life, Nick Fury ordered Coulson to take her and Ethan to find a hypnotist living in Los Angeles.

Perhaps hypnosis can fully bring Sarah back to her past life, allowing her to find a way to fight the monster army there.

 I feel like I'm writing worse

  Forget it, please bookmark, please recommend a ticket


(End of this chapter)

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