Master Druid at Hogwarts

Chapter 70 Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher

Chapter 70 Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher
As night fell, Fish, who was exhausted from fighting the Snitch in the lounge again, put away his newly acquired toys, and drilled out of the hole in the wall to start a routine patrol of the territory.

Fish has been very happy these past few days. He doesn't have to read those magic books that make cats dizzy, and he doesn't have to smell the smell that cats can't avoid on smelly guys, and he flies tirelessly Toys can be played with.

Not to mention the variety of delicious food that has never been missing, and a group of different kinds of good friends to accompany him to play with.

Although Fisch's golden snitch accidentally lost one two days ago, he had already taken an extra one just in case, and even if he lost this one now, he could go to that strange room to get a new one.

Fei Xu is smart! <( ̄︶ ̄)>
Fisher, who was in a happy mood, raised his tail high, and the tip of his tail was slightly bent, forming a question mark shape, as he swaggered around the Hogwarts castle.

Unlike the joyous Fish, Quirinus Quirrell, who had sneaked back to Hogwarts, was very upset now.

Before, he managed to lure Fisch to the Room of Requirement, but this kid didn't play his cards according to the routine at all, and made himself wait all night.

After the mission failed, the Dark Lord, who did not accept excuses, severely punished Quirrell, and even made him think that he was going to die for a while, and Quirrell didn't want to recall the process at all.

After being punished, Quirrell had to ask Dumbledore for leave in order not to be discovered by Madam Pomfrey. He used the excuse of going out to do errands to recuperate outside for several days, and it was only today that he recovered.

And the culprit of all this is this damned cat boy who is wandering around the Hogwarts castle swaggeringly in front of him!
Quirrell, who was hiding aside, gritted his teeth and glared at Fisher who was bullying the portrait, wishing he could show up immediately and shoot Avada Kedavra at him.

However, he can only think about this kind of thing. Even if there is no risk of being discovered by Dumbledore, the Dark Lord will not allow him to do this, because they still have to use Fish to find out where the Philosopher's Stone is hidden. Where.

Although it seems that there is a high probability that the Philosopher's Stone is hidden in the trapdoor under the three-headed dog, it may also be a smoke bomb thrown by Dumbledore.

What's more, Quirrell and Voldemort don't know anything about what's going on under the trapdoor, so it's still necessary to control Fish and let him help find out the information.

"Meow!" ∑(=ΦДΦ=)
Fisch, who was sharpening his claws with a picture frame and screaming at the knight in the picture, suddenly felt a chill all over his body, and the hair all over his body exploded automatically.

The beast's intuition was activated again. Fish arched his back, lowered his ears, and looked around for a while in surprise, but he didn't find anything wrong around him.


Fish's body gradually relaxed, and then he tilted his head in doubt.

Is it the sequelae of reading too much before?Caused problems with his own spells?'s all Minerva's fault!

Fish couldn't help but think this way in his little head.

"Are you trying to escape? You bloody wild cat! Our duel is not over yet!"

Sir Cadogan's roar interrupted Fish's thoughts, and he waved a spear that was completely harmless to Fish in the portrait, constantly provoking.

"Come on! Coward! I will nail your pathetic corpse to the wall just like I killed the Wyvern back then!"

"Meow!" (=`Д=)

Fish stopped thinking about the beast's intuitive feedback, turned his head and threw himself under Sir Cadogan's portrait, scratching his frame so that sawdust flew away.

Minerva had told her not to break the portraits, but she hadn't said she wasn't allowed to break the frames.

Fico is a good and obedient cat...when he wants to be obedient.

"Stop! You little thieves cat! Don't engage in these petty tricks! Come and have an upright duel with me!"

Sir Cadogan angrily poked in Fisch's direction with his long spear, but unfortunately his long spear could not pierce the canvas, so it could not prevent Fisch from destroying his frame.


So Fish scratched harder.

After almost tearing the lower edge of Sir Cadogan's frame, Fish finally lost interest in this yelling portrait. He wagged his tail, turned his head and ran towards a passing ghost .

"Don't try to run away! Coward! Our duel will continue! You little hairy bastard!"

Sir Cadogan's yelling and cursing came from behind him constantly, but Fish didn't bother to pay attention at all, mainly because... he didn't understand what the dirty words from that tin jar meant.

Besides, in Fisher's cognition, the tin can has already been defeated by himself, and now it is just clamoring helplessly.

Fish rushed to the side of the passing ghost in three steps and two steps, stretched out his little claws and pulled him.

"It's you again, little guy!"

This ghost is an old acquaintance of Fish, and he is the one who was constantly picked on when Fish first entered school.

This is a fat Victorian ghost named Edmund Grubb, who died at the entrance of the Great Hall of Hogwarts because he accidentally ate poisonous plums, so when Edmund was in a bad mood When he is good, he will stand where he died and prevent other living people from entering and eating.

"Meow~" (=ΦωΦ=)

Fisch ignored Edmund's warning gaze, stretched out his claws again, and pulled him twice.

Although you can't meet these humans exuding silver-white light, this icy cold feeling is actually quite interesting.

"Stop it! You naughty little guy!"

Edmund had to fly into the air to avoid Fisher's little claws. He growled dissatisfiedly: "Hogwarts is really getting worse and worse in terms of managing students! Back then, no student dared to act so boldly!"

After finishing speaking, Edmund continued to rise and flew to the upper floor through the ceiling, because he knew that if he didn't run, that annoying Animagus student would climb up the wall and continue paw yourself...

At this time, Fish had already used the spider walk technique to stand on the wall.

Seeing Edmund leaving through the ceiling, Fish didn't intend to go around the long way upstairs to find him, so he continued to use the spider-walking technique, walking leisurely along the wall all the way, four little claws Stepping past more than a dozen portraits hanging on the wall, the characters in the portraits scolded one after another.

But he wasn't even afraid of the noisy portraits of tin cans, let alone these "unarmed" portraits.

After walking along the wall for a while, countless portrait figures were awakened. Only then did Fish jump off the wall contentedly, and then wandered towards other floors.

Professor Quirrell patiently followed Fish through floor after floor, watching him mischief around Hogwarts wasn't the first time anyway.

It wasn't until the middle of the night that Fish, who had had enough fun, ran to the kitchen for a supper. Then, as usual, he took the packed food to the fourth floor and the top of the west tower for Lu Wei and the owls. Send food.

After finishing all this, Fish didn't call Comey to take him back to the dormitory like before, because a thought popped into his little head just now, since the Snitch can appear in the Room of Requirement, isn't it? What about other toys?

Voldemort, who controlled Quirrell's body, took back his wand silently. During the period of Quirrell's cultivation, he also used the potion to recover a little bit of strength. Due to the previous failure and a little impatient waiting, so He forcibly took over Quirrell's body just now.

Unlike Quirrell's clumsy method of making a lot of noises to lure Fish, Voldemort only needs to quietly release a hint spell, and he can let Fish take the initiative to enter without alarming Dumbledore or attracting the attention of others. The hidden spot of the House of Requirement.

So under the influence of the hinting spell, Fish once again came to the tapestry where the giant beat Barnaba with a stick, and then walked back and forth three times in front of it.

【I want a room full of toys...preferably with a place to would be even better if there is a place to sharpen my claws...】

The kitty's thinking is always jumping abnormally. Fortunately, although Fisher's request is complicated, the Room of Requirement still responds to his request.

Pushing open the smooth door, what appeared in front of Fish this time was a dreamy room full of cat toys, cat climbing frames and cat litters.

"Meow -!" (=ω=)

Excited, Fisch threw himself into the pile of toys in front of him, completely unaware that the door behind him had closed automatically, and a figure covered in a black robe quietly appeared.

"Soul out of the body!"


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 One more chapter first, and two more chapters tonight.

  Originally, I planned to change the word W like the previous one, but after reading the archived manuscript... I gave up...

  But today the three chapters add up to more than 7K and nearly 8K, which is almost the same if you round it up... right?

(End of this chapter)

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