Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 44

Chapter 43 Framing

“Renault, with your current level of mana and mental power, you can already learn the mana meditation technique of the awakened…”

“Focusing on the mind, mind, and spirit completely in Primitive Junior High, and letting the consciousness directly communicate with the sea of ​​magic power can improve magic power faster…”

While moving forward, Moose was teaching his own experience of practicing magic meditation, Renault and Angela listened carefully in the back.

After walking east for a long time, the three of them entered into a slightly sparse wood. At this time, the sun has gradually shifted to the west, but the sunlight is still hot. The sunlight penetrates the dense branches and leaves and hangs countless beams of light in the forest. poetry.

A strange tree with a height of no more than 20 meters generally grows here. The trunk does not grow upright, but stretches upwards crookedly, with a diameter of only more than 2 meters, unlike trees that often exceed 4 meters.

Its leaves are quite beautiful, the leaves are oval, nearly half a meter in length, and the color is extremely green. At first glance, the whole forest is green.

The most impressive thing is that this tree actually bloomed!

There are many fist-sized flowers hanging on each branch, but the color is quite rare light green. Countless flowers bloom at the same time, making the forest filled with a thick fragrance.

This kind of tree seems to be very domineering, except for the grass, no other plants can be seen on the ground.

At this moment, a green object suddenly fell from the distant tree and fell into the grass. When the three of them saw this, Renault couldn’t help but look up at the tree.

Among the layers of branches and leaves, Renault vaguely saw a very faint shadow disappearing into the emerald green.

The sound of “Zhengzheng” drawing the sword immediately sounded, and Moose held the heavy sword tightly and walked carefully towards the thing.

Angela’s reaction was also very quick. She took off the light shield with her left hand and drew a sharp swift sword with her right hand to guard Moose’s flanks.

With a thought to Renault, 8 sharp black metal spikes immediately flew out, firmly protecting the periphery of the three of them, Renault drew out the cross sword by himself, and followed the two of them to walk forward.

After killing those black orcs, Renault used the weapon materials of the black orcs to carefully smelt these 8 spikes, which is also the limit of his current control.

The length of the spikes is no more than 30 cm, and the outer surface is treated with a matte-like surface to prevent reflections. The ends are very sharp and the weight is not heavy. [Nian Power] is very easy to control, and it is incredibly flexible. Attacked from the blind spot.

Although this tactic is difficult to deal with the awakened, it is easy to deal with the ordinary black orcs, as long as they pierce through the weak armor area without preparing, it can cause serious damage.

It is a weapon for abuse!

When it was 5 or 6 meters away from that thing, Renault immediately used [Nian Power] to separate the grass.

At this time, the three of them finally saw what this thing looked like.

This is a pale green insect with a body length of more than half a meter. The surface of the body is covered with circles of dark green stripes, and the body is covered with a hard carapace.

There are a pair of thin-film wings on the back, the body is divided into obvious head, chest, and abdomen, with four pairs of sharp feet, and a pair of green tentacles on the head.

Its mouthparts are very developed, occupying almost half of the head, and its appearance is extremely hideous. You can clearly see a few rows of shining sharp teeth. Obviously, if you bite on the prey, there will definitely be a few rows of deep blood holes.

The most amazing thing is that its tail has four slender black spikes, one is very short, and the other three are 20 cm long. The tips of the spikes are covered with green mucus, which makes people intuitively feel this affirmation. It’s a stinger.

Renault couldn’t help but wonder, why the stinger is different in length and its purpose?

But it was dead, and it looked like it had been bitten by a beast. There were obvious tooth marks on its head and chest, and its abdomen was also bitten. There was a lot of white mucus flowing out of the tooth marks.

The moment he saw it, Renault thought of the wasp on earth.

Although the size is very different, but the appearance is relatively similar, the wasp is a social insect, and this guy is most likely also.

What’s bad is that a dead poisonous bee fell from the tree somehow, just on the way of the three of them, and he didn’t believe it was just a coincidence.

It’s more like a deliberate attempt by a certain man behind the scenes!

So what does this man behind the scenes want to do?


Plant the death of this flying insect on them, and then its companion will retaliate fiercely against the three of them. From this, it can be inferred that the companion of the poisonous bee must be nearby and will come over soon.

Thinking of this, Renault’s face became extremely ugly. He quickly thought of the dark shadow flashing on the tree. He dare to conclude that that guy must have done it!

But now the top priority is to leave quickly, and he sighed: “Run, we are in the middle, and the companion of the poisonous bee is coming soon…”

Angela and Moose also woke up, and the three of them turned around and ran wildly without hesitation.

However, they heard a dense “buzzing” sound before they had even run a few steps.

The three of them looked back at the same time, and their expressions changed drastically.

A black and crushed poisonous bee appeared in the distance. Their appearance was very similar to the dead poisonous bee, and they obviously belonged to the same colony.

What’s more frightening is that there are at least more than 200 of them, and they fly extremely fast!

Although he had already expected it, Renault’s heart sank.

The swarm of bees flew towards them immediately, the distance between the two sides quickly narrowed, and the “buzzing” of the wings became clearer.

Moose decisively shouted: “Ready to fight!” The three stopped running, and turned to put on a battle formation.

Although there are many poisonous bees, the threat is not great, because there are mana spars that can detoxify, so don’t worry too much about the venom, plus Renault’s special ability, the poisonous bees will definitely not help them.

Renault put away most of the metal spikes, leaving only two for emergency use. The spikes are not very effective against this kind of bee colony that is covered in hard shells.

Then he activated [Reverse Heat Conduction], preparing to create a heat shield.

The wings of a venomous bee are just a thin film. As long as hot air ignites the thin film, the threat is reduced by half.

As long as Renault intercepts most of the poisonous bees, even if the rest of the poisonous bees break into the heat shield, the pressure on Moose and Angela is not great. If the heat shield is thick enough, maybe no poisonous bee can break through.

Under the control of mental power, an endless stream of magic energy poured into the rune array, and the air temperature began to rise rapidly.

However, Renault suddenly discovered something very bad.

When outputting magic energy, he actually felt a resistance if there was no such thing, just like a large amount of sediment accumulated in the river, causing the river to flow unsmoothly, and the flow rate of the magic energy was significantly reduced.

And as time goes by, the resistance becomes larger and the flow rate becomes lower and lower.

Renault couldn’t help but murmur secretly. At this extremely critical moment, the aftermath of insufficient mana output is too serious.

If the mana is insufficient, the heat shield will not be able to reach a sufficient temperature or reach a sufficient coverage area, and the probability of a venomous bee breaking through will greatly increase.

In other words, this is related to the life and death of the three!

After Renault told Moose and Angela about this, their faces became ugly.

A huge doubt arose in his heart: Is the magic block just a mere coincidence?

No, this is certainly not a coincidence!

He has been in the Black Forest for so long and has never encountered such a situation. Why did he only appear after encountering a poisonous bee? So this must be the mastermind behind the scenes.

As for the reason for the magic block, Renault thought of the answer in an instant-the environment!

What is unique here? Twisted weird tree? Green flowers? Or a diffuse floral fragrance?

Floral! It must be floral!

No matter how strange the tree and the leaves are, just look at them, there is no direct contact, it is impossible for magical energy to block.

The culprit can only be the fragrance of flowers. There must be some special substance in this smell, which will unknowingly affect the spiritual power, causing the spiritual power to be unable to smoothly manipulate the magic energy!

Only this kind of explanation is the most reasonable, because in the high-dimensional world, only spiritual power can communicate with the high-dimensional world, and the fragrance of flowers cannot directly affect the magical energy.

Therefore, this is actually not a magic block, but a mental block!

So how to solve it?

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