Masako’s Life In An Abandoned World

Filler Chapter 2: Just A Normal Day

In a dimly lit room with the window wide open... The sun slowly rose as the stars slowly fade away along with the night sky.

Inside the room was a child with unusual animal ears as it drooped down from the side of her head. While her long messy white hair covered her body, there she slept soundly curled into a fetal position hugging her fluffy pillow under the blanket.

As the sound of the birds chirping, the rustling of the fallen leaves covered those faint songs.

In a few moments the girl woke from her slumber revealing her sapphire blue eyes reflecting light from the morning sun.


* * *

"Hngh— Ahh~"

I yawned as I woke up feeling refreshed since the time I got those sleeping pills from the 8th floor. But that's always the usual. I got up from my bed and decided to take a stroll after doing a bit of stretching.

Waking up early became a habit of mine even in my past life and even if I want to stay up late at night my body can't handle the built up fatigue and just shuts down.


Like that one time I tried to stay up late, I ended up sleeping on the cold hard floor. It was no surprise that I caught a cold. It was complete hell as it took me a week to recover.

Anyways back to where I was...

"Hm~ HmmMmmhmm~ MmHmMm~"

Walking around the floors with nothing much to do, I hum my favorite songs in my past life. Most of the time it got cut off half way or just me improvising as the details. My memory was getting more hazy as time went on.

Although I'm a bit scared that I might forget who I used to be, I decided take notes on those I wanted to remember.


In the office room on one of the floors I gathered more pieces of papers to write down or draw those memories of my past. Luckily, pens was still relevant in the future if not, I would be troubled in trying to find something I could write with.

"... There! I think that's how he looked like."


(image link:



Taking a look at the picture again.

"... Something feels wrong..."

No matter how much I look at the picture there wasn't anything different from what I remembered. At first, I thought about why his appearance looked weird, but when I tried remembering the another person I knew, the result were the same.

"Well... Whatever I'll just put this with the rest. "

Adding the picture to my folder filled with notes and other pictures from my memories. I then closed it and continued to write other things about my past life.


As the scratching of paper continued, the room around me felt cooler than what it was yesterday.

[Does winter come in this place?] I thought to myself.

If by chance it did, then I'm basically screwed, even with these thin blankets I'm wearing might not be enough if snow did fall.

"There's nothing around that looked like a heater..."

Since there weren't anything that looked like it, I just beared with it.

Few hours had passed and my alarm went off.


"I guess it's time to eat."

Putting my pen down, I clipped the cap to the folder to avoid losing it. Though my stomach felt light, I kept on ignoring it until it complained. It seem unhealthy but that's how I decided on how to ration the limited food I have in the kitchen.

Getting out of my chair and left the folder on the desk, I head towards the 8th floor.


At the kitchen, I used the can opener on the canned corn soup. I already ran out of Cornbeef since I was the 'eat the best food for first' person. How I regret those times on how much I spilled it with my butcher knife.

"To the pan you go!"

Pouring the corn soup to the frying pan, I turned on the stove to low fire since I'm scared of setting this building ablaze. As I'm waiting for it to boil, I count the number of cans left.

"11... 12...and 13!... Hm... 1 week left..."

As I only eat twice a day, there is always a time where I'll run out of food.

"I might have to go lower..."

With the elevator incident flashed through my mind. There is no way I could forget about the danger waiting for me down below.

As to take me out of those scary thoughts, the smell of corn float around the air.

"I guess it's already cooked." I head towards the boiling soup to turn of the stove.

After that, I grabbed myself a bowl and a spoon from the counter. For how I got them, I already washed the dishes of those irresponsible bastards that left that left rotting here. Though, I wasn't mad about the amount that was piling, but the work it took just to clean just enough for use.

Anyways back to what I was doing. I tilt the pan over the large bowl I had and start pouring it. As it took me both hands just to lift this pan, my arms start to wobble so I had to slowly fill it from time to time.


With the bowl filled I start blowing over it to cool it down.

"Fuu~ Haah... Fuuu~ Hm... I think, this is already good enough."

Taking out my spoon and dipping it to the bowl, I taste tested it, then soon start devouring it. With the warmth passing to my belly, I felt satisfied now that I'm full.


I looked at the bowl again as there were left overs, thinking it would be a waste to throw it out, I grabbed a plate it used it as a cover.

As I finished eating, I head towards the sink and start washing the spoon I just used. After that, I placed it to the counter with the plates and utensils I washed in my free time.


Leaving the kitchen, I went back upstairs with the folder I left from the office. Leaving the folder on my bed, I then went to the bathroom.

"~ ~ ~"

As I'm filling the tub with water, I sat on the toilet while the running water covered the noise of relieving myself. It felt uncomfortable at first on how it sometimes drip awkwardly when I stood back up, but then I learned how to clean it with a bidet and wipe it with a towel.

Just as I finished, I looked over the tub which is almost half way full. Grabbing myself a bottle of shampoo and soap, I closed the faucet and soaked myself in the tub.


With soap bubbles floating around me, I let hair down and submerged my lower half in water. Sitting against the edge, relaxing, I looked over my small peach white hands with a perverted grin plastered on my face.



With the sound of water splashing masking my soft moans, I had my hands tightly gripping the base of my ears. Just yesterday, I managed to stay conscious for a moment when I dug my fingers past through the wall of cotton-like fur underneath my ears.

"Haa... Hna~ hahh.. Aah~"

As my body tensed up, I can feel my temperature rising as waves of pleasure course through the base of my neck throughout my entire body. Upon discovering such addicting feeling, I couldn't stop myself whenever I started it.

"Ahn-Nnngh~ Hah-hhaahh... "

With every passing moment, my head convulsed trying to make the overbearing bliss I'm experiencing to stop. It was the reason I tightly gripped my ears, sure it hurts but the extreme satisfaction I received will be more than enough compensation.

My body then gradually felt weak and I'm starting to black out. With a last ditch effort, I pushed my fingers as deep as I can go.


The world then split into four as I blacked out hearing a high pitch static noise before my chest starts to burn.


"GuaaAAHH— Hack!"

Rising out from the water, I violently coughed out the liquid that flooded my lungs. After doing so, I limped my upper body over the edge of tub with saliva dripping down.

[Let's pretend that didn't happen...]

- - - - -

At the rooftop were the wind flutters my cloth, I didn't bother to hold it anymore as there was probably no one out there to see me like this. Spending the rest of my day sunbathing, I stood there, at the ledge looking down.


Despite my living situation stablized as of late, the only thing missing was human interaction.

"... I miss him..."

Although I could no longer remember his name, the time we spent together were one of the happiest moments in my life. I've been isolated for at least a month now. There's a limit how much I can handle being alone.


I silently stood there with my gaze locked towards the ground. With a gust of wind pulling back my hair, I sat down instead and looked at the setting sun painting the sky in red. While the stars starts to shine and the cloud turns to grey, I looked at the object right beside me.

"How much longer..."

As the progress bar on the screen almost full, it then shuts down as it fully received the light for the day.

"Haa... Just one more day..." I got up and went on my way down stairs.

- - - - -

With the small flashlight wrapped on my neck, which I found in the supply room, I then head down towards the kitchen and reheated corn soup I made today.


Having eaten dinner under the pitch black room, I went back upstairs then into my room. Turing off the flashlight which made the stars beyond my window my only light source.

Swallowing a sleeping pill, I washed it down with water from a medium sized beaker. Ending my day, I lay down on my bed and buried myself the heap of blankets.

[Good night...]

As the freezing wind came in from my window.

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