Marvel's Star Hamster

Chapter 7 Press Conference

Chapter 7 Press Conference

Watching Andy solve the crystal energy dissipation problem with a series of dazzling operations.

Tina was completely relieved. Now she needed to solve the problems caused by the explosions. The series of explosions just now were not small.


It is estimated that the employees have already discussed the cause of the explosion.

The moment Tina opened the office door, she saw the heads of various departments anxiously discussing the cause of the explosion.

"Tina, what happened?"

A well-dressed female elite asked Tina when she saw Tina pushing the door.

She is the head of the Propaganda Department of Orokin Technology. The explosion just now caused panic in the whole building. She ordered the security department to put all the martial law under control.

"How come there are continuous explosions in the top lab?

Could it be that terrorists attacked and wanted to kidnap the president? "

It was only a few years after the 911/[-] incident, and everyone felt extremely anxious and fearful, fearing that the same terrorist attack would happen to Orojin Technology.

Now a large number of policemen and media reporters have gathered downstairs, and they are eager to know the truth of the matter.

Tina stepped forward to tidy up the Minister of Propaganda who was overly anxious about the explosion and made his clothes a little messy.

She smiled and said: "Nothing happened! I will prepare the information conference later, and Andy will tell everyone the reason for the incident."

Seeing Tina's calmness, everyone was finally relieved, and returned to their jobs to lead the work.


"Miss Tina, was the previous explosion at Orojin Technology a terrorist attack?

How much damage did the terrorist attack on Orokin Technology cause?

Can you tell us about your boss, Mr. Andy's current situation? "

Looking at Tina sitting in front, the reporter from the Los Angeles Daily issued a series of sharp questions.

It seems that the explosion in Orojin Technology was really a terrorist attack.

She stared at Tina, wanting to get Tina's response.

At this time, Andy, who had changed into clean clothes, walked in with a smile on his face, and responded to what the reporter said.
"Oh! Everyone seems to care about me, especially this...emmm..."

Andy lowered his head and carefully looked at the work card on the reporter's chest.

"Ms Mollilla's reporter, why are you so interested in the bombing?
How did you learn that Orokin Technology was attacked by terrorists? "

For this impolite reporter who was talking nonsense before getting the truth of the matter, Andy didn't hesitate to go back.

"Why are you okay? There was a violent explosion in Orojin, and you are the closest to the explosion point. How could you be okay?"

Reporter Molly was extremely surprised when she saw Andy appearing at the press conference, as if it was impossible for Andy to appear at the press conference.

She obviously got the news that a violent explosion occurred in Orokin's top laboratory.

Andy was in the top lab at the time, and when Tina entered the top lab, there was another series of explosions.

She can understand that Orokin Technology's laboratory has protective measures, but no matter how good the protective measures are, it is impossible for Andy to be unharmed.

The reason why she dared to ask Tina these sharp questions was because she was extremely sure that Andy would be seriously injured.

But in Andy's current state, no matter how you look at it, it can't be seen that he has been hurt.

Molly wanted to say something, but was stopped by a fellow reporter.

"Sorry! She just started working as an intern and doesn't know much about the industry."

As he spoke, he dragged Molly to the back row.

Molly kept struggling and said: "Let go of me, Ethan! The news I received is that a violent explosion occurred in Orokin, and its boss is at the source of the explosion.

You don't really believe he's doing an experiment, do you?

This is a biological company, not an arms company. What kind of biological experiment can cause such a big explosion? "

Molly's voice was heard by everyone present.


Orojin Technology is a biological company, and it is absolutely impossible for biological experimental research to cause such a powerful destructive force.

Ethan tightly grasped Jasmine's arms and said in a low voice:
"Listen! Molly! I don't know where you got the news, but remember you're a reporter.

Unless you have conclusive evidence, you should be more tactful in the current situation.

I know you want to cover high-impact news.

If you continue like this, you may not have a place in journalism as a whole. "

At this time Andy's voice sounded, Ethan let go of Molly's arms and smiled awkwardly at Andy.

"Hehe, just now everyone heard Miss Molina's words, Orokin is indeed a biotechnology company.

But this does not mean that Orokin does not have scientific research capabilities in other industries.

Moreover, the explosion that occurred in the top laboratory of Orokin was indeed caused by experiments. "

Hearing what Andy said, Molly smiled mockingly.

She simply did not believe that the explosion was caused by an experiment.

This experiment is not because I am studying medical technology, but because I am experimenting with special materials researched based on human body mechanics and existing protective materials. "

Andy waved his hand to turn on the virtual projection, and the image of the woven material used to make the Orokin combat suit was projected.

"This special braided material is named by me as Orojin super nanofiber, which can evenly distribute the received force everywhere, so as to dissipate the force and prevent the wearer from being hurt.

The reason for the explosion is because I want to determine what the upper limit of this braid can withstand.

Therefore, several grenades were used for the explosion experiment, and I am very sorry for not reporting it.

After all, a scientist's inspiration is fleeting. "

Speaking of Andy, Chief George bowed to the heads of all the New York policemen who rushed over.

"As an expression of apology for disrupting the work of Chief George, I have decided to donate one thousand ballistic gear made of the new fabric to the NYPD.

I don't think Commissioner George will hold me accountable, will he? "

Andy's naughty words made everyone laugh.

Director George even tilted his head and licked his ears, expressing that he didn't know what happened.

Not only did Andy not expose the amplitude crystal, but he also used the press conference to promote the Orojin super nanofiber.

The explosion of Orokin Technology was just taken lightly by Andy.

After the conference
Ethan pulled Molly to leave Orokin Technology and said comfortingly:
"Molly, the facts are already very obvious, don't worry about it anymore."

Molly still didn't believe it, she firmly believed that Orokin must have some hidden secrets.

"It's definitely not what he said. He must be hiding something. I will definitely find out."

Ethan felt very helpless when he heard that, such a careless intern gave him a headache.

The key point is that Molly is still the editor-in-chief's daughter, so he can't afford to offend her.

Ethan had no choice but to let Molly move freely, and he wanted to pass today's news back to the editorial department as soon as possible.

Orogin ultra-nanofibers will definitely arouse high social repercussions, which may be the harbinger of Orogin technology entering the arms industry.


Orokin Technology
Andy sat in the office and stared blankly at the scenery outside the window.

Orokin Empire…

Now that the Amplitude Crystal has appeared, one day the Warframe will come too.

Thinking of Andy, he smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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