Master of the False Hero Dungeon

2. Ambush!

A unit of 10 imperial soldiers led by a tall blonde knight, were marching along a road flanked by open fields on their right and a vast forest to left. The knight leading the unit turned her head and glared at one of the men following her and hissed “Eric if don’t stop staring at my ass, I’ll have you whipped until dusk.”

Eric cowered “I’m sorry Captain Kaitlyn, it’s been a month since we set out, I’m just losing a little bit of focus. Please forgive me.”

“Enough with the excuses” growled Kaitlyn “we should be getting close to the border with the barbarians, once we find a village you can play with the women there to your heart’s content. But until then focus, we are here to capture slaves not to gawk at your commanding officer.”

Hopefully, we find one of these barbarian villages soon, the gawking stares of my men are making me sick. I’m getting tired of all these covert slaving missions, hopefully, the command to start the invasion is issued before I get stuck doing another slave run.

“I’ve had enough marching for one day, we’ll set up camp in the woods” ordered Kaitlyn “Eric go scout our surroundings, make sure the site is safe and look for signs of a village nearby. The sooner we are done in these filthy lands the better.”

The men started to set up camp, as Kaitlyn made her way towards a nearby stream. She looked down and thought, the water looks clean enough. “Carl once you’ve finished setting up my tent, heat some of this water and bring it to me.” Ordered Kaitlyn.

Time passed as Kaitlyn retreated to her tent, and not long after carl delivered a few buckets of steaming hot water. Kaitlyn dismissed the young soldier and stripped. She was tall for a woman about 180cm (5’11”) and had sharp features, blue eyes, and a straight nose. She reached up behind her head and untied her ponytail, her hair fell to just below the shoulders.

Kaitlyn then unwrapped the cloth that held her breasts in place under her armor. She sighed; it always feels nice to take that sweat trap off. She then grabbed a soft cloth and soaked it in the hot water. Kaitlyn began to clean herself using the cloth, she started by washing her face and moved down her body wiping away all the sweat and dirt that built upon the road. She thought to herself, I can’t wait to have a real bath once I get back.

There was a shout interrupting her relaxation “captain Eric has returned and said he scouted a party of barbarian adventures”

Kaitlyn sighed not even a moment to relax and said “bring Eric here I’ll be out in a few minutes”

Kaitlyn then grabbed a dry cloth to wipe all the water from her body and started to get dressed again. A few moments later she stepped outside her tent to see eric waiting, and her men preparing for battle. She turned to Eric and commanded “report?”

Eric reported “Captain I scouted a barbarian party of 4, 2 women and 2 men. All equipped lightly, one man looks to be a warrior, he carries a large two-handed sword but isn’t currently dressed in armor. The second man looks to be a thief or a rogue, I couldn’t spot his weapons, but he likely has them hidden on his body. One woman had a bow, she left on their wagon as they started setting up their camp, and the other looked mage dressed in robes.”

“Good job Eric, we’ll attack when they are settled in for the night. I want the warrior shot, that should panic them. Carl, I need you to gag that mage as quickly as possible. You two” she pointed towards two of the soldiers “get in there as fast as possible and restrain the other women before she can rearm herself.” Kaitlyn pointed at another two soldiers and commanded “you two, same thing, capture him before he’s able to offer any resistance. Everyone else offers support where needed. Let’s go!”

Kaitlyn smiled. Finally, I can get some information from these barbarians. I’ll let my men have some fun with the women, that ought to keep them from gawking at me for a while, and I’ll have them bring the man to me for interrogation.

Leo had just finished talking to his party and was currently laying down in his bedroll about to try and go to sleep when he heard Ashley scream. He looked to see what was wrong and saw Thomas falling with an arrow sticking through his neck. Ashley rushed to his side, panicking, trying to do anything to help. But Thomas was already gone.

Leo could see the shadows of men rushing towards Ashley and Vara in the dark. Neither of the women had noticed the men quickly closing in on them. Leo struggled out from his bedroll and grabbed the two daggers that were laying next to him. He could now see the faces of the two men closing in on Vara. Both twisted with excitement. Vara looked his way and started to cast a spell, when a pair of hands grabbed her, restraining her body.

Leo lunged forward preparing to stab the man that was currently shoving a cloth into Vara’s mouth when something hit from behind. Leo stumbled to the ground and before he could lift himself up, he felt two weights land on him, keeping him from moving. “Stop struggling” yelled the man that had just jumped on his back as he hit Leo’s head. Disorientated Leo tried to knock the men off him, but it was useless he couldn’t move under the weight of the two men that had pinned him to the ground. The man that was on his back grabbed both his arms, while the man that had pinned his legs began to tightly tie his wrist together with rope.

As Leo’s senses came back to him, he saw two men had Vara pinned and were currently tying her up the same way they tied him. He looked over at Ashley and saw her pinned on top of Thomas, her arms already tied. She wasn’t even struggling, just sobbing while looking at Thomas.

Leo felt a sharp tug on his shoulders, as one of the men had grabbed his arms and yanked him to his feet. As Leo looked around at the men, he noticed their armor and silently cursed to himself “fuck, imperial soldiers.” What is a squad of imperial soldiers doing this close to Rhyne, no it doesn’t matter we are fucked.

Leo was taken first, behind him was Vara followed by Ashley. A soldier on each side of us holding our arms, there was a knight in front of me, a soldier following up the back and the two remaining soldiers were taking up the left and right perimeter.

They aren’t leaving any room for me to escape, what the fuck do I do. Leo looked around desperately trying to find any possible way to escape. The soldier on Leo’s left noticed this and hit his head again while yelling “eyes forward.” The squad of imperial soldiers kept them marching, every time Leo tried to look for any possible route of escape the soldier on his left would yell and hit him. He was powerless to resist.

They soon reached the soldier’s camp, the knight in front of Leo took off his helmet revealing long blonde hair. Leo then heard a female voice say, “Carl get the whip and bring me the rogue, the rest of you can do whatever with the women just don’t kill them, they can serve the entire company once you’re done with them.” in a commanding tone.

Leo and the girl's faces went white in fear, they were powerless to stop whatever was about to happen to them. 

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