Maxing out my luck in a cultivation world

Demon Blood

At this point, Deimos isn't focused on getting Asmodeus out or questioning him. There has to be a way out of this mountain, right? Or else she would have to release him and get him to break her out... Would he even do that?

Scoffing at the predicament she was stuck in, with no escape from the room in sight, he was probably her only option. What was she supposed to do anyways... After thinking for a while, she thought to herself

'What if I got some sort of binding contract or anything to keep him from killing me right as I set him free? hmmmmm that might work....'

Opening up the system menu and looking at the item shop, she searched for anything like binding vows, binding contracts, something to keep him from killing her right as she released him because a simple promise wouldn't be enough to convince her.

She finally came across something that caught her eye, it was called the

[ Binding Blood Vow, (S rank common binding vow)

Both sides of the vow will place a drop of blood on this contract sheet after the user clearly designates the terms of the vow. Once both sides place a drop of blood on the sheet, both parties will be required to follow said vow at the cost of their cultivation if it is broken.

(Special Item feature: User can force the contract to take effect with the other party's blood, but both sides will get the effects of the contract and the vow will last for one week.)

Cost - 1000 achievement points]

Buying the vow, a sheet of paper appears in front of her with exactly what she was thinking on it, Asmodeus will be unable to harm Deimos after agreeing to this contract, at the expense of losing his cultivation if he does.

With the contract in her hand, she brings it over to the Demon Lord in front of her, showing it to him.

"I will refuse to let you out if you don't agree to this term, I don't trust you enough to let it happen and we both want to leave this place, so that's that."

Speaking directly to her mind, Asmodeus tells her, "No, I will not agree to such a contract, for if we become enemies in the future, I will most assuredly be killed by you."

Sighing to herself, she tells him, "So be it."

Putting a drop of her blood on the contract, it shone with an ethereal, red, and smoky aura. Walking up to Asmodeus, she stirs up one of his wounds, causing a small drop of blood to drip onto the contract. 

A shroud of red mist covers them both individually as the contract paper shatters into millions upon millions of pieces. The blood vow was now ingrained into their blood itself, so they could tell all the details whenever they wanted. Including the time limit of 7 days.

Asmodeus seemingly sighed to himself, even though he couldn't really even speak. Then he told her, 'Well, you certainly have trust issues.... and you never even asked any questions.... You know what, Can you just free me already?'

Hearing his plea, and knowing she is safe from his wrath, she finally goes to remove the chains binding him, and the spikes restraining him. Using the strength of a supreme human, she took apart the seal piece by piece, completely forcefully.

As the last chain was released, a dark aura began to emanate from Asmodeus' body that sent shivers down Deimos' spine. Asmodeus had planned this very day of his release so much that he knew exactly what to do.

Using the dense Qi in the air around them, he started repairing his body and absorbing it into nutrients like food. Rapidly healing himself back to his prime state, still with damaged cultivation and all that. But it was sufficient for him to break out.

After healing up, his body was much more handsome than before, with rippling muscles and a powerful and piercing gaze. Asmodeus knew that Deimos now had no doubts that she wouldn't be harmed by him..... knowing that he told her, "How's about I give you a little gift for your troubles?"

Seeing Asmodeus sound genuine, and him being under the contract that made him unable to harm her, she felt no reason to deny a gift.

In a nonchalant manner, Deimos says, "I'll take it, sure." 

Grinning now that he got permission from her, he instantly appears in front of her with such speed that she couldn't react. He forcefully takes hold of her mouth and forces her to drink at least a liter of his blood, while she was struggling the whole time.

[Bloodline detected - "Demon God Bloodline" (0.05%)]

[Assimilate bloodline?

 (yes) (no) ]

Thinking to herself in that split second, 'Demon god bloodline? Sounds strong'

Selecting yes with her mind, she feels herself going limp, she is losing more and more control over her body by the second, the blood she was fed by Asmodeus was racing through her body and being assimilated instead of dominating like it should have.

Asmodeus, obviously having experience with doing this before, scooped her limp but conscious body up into his arms, and he dashed to the exit, breaking through everything in his path. Laying her down at the entrance of the cave, he forms some sort of symbol in the air in front of him that flies directly into her hand, burning itself into her skin like a tattoo.

You can contact me with this; think of it as a sort of gift. I will come to your aid as you have come to mine, I will teach you some ways to fight in the future, but as of this moment, I will do no such thing. Let my blood dominate, being of my bloodline is much better than being a mere human being.

Spreading his wings wide, Asmodeus bolts into the air and out of the cave, flying away from Deimos' helpless form as she takes control over the new bloodline and reforms it into a combination with her own.

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