Maxing out my luck in a cultivation world

Sect Entrance Exam

"Would you like to join the Great Dao sect? You have great potential."

------{Side Quest!}------
(Easy rank quest)
Join the great Dao Sect!
Time limit: now
Reward: +10 luck, +500 achievement points, 1 technique enlightenment scroll

With her divine form, she felt like she would just trust her gut, not question it, and just accept. Her luck was overflowing at the moment anyway. Plus, the time limit on her main quest was one year.... so what was the worst that could happen, right?

"I accept" she says, using her weak mastery of probability manipulation to shift luck to her side. The boost from her divine form was helping too.

[Rewards Granted]

[Luck 114 ⎯⎯> 124]

[+500 achievement points]

[Technique Enlightenment Scroll added to inventory!]

Elder Shoushan motions for Deimos to sit at the desk in the middle between the window he was looking through and another on the other side that peered down to the same area. "Come, sit. I shall make a few arrangements for your entrance test."

Deimos strides over to the front of the desk as Shoushan gracefully moves behind it. "Now that you are becoming a disciple of the Great Dao Sect, what is your name and age?"

Deimos responds, deciding to go with an age that would make sense with her looks. "My name is Deimos, and I'm 18 years old."

Writing down on some sort of bamboo scroll with sewn-together sections, the scroll was labeled 'Deimos' as if dedicated to information on her or something. Rolling up the scroll, Elder Shoushan places it on the desk.

Raising his eyebrow, he asks, "Do you have a surname?"

Deimos rubs the back of her neck and bluntly states, "I do not have a surname."

Placing his arms on the table in front of them, he asks, "Alright, I guess; that's that."

Deimos decides to ask the big question floating in her mind: "Why did you accept me just like that... wasn't it a little⎯⎯ too simple?"

Nodding at her question, Elder Shoushan simply states, "We take in many disciples from all over the world for their extraordinary talent, their great potential, or their vigor. You, seem to have no cultivation at all, but you are powerful as is! You are one of a kind, I'd say."

Deimos couldn't help but be proud of herself, due to being complimented by such a powerful individual. She was silently congratulating herself while she was at it.

Deimos finally releases her divine form, causing the tattoos on her skin to fade away. This did not escape the eyes of the elder sitting before her. He simply became more curious about her.
Elder Shoushan decided to put the questions to the side for the moment, because he had to test her skills to see her placement in the sect after all.

Standing up from the desk and holding out his hand, Elder Shoushan told Deimos, "Grab ahold; I'll bring us to the testing grounds."

Deimos extends her arm and lightly grabs ahold of Elder Shoushan's hand. The moment her hand gripped his, the elder used his other hand to make a single Taoist rune in the air out of his qi.
As if the space around them warped, the world smeared in a whirlwind-like breeze, and they instantly appeared at a small training ground at what looked to be the base of the mountain.

There was a decently small building next to a staircase leading up the mountain on manually terraformed and evened out ground too. Nearby, there was an assortment of tools.

There was a box of talismans, a large assortment of weights, a fighting arena, and tomes that probably had some technique from the sect they use to test candidate's comprehension speeds.

After examining all of that, she noticed she was still holding Elder Shoushan's hand, so she released her grip⎯⎯ which he didn't seem to mind because he didn't tell her to let go... That must be the charm stat at work.

After she did her own examination of everything she could find, or at least halfway through, the elder interrupted her and said, "Enough messing around, let's begin. I have a few standard tests to administer here, and a special one."

Deimos stopped looking and poking around at every new thing she could find and said, "Alright, fine, let's get to it."

Elder Shoushan walked over to the box of talismans and pulled one out of it. "Your goal is to channel as much Qi as you possibly can through this talisman; if you aren't at the point where you can channel Qi, which I doubt, I will circulate the Qi in your body for you."
Deimos held out her hand and said, "I think I'll be fine on my own."

Placing the talisman in her hand, he steps back a small distance and tells her, "You may begin."

Deimos activates her divine form, causing the tattoos to cover her body once more. With that, she begins to channel her Qi through the talisman. The talisman shimmered in an ethereal golden tone before shattering into pieces.

As soon as the talisman shattered, its pieces began to multiply, shatter into smaller pieces, and multiply again, repeating until it could not be seen with anything other than Qi sense. Sensing Qi to see the outcome, all the shattered talisman pieces were gathering in a sort of shield around Deimos.

Taking a mental note of the very unique color of her Qi, Elder Shoushan walked up to her and, before she could react, threw an extremely powerful punch at her... probably not adding up to 1% of his strength. The barrier created from the talisman absorbed the impact and redirected it outward into a gust of wind that pushed Elder Shoushan back.

Nodding his head in approval, Shoushan said, "Very good, I will be breaking that barrier though, as it would interfere with other tests."

With even more speed and power, Elder Shoushan shattered the barrier in an instant. With precise enough control to leave Deimos completely unharmed, he began preparing for the next test in an instant. Making sure to write down her score, of course.

Next up is the cultivation talent test. Elder Shoushan retrieved a stone slab from the building nearby the stairs. It was engraved with designs of meditating cultivators, with a formation embedded into the top.

Placing the slab onto the ground and motioning for Deimos to sit on it, he tells her, "This will be used to measure your talent, Come, sit."

Deimos makes her way over and sits in the lotus position inside the formation, as she was told to. The formation began to do.... something. She couldn't quite tell what exactly it was doing, but she could feel it.

She began to float, emitting a golden aura of divine providence; her hair began to flow freely as if unrestrained by gravity; and..... the fate Qi around her was gathering unusually fast. Still very slow compared to normal Qi.... but very fast for fate Qi

Elder Shoushan was not expecting this; usually the slab emits a color to indicate a level of talent.... but this was a whole new phenomenon entirely.

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