Maxing out my luck in a cultivation world

Deimos, Incarnation of Terror

As the sun starts to rise from the horizon, Byron finishes up her training. She hasn't broken through or anything. Suddenly when Byron finishes her training, a system notification pops up.


Supreme Deity of Creation

Would like to contact you!

[Accept] (Locked option [Deny]) ]

'I was out here... for over a month surviving on my own... and they're contacting me now?!' slightly disappointed that she wasn't contacted sooner she selects her only option.... Accept

"hohohoho It's me your friendly supreme deity.... I didn't tell you my name did I? hohohoho" the system menu shows a video feed of the supreme deity with a little [o Live] in the top right corner of the screen.

"so... I'm guessing you looked away for what is a fraction of time for you? is that why it took you over a month to contact me?" Byron says with a confused tone

"Ding ding ding! bingo you got it, one month for me is what a second for you is, I've lost count of my age after billions of years went by to be honest with ya hohohoho" the Supreme deity says while stroking a beard that somehow appeared right when it went to do it.

"I have a few questions for you..... if you don't mind me asking" Byron says while looking at the shifting mass that is this deity, still unable to fully tell what a lot of the creatures in it are.

"I don't mind, but lets get through with what I wanted to talk with you about first! hohohoho" the deity chuckles while seeing how far Byron has progressed

"Fair enough...." sounding disappointed, Byron listens to the deity.

"My first order of business is my name.... then its yours! I forgot to rename you hohohoho" the deity dropped the bombshell of renaming Byron

"My name.... well I have many! to you supreme humans I'm sometimes known as god. To people from this universe I am known by many names.... like Yahweh, Brahma, Ptah, Azathoth, and many more.... you can call me Yahweh as its easy and rolls off the tongue nicely"

"Onto my second order of business, I forgot to name you hohohoho! Henceforth Deimos will be your new name, hope you like it because I'm not changing it for you!"

The instant Yahweh uttered Deimos' new name, a powerful energy started to surround her body... instantly she feels much stronger. Its like.... she broke through many levels but didn't at the same time.

[Named by Supreme Deity Yahweh, (EX grade Omniversal) +50,000 achievement points]

{Notice: reward limited by system creator, other points will be distributed within other achievements for balance reasons)

[Title earned! Deimos, Incarnation of Terror (EX rank Legendary (growth type))

intimidation potency increased by 200%, All fear/terror felt against User will be increased by 200%]

[New Achievement! First Title Acquired +500 Achievement points (doubled by Yahweh's boost)]

[Special Stat unlocked, Divinity]

[New Achievement, Special Stat Unlocked! +1000 Achievement points (doubled by Yahweh's boost)]

"I see the effects of getting named are kicking in! especially by one of my stature hohohoho. When you go to sleep your power boost will be completed... you've probably noticed from the "Yahweh's boost" thing but I spread out the nine hundred undecillion (9 with 38 zeros) achievement points from getting named by me throughout all other achievements! hohohoho"

Standing with a face full of shock Deimos says "I... Wha..... New Stat?! I..... uh... have so many questions....."

"Hohoho! I'll answer 3 questions... If I like the question I won't count it!" seeing what Yahweh has done with just a few words the deity seems satisfied.

"What does divinity do? I haven't seen anything like it as a stat"

"Ah that! It's quite simple hohohoho, think of it as a multiplier to your stats and talent! It is quite special in that way..... Keep in mind that its a special stat that those at the peak of power "immortals" use to progress furthur. Keep in mind stat points can't be distributed into it, you will need to do specific missions, complete milestones. Next question hohoho"

"Sounds powerful, So.... Does naming always do this? Or like..... is it special"

"Ah names! What happened to you is special, hmm... I'll give an example! We have some very high level cultivators and some low level cultivators like you... they both just had a kid, when the high level cultivators name the kid they use some of their power to grant it to the child.

Anyone without massive amounts of power can't grant any power so the name won't do anything! That will still count as a name though so getting a insanely high level cultivator who can do it to name them will do nothing. Little to no-one in the universe knows of this because you have to be at least an immortal for it to work. Next question is your last! hohohoho"

"My last? guess I wasn't asking good enough questions.... Well..... my last question is what should I do to gain power from this point on!" knowing the answer to this would be very important for her future, Deimos prepares for the answer

"Good Question! A smart one too hohohoho, I'll give you a rundown and for future reference I'll do a little something special! hohohoho

What you need now are 3 synergizing powerful cultivation techniques! With your current amount of Achievement points, which have reached 52890 because of me. You're welcome by the way hohohoho!

Anyways as I was saying, with your amount of points you can get synergizing cultivation techniques. Make sure to get the most difficult ones because those ones are more powerful for cheaper and allow for you to rapidly increase your mastery!

With the leftover points you should get yourself a fighting technique, preferably one in technique form that you have to learn yourself... because again it's better for the price. Getting a pre-cooked dish from a restaurant is more expensive then making your own version, Right? hohohoho

Just like the analogy before entails, its learning it on your own so you won't instantly be a master, like skills. When cooking for the first time you aren't instantly master level am I right? hohohoho But with enough practice you can get even better then the skill version.

Anyways, your next step would be getting cultivation materials from the shop after farming some more achievement points from monsters or quests. Speaking of quests before any of this make sure to finish your current quest for some spare change! That's about all I have for you.... I'll make a little section in your system as a guide for you! That'll take the last question chance though... not that I care hohohoho"

"Well thank you Yahweh..... I don't really know how else to respond to this but thanks for letting me ask some questions..... I'll buy myself those cultivation techniques soon" taking in all that information Deimos feels a bit tired... or is it because she got named? She can't tell.

"Well my little Deimos you should rest now! hohohoho I'll be going now!" Suddenly the system window closes and Deimos feels a drowsy sensation wash over her as if Yahweh was keeping her awake. She considers checking her stats now.... but decides to sleep first.

Returning to the house which was a few steps away, she closes the door and goes to sleep.

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