Me and my Goddess

2. an Explanation


Ahh, yes, she is a Goddess that explains everything, right..??



"You are what a Goddess??? Does that mean all the gods and myths and so are real? "

"I... I don't know. Like you already noted, I am from a different universe, so that I wouldn't know about this one. But I don't 'feel' any other celestial being here which doesn't mean there aren't any. I am... not at peak performance. Just opening this portal took quite a large amount of my powers. And before you ask, as far as I know in my universe, I am the sole celestial. But once again, not at peak performance right now, and I haven't checked back at home in some time either, so maybe that has changed as well.."

"Thanks. That answer is a little disappointing. At least it doesn't upset anyone, I hope. But now to the real Question: SOULMATE like destined to be with each other."


Even though I don't see her, I was sure she had a big smile on her face after saying that. I just knew from the sound of her voice maybe she was right; I could already feel some kind of connection. Maybe just a placebo.  But before I could question her more, she continued.

"I am honestly so happy that I found you, and on top of that in your first cycle. Like nothing against second cyclers, but this is just even better. "


"...of rebirth. Souls get Reborn, most anyway. Unless you kill an innocent on purpose or you commit some other kind of grave sin. Also, retribution plays a part, also your kind all in all a complicated process. But one these severe cases, a different fate awaits you."


"Kinda. But also very different from what you'd imagine. Also, your idea applies to your people and this universe or just this planet, so I don't know if it is here or not, as I said. "

"Then how are you so sure..."

"I can feel it, your soul the very thing that makes you, you. I can feel that this is your first lifetime. I am just so happy that my fear didn't come true. I feared that I wouldn't notice your soul being born, or you just didn't exist. But I did feel it, and I was awoken from my centuries of slumber. Don't ask. I will explain everything."

"If souls get reborn, then how did mine get Born.?"

"Most people get reborn when their body is created a soul is allocated fitting to the body. Sometimes the system makes a mistake, and souls don't really fit like with trans people. But that mostly happens with newly formed souls. As I said, souls aren't only reborn, but some are newly born. This is also a pretty normal process. Souls can live without a body for a few years, so when more die than born, that isn't a problem. They just wait. But, when more people are born than die or some souls are banished from rebirth, then new souls get born to fill in the deficit. Born by the very universe they live in."

"And mine is one of them."

"Correct... Anyway, when your soul was born, it caused a Rip in the universe, presumably because I am your soulmate. Normally souls are connected with one from your own universe, a planet mostly. It serves to soul stability ankers it to something else without binding it in place. Just being around your other part makes you happy sadly, that means losing them also hurts the most. Eventually, they will reunite in this life or another. Anyway, for whatever reason, our connection is different not only across planets but also universes. My only guess is that since I am a Celestial being, it is different. I mean, before I knew about you, as I said, I feared I just didn't have a Soulmate. But somehow, the connection was formed and ripped Time and Space."

"You said Time does that. Explain why you only appeared now. No offense but 17 years is quite some time. Does that mean Time flows differently in your universe?"

"Yes and No. Yes, Time isn't equal between the Universes.  But I myself am limited to Time, so even though I am a God, I cant transcend Time. I don't Age, for example, but I will never be able to relieve something in the Past. And No, this isn't the reason. Its... I'm a little ashamed to say so, but... I took so long to wake up."

"Haha, you took 17 years to wake up."

"Don't laugh at me."

"I'm not... It's just I too take quite some time to wake up in the morning, and I guess compared to our lifespan..."




"Well... You probably didn't create a Portal to talk to me about waking up."



"I came to you because is need you, my soulmate, to be truly happy, truly fulfilled ...  and I need your help. I also need your help. So I guess its time to explain:

At the beginning of my universe, everything was created. What you call the Big Bang also happened in mine, but it didn't create just planets, stars, and other Physical Objects. It also created me, my soul?"




"I'm 18 billion years old, not 14."

"That means you are older than my entire universe. That's so cool."


"But wasn't that super boring? I mean, I am bored super fast, so how did you survive Billions of years doing nothing."

"Life. Around 5 billion years after my birth, life was created. I don't know how not even to this day. But it changed everything as I wasn't alone anymore. It kept my company even if it couldn't see me. And also sleep. Not sleep in the form you know it. Millions of years at a time, I didn't move just waiting, falling in some sort of stasis."

"Like before I awoke you?"

"No... That time was different. That was deeper, and I couldn't awake even if I wanted to. Let me explain back to when first life was born, as I said. I was interested, no fascinated, in the first other things that moved on their own apart from me. Planets did move, but only on a set path. Water did move but only with the current. But life was different. It formed its own path made decisions choices. Later I realized those were just complex chemical reactions, no real choices. Luckily that was about when the first real independent things got created. Souls, now I know they are the only thing that can create a truly random outcome. A dice feels random, but in reality, the results are based on the input, but souls are different. They can make choices and decisions unlike anything else. I regret discovering life so late, but I didn't even think about things so small, smaller than the smallest rocks back then. Back then, I thought plants were small, like dust in space.  But by coincidence, I discovered some microscopic cells, and then I was hooked.

I was watching as it grew and flourished for Billions of years on different planets, different life different paths. But at some point, I wasn't satisfied with watching. I wanted to be part of it, so I created my own body. Back then, Humans weren't even a thing."

"Humans you in your universe there are also Humans?"

"Yes, and there were some of the most interesting, as you might imagine. I, too, was surprised that humans evolved so similar here as to where I'm from, But 'my' Humans are older and evolved with magic involved, so they split up into different races."

"Magic, THERE IS MAGIC?  Please repeat that and explain."

"Yes, there is magic. That's where I come in. As I said, I created my own body billions of years ago. At first, it was a normal body like any other, but after ages, I noticed that I could do more than the average Beast. My Souls somehow infused my body with power, so as the time came to change the planet and check up on some others, I didn't leave my Body but traveled with it, just changing appearance, and over the ages, my body grew only stronger. At some point, I was able to travel in a near instance from planet to planet over Millions of Light Years, like when I didn't have a body. Back with the rather unintelligent beast that didn't matter, they reviewed me as their immortal Queen but didn't question it. But like I said, Humans were different, and as they started getting smarter and more like the ones today, they started asking me why I didn't die as their forefathers did. And they started to treat me like a God. But after some time, some envied me, and wars broke out. I killed thousands, if not millions, to protect my people. Back then, I did know about the soul already but didn't know how much they loved their bodies and what kind of pain I brought upon them and their acquaintances, so I paid no attention to it and had no remorse for the killing. Now, these wars and my mistakes are long in the past, Millions of years ago. But I knew some of my 'critics' were right. It wasn't right of me to keep all this power to myself, so I made a decision. I split my power-infused body and scatter it over the worlds. Thinking I could just create a new one. My old body should release magic to everybody. I was right. Magic flourished humans were able to absorb it. But there were consequences. I didn't see monsters who were hunted by humanity to near extinction could also absorb it, and their anger helped them. Using anger as your fuel for Magic was stronger than I could ever imagine. It turned out emotions were a great catalyst for mana, the pure form of magic. And anger and hatred are some of the strongest emotions. So not completely undeserved humanity and the monsters who also evolved into new forms with magic were now fierce enemies."

"Why didn't you try and fix it or help humanity or better try and fix their relationship with the monsters."

"... I wanted to, but something happened that I didn't account for. Because I inhabited the same body for billions of years, my soul somehow got bound to it. I didn't expect that because others change their body every time they die. But It was different for me when I tried to enter my new body. I was shocked the backlash created a huge explosion. Thankfully no inhabited planets were around. I can't remember what happened after that. I awoke just a few years ago."

"So that is why you need me. But does that mean you won't ever get a body? Because I would like.... you know..."

".... no... I know... I also thought about that, and the solution is simple: you have to collect my body parts."

"What??? I mean... doesn't that mean that magic will disappear from the universe."

"Not, I don't think so. I'm sure my limbs have released all the pent-up magic in them. But they were still the body of a celestial, so they shouldn't rot even after a million years."

"I guess that sounds kinda logical... if you consider that magic is real."

"Yes... so will you help me?"

"I would love to. I mean magic monster, different worlds... But... I don't think I can leave my family and friend behind."

"Haha, I thought you would say that after all, I know what kind of person you are, so I made some arrangements manipulation humans is something I can still do even as I am right now, even though I don't like it... anyways you can tell your family that you have been accepted to a college overseas in Japan or America wherever you want. And don't worry about time. I've waited for eons. A few months won't make a difference.  And once you are with me, sending you back won't be a big problem either." 

"Thanks, I think that should work. I will talk to my parents."

"You will find emails from collages. Just respond to the one you take, and I will talk to you again once you arrived at your new home."






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